Ann Reardon

Epic Minecraft Cake Village

minecraft cake tutorial reardon


Epic Minecraft cake village with no fondant, just frosting, chocolate and sprinkles… yummmm!  Lets face it you are either a minecraft fan or you know one. This is a really fun cake to make.  If you’re short on time just make the building blocks and in the true spirit of minecraft let the guests build their own cake.

To make this epic minecraft cake you will need:

(serves 45)
The template for the cake and building the houses


cake board (mine was 50cm (19.69 inches) x 45cm (17.72 inches) but you can customize this cake and make it as big or small as you like)
1.3kg (2.87 pounds) milk chocolate
100g (3.53 ounces) dark chocolate
1.5kg (3.31 pounds) white chocolate
green sprinkles
cake pop sticks x the number of trees you want
food grade marker black
oil based food colouring (blue, green, red, black)
gold luster dust (optional)
silicone mini ice cube tray (the one I have makes 90 per tray)

1 ½ quantities of my chocolate cake recipe baked into three trays 38cm (14.96 inches) x 25cm (9.84 inches)
2 quantities of my chocolate buttercream frosting whipped with cooled ganache made from 200g (7.05 ounces) milk chocolate and 70millilitres (2.37 fluid ounces) or 1/4 cup cream (35% fat)

minecraft cake how to cook that

For a cake just like the one I made you will need to make:

grass blocks 305 (make 4 trays)
tan coloured plank blocks 66
tan coloured step blocks 90 (make 1 tray)
plant blocks 56
tree support blocks 3
log blocks that you can see the top of 80 (1 tray)
log blocks that you can’t see the top of 45 (1/2 a tray)
green tree blocks 125 (1 1/2 trays)
plain brown dirt blocks 40
grey blocks 295
water blocks 40 light blue

minecraft village plans cake

Sheep: 4 plain white blocks (body, head & legs) and 2 plank blocks (feet & face)
Pink: 4 pink blocks
Steve: one light blue, 1 plank block, 1 log block, 1 deep blue block
Gold block: brush one dirt block with gold luster dust
Creeper: 4 green tree blocks

minecraft cake howtocookthat

Make extra blocks to use as party favours or to sell as a fundraiser at a cake stall.

minecraft party favours ideas reardon

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

191 Comments View Comments

  1. I’m having trouble making the planks, if tried 3 times all with didn’t have the trim around the tan or the tan melted the chocolate even tho I waited hours for the dark to set and let the chocolate cool before putting in the mold. Any suggestions I’m using real chocolate would fake be better?

    • Hi Chasity, I am not sure I am fully understanding your difficulty. It does sound like you are saying that one chocolate is melting the other, which it shouldn’t do if it is cooled. Real choclate tastes better but you do need to temper it or keep it in temper for it to set firm. Fake chcolate is much less tempramental. It does sound like you are saying that one chocolate is melting the other, which it shouldn’t do if it is cooled

  2. I’m attempting this cake for my sons 5th and 8th birthday party. It’s currently 2am and I’m blocking away, lol. I love the tutorial and hopefully will do an epic cake for my babies 🙂

    • You go Girl. What a fabulous Mum!!

  3. Hi, this looks fantastic 🙂 I’m wondering if anyone has had any issues with the chocolate melting before eating?

    • Hi Rebeccs, As long as the chcolate is tempered or compound chocolate has been used, then there has been no issues.

  4. how do you make a furnace, i am going to add a blacksmith so i need to know how to make a minecraft furnace out of chocolate

  5. Thank you for inspiring me!

    • Looks awesome Ilaria.

  6. Here is my version. Thanks for the idea.

    • Great work David! Your Minecraft village looks fab!

  7. Hi Ann! I was wondering how far in advance can you start making the chocolate pieces for the cake?

    • Hi Rose, You can make them a week or two in advance as they keep quite well.

      • Thanks so much!

  8. Where do you get the cube trays from and what size are the little squares please?

    • Hi Carolyn, I got them on eBay, they say they are 1cm cubes but they are closer to 1.1cm

  9. Here we go!
    I have used trays that make 160 cubes.. super nice and crunchy!

    • Wow, that looks awesome!

    • Wow well done, looks amazing

  10. Thank you for your wonderful video tutorial!! It was incredibly helpful!!

    • WOW Terrajaine, this looks awesome. Well done!

    • That is so epic!!!

  11. Thank you Ann! I adore all your stuff! Please do more and more and more 🙂
    What a hit this cake was.

    • Well done Renee!

  12. Judy thanks for giving me the idea for the TNT instead of the house because the house looks too complicated and Ann good idea for the Minecraft village cake

  13. My grandson and I have been dying to do this. Finally after weeks of planning and prep, it became a reality. Not as neat as I had hoped, but lots of fun along the way. Thanks, Ann!

    • Your village looks phenomenal. Well done!

  14. Admin HowToCookThat i realy think you should open a bakery i am just 10 and i love watching your vids i make them with my dad and gran i realy think you should open a bakery

    • Thanks Charlotte!

  15. What size pan can I use? I can’t find the size you have listed here.

    • Hi Keegan, You don’t need the same size, just use what you have that is rectanglar in shape and aim for a similar depth of cake. You just want a slab base, which you can piece together if needed.

  16. Where can I buy the can pan size you said to use? I am making this for my son’s 5th birthday this month and can NOT find that size!

    • Hi Keegan, a 15inch by 10inch pan is a fairly standard size but just use what is similar and available to you.

  17. Here is a pic

    • Hi Vanessa, It looks so good. Brillaint job.

  18. Hi Ann, I did another minecraft cake, this time for my son’s 6th Birthday. I have to thank you again for sharing your knowledge and amazing talent with everyone. This time I made up my own template as was only doing half size cake. My son wanted an indominus rex and a mushroom house (had to figure out how to make red chocolate…ended up a deep pink, with red sprinkles, like how you did the grass blocks). Bobby was thrilled 🙂 Thank you again.

  19. I couldn’t cut the cakes in half, because the cake didn’t rise enough to equal 2 CM, and even though I used 2 recipes of the chocolate cake, there wasn’t enough to make cut it the size that the instructions seem to indicate. I just used the templates and made them exactly the same size as the templates. It was a little small to get everything on, but I liked what I created and my grandson loved it. I had a lot of leftover squares and thin cake, which was brownie-like, so I cut it up into squares and iced the pieces. I brought the leftover chocolate squares to the party, and let each of the participants decorate their own brownies with the chocolate Mincecraft squares. It was a big hit! Thanks for the tutorial!

    • Hi Judy, your cake look amazing. It is odd about the quantities. Most people find they have more than enough. Great idea for the use of the left overs though.

  20. This is such a great cake. Out of curiosity, how much do you think a store/bakery would charge to do this cake? Thank you.

    • Hi Julie, I imagine that a store would charge a lot as it really is a labour of love to make and assemble all those blocks

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