Ann Reardon

easy pavlova recipe

Dessert Tubes

Dessert Tubes

  This is the most fun dessert you'll ever eat! Be prepared for some hilarious, almost musical, sound effects as your friends and family slurp back on the tubes. Then BOOM! A flavor hit all at once. Unless you're running a Weight Watchers meeting, guests will definitely want more than one. ... »

chocolate pavalova easy gourmet dessert recipe how to cook that best cooking blog

Chocolate Pavlova easy dessert recipe

To quote a friend... "I HAVE to get the recipe off you for that pavlova...I think I am having withdrawls this week and can still taste how divine it was!"  If you've never had it, then imagine chocolate mousse encased in a crisp meringue shell, topped with cream, chocolate and strawberries. Yummm! And the ... »