Chocolate Truffles Recipe
Is there a better gift than home made chocolate truffles? They cost you an arm and a leg at the chocolatiers and yet you can make them yourself for a fraction of the cost.
You will need your chosen truffle fillings (recipes below and demonstrated in the video) plus tempered chocolate for dipping the truffles. If your chocolate is not in temper your truffles will be soft and will melt at room temperature. Please read this post first on what chocolate to use and how to temper chocolate.
300g (10.58 ounces) of tempered dark chocolate covered 20 truffles (6 of them in a mold and 14 cubes), with 90g (3.17 ounces) of chocolate left over (you need the extra so you have enough to dip the truffles).
If you make all of the fillings below you will make 71 truffles and will need 835g (29.45 ounces) of tempered chocolate for covering them.
Truffle Fillings Recipe Quantities:
Ginger Chocolate Truffle Recipe
Makes 12 squares of ganache filling in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45 millilitres (1.52 fluid ounces (44.95 millilitres)) cream
6 thin slices of peeled fresh ginger
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
Set in a plastic container 6.5cm (2.56 inches) x 10cm (3.94 inches)
tempered chocolate for covering, see top of post for details
Chocolate transfer sheet for decorating
Chocolate Mint Truffle Recipe
Makes 7 truffles in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45millilitres (1.52 fluid ounces (44.95 millilitres)) cream
4 fresh mint leaves
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
unsweetened cocoa powder for rolling
Chilli and Sea Salt Truffle Recipe
Makes 12 squares of ganache filling in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45millilitres (1.52 fluid ounces (44.95 millilitres)) cream
1 tsp crushed chilli
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
Set in a plastic container 6.5cm (2.56 inches) x 10cm (3.94 inches)
tempered chocolate for covering, see top of post for details
pinch sea salt flakes for decorating
Popping Sugar Truffle Recipe
Makes 12 squares of ganache filling in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45mL (1.52 fluid ounces) cream
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
Set in a plastic container 6.5cm (2.56 inches) x 10cm (3.94 inches)
tempered chocolate for covering, see top of post for details
Coffee Truffle Recipe
Makes enough filling to pipe into 16 truffles in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45ML cream
1/4 tsp instant coffee granules
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
chocolate mold
tempered chocolate for covering, see top of post for details
Pistachio Chocolate Truffles
Makes 12 squares of ganache filling in the size shown
3 Tbsp or 45millilitres (1.52 fluid ounces (44.95 millilitres)) cream
1 Tbsp pistachio nuts
100g (3.53 ounces) chocolate (milk, dark or white)
optional – extra 15 pistachio nuts lightly roasted and cooled to put on top of the ganache squares before dipping
Set in a plastic container 6.5cm (2.56 inches) x 10cm (3.94 inches)
tempered chocolate for covering, see top of post for details
cocoa nibs for decorating
by Ann Reardon How To Cook That
My Cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
do you have a fan email or something where we can send you requests and i love your channel!!!
Thanks Katelyn for your feedback. You can post suggestions here but we can’t promise that Ann will be able to make them.
Hi Ann, i love your channel, it´s amazing to see all kind of stuff with sweets, i was wondering, if i can send truffles and a chocolate box by post, ´Cause i want to give some to my boyfriend in another state from my country. If i send them it could take 1-2 days, you think they may be ok? I’m not pretty sure. Hope you reply.
Greetings from Guadalajara, Mexico.
Hi Elizabeth, it isn’t impossible but it will depend where you send them and how you package them. In Australia, we wouldn’t try and send home made truffles through the post. They would probably melt and spoil. With your climate in Mexico it would probably have a similar result. To sent something like that here, we would have it couriered with special cold packs to keep the contents cool.
For how many day chocolate truffles filled with fruits filling stay good to eat
Hi Sarika, It will depend on the typwe of ruit and how fresh it is- usually just a cuple of days.
I love you Ann I really do!
Hi Ann,
Thank you for posting videos on YouTube. I’m 14 and I have never seen pure cream sold in the supermarkets near me. Is it ok to use heavy cream for the chocolate truffles instead? Or would you recommend light cream?
Hi Alice, Pure Cream goes by different names in different regions. This page will help you work out which cream to use:
hi ann! do you think you could do a marshmallow truffle? or could i just melt some marshmallows and pipe them in?
Hi Rachel, It would be easiest to dip a marshmallow, only because if you melt it and pipe it into a shell, it will be hot and melt the chocolate.
could you flavour the truffles in a tea
Hi Lewis, You can make tea flavoured truffles. Ann doesn’t currently have a recipe for this. You would need to flavour a ganache with a strong tea. The flavour would need to be strong to be appreciated against the flavour of the chocolate.
hi Ann, I was wondering if you could have them scented the truffles in a tea
Give me a recipe for cocoa mass to use for sugar fee chocolate making and normal chocolates,
How do I increase the shelf life of my chocolates to 6 months to a year and give me recepies for different chocolate bars.
Hi Rukhshanna, We don’t currently have a suitable recipe for Cocoa Mass. You will find a few different recipes on the blog for chocolate bars of various kinds. You could check out the Giant Kit Kat for starters.
Hi Ann! I was wondering if you could make a video all on making gnashs.
That is to make it lumpy and change the texture as well as to lose its shine.
Yes dear, I’m afraid you did. Even the tiniest drop of water can make the chocolate seize.
Hi, Ann,
I have made mint truffle, the ganache is very soft i have set it in the mould hope i am able to demould it. I have used dark compound chocolate hope thats ok. And for the cream i dint find liquid cream i took thick cream( bleand of cream with vegetable oil) or can i use whipping cream or breakfast cream. Thanks. Looking foward to try all other truffles very soon.
Hi Auntie Ann.I like your blog and all your recipe.I hope that you have a new recipe.Good Luck and don’t give up!
Hi Ann !
Thank you for posting these great videos, can’t wait to try making them.
Could you post a recipe on how to make a praline with passionfruit filling.
Thank you and have a good day.
Hi Ann
I watched truffle part 2 it’s really useful for me to make more new chocolate truffle thanks
Could you make the mint one with an abstract instead of fresh mint? Please reply would love to make for Christmas presents!
Ann, all the luster dusts I’ve found say either “Non Toxic” or “Not to be consummed – decorative use only”. What kind did you use for the gold?
Hi Mina, I have an Australian brand here that says food safe it contains cornstarch sugar and colouring.
Hi Ann, I’ve just come accross your pages for these chocolates and I’m so excited to make them as gifts for friends and family over Christmas!! I was just wondering what sort of shelf life you think these typically have? I don’t really want to get too close to the big day before making them if I can help it! Thank you so much for your recipies, take care, Jason