Ann Reardon

Chocolate Strawberry Roses Bouquet

chocolate strawberry roses

A fresh bouquet of chocolate strawberry roses makes a beautiful and creative gift.  Perfect for chocolate lovers everywhere.


Chocolate strawberry roses ingredients:

cake pop sticks
200g (7.05 ounces) chocolate: you can use tempered real chocolate or melted compound chocolate there is a post explaining the difference here.
Modeling chocolate
Fresh strawberries washed, dried and hulled
make chocolate strawberry roses ann reardon

Dip the cake pop sticks in the chocolate and then push into the base of the strawberry.  Allow to set then dip the whole strawberry into the chocolate.

Make 5 balls and one snake out of the modeling chocolate.

Place them onto some non-stick baking paper, cover with another sheet and squash flat.

Roll the snake up half way to form the centre of the flower.  Cut off the bottom half of this spiral and then place onto the strawberry (see video).  Wrap the remainder of the snake around the strawberry.  Add one petal at a time and fan out at the top to look like they are open.

Take any remaining strawberries and dip a cake pop stick into chocolate end push into the base.  Dip the top half of the strawberry into the chocolate and allow to set.

Arrange all the chocolate strawberry roses into a bouquet and wrap with cellophane and tissue paper.  Secure tightly with ribbon.

Give away.



by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

108 Comments View Comments

  1. Were can I find the things to make the rose starwberries

  2. hello Ann i try n try to do the modeling chocolate it dose not come out like your is all sticking n Gasser if i have 7 oz of candy melts how many corn syrup should i use…?????

  3. Made these for my partner’s mum, she loved them

  4. I love your vidoes you make Thank yo for posting them

  5. Do you have to wait for the chocolate on the chocolate dipped strawberry to set, or do you put the petals on after getting the strawberry in the chocolate?

    sorry if its a dumb question :p

    • Hi Nikki, yes it’s best to wait for it to set first 😀

  6. Hello Ann. your instructions in the video was very simple and straight forward, so I decided to give this a go. It was my first time working with modeling chocolate and it was a huge hit thanks to you 🙂
    I had some trouble with my chocolate, probably because I live in a very hot and humid place but I rolled out my petals and froze them for a few minutes and it worked well. Thank you so much and I hope you like my take on it. 😀

    • This is a close-up pic

    • beautiful Zainuf well done

      • Thanks 🙂

  7. Olá, sou brasileira e estou maravilhada com seu trabalho. Muito lindo, Parabéns
    Abraços Brasileiros kkkkkk

    • obrigado e saudações da Austrália

  8. Hey Ann! I have two questions about this lovely recipe:
    1) will anything happen to the chocolate if i kept them over night?
    2) do you recommend any other way to wrap it up

    • Hi Katie, as long as your strawberries are fresh they should be fine in the fridge overnight. You could wrap in a florists long stem roses box which has the window at the top.

  9. Can’t wait to try these. Want to make some for my sister in law who is now in remission after battling cancer!

    • Hi Catherine, sorry to hear about your sisters cancer, I am glad she is in remission now. I hope she loves the roses 😀

  10. These are the red ones I made for on top of a 21st cake, never used modelling chocolate, but I got better the more I used it. Thank you so much for the tutorial,

    Many thanks From New Zealand

  11. Ann i was wondering if these roses could be frozen. I’m thinking that these would be great for a candy table for a wedding.

    • Hi Sharon, unfortunately no because strawberries don’t freeze well

  12. Hi Ann! These look amazing!
    I am going to try and make some for my sister’s Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in white chocolate so they can ‘paint’ them red with a mixture I’ve made. But I was wondering how many roses this recipe makes, so that I can double it etc according to the number I will need to make. Also, to make one batch worth of roses, do I only need to make one batch of the modelling chocolate recipe of the 100g of melts and 2tsp of corn syrup, or did you make more of it?

    Thank you! I love watching your videos, they are so incredibly detailed and are always inspiring! xo

    • That is a good question and it would depend on how thick you make your petals. But I didn’t actually weigh out the amount I used for each rose sorry.

  13. Here’s another pic.

    • Well done Teresa 😀 they look yummy

  14. Thanks Ann! Mine turned out pretty yummy!!

  15. This look so yummy

  16. Hi ann I’m Sarah I love all your videos I was wondering if you could make a strawberry shortcake the food not the character with turquise fondant and dancers on it please because I love dance bye hope you get this have a nice day

  17. Ann,
    You are just so bright and clever! I so enjoy friday! thanks for sharing the roses! they look amazing not to mention delicious!

    Have a lovely day!

    Metairie, Lousiaiana, USA

    • 🙂

  18. Brilliant Ann, what a wonderful idea
    always look forward to your Friday emails… them.

  19. What a great way to incorporate strawberries into a modeling chocolate rose. The bouquet would really make a lovely gift.

    • Thanks Beth

  20. hi
    I’m speechless you are just amazing and all you work is so fabulous.wish you all the best .

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