Ann Reardon

GIVEAWAY & Fruity Meringue Kisses Recipe

fruit eringue kisses how to cook that


GOLDEN TICKET COMPETITION entries are now closed, Congratulations to the winners 
Sydney: Annie Chen LA: Huiyeon Kim


I will be back in LA for vidcon and will be doing a couple of first to get there giveaways (50 people/day) at one of the stalls while I’m there. I’ll put all the details on a youtube vid closer to the date. If you are going to vidcon make sure you follow me on instagram @howtocookthat so you can get instant notification when the giveaway is live:D

See you there,  Ann Reardon


Basic Meringue Kisses Recipe: (makes approximately 1 ½ trays of meringues).
2 egg whites
65g (2.29 ounces) or 1/4 cup plus 1Tbsp caster (super fine) sugar
1 tablespoon icing or powdered sugar

Place your egg whites into the bowl of an electric mixer and mix on high speed until they are fluffy, then add in a little sugar at a time.  Next add in the super fine (icing) sugar. Continue to whisk on high speed until they have stiff peaks. Pipe onto non-stick baking paper and bake them in a low oven around 100C (212 degrees Fahrenheit) for 2 hours.

lime meringue recipe how to cook that

Lime Meringue Recipe
1 lime
green gel food colouring (optional)
Juice the lime and microwave the juice to reduce it to 1 tablespoon in volume.  Add to the basic meringue recipe.

raspberry meringue kisses recipe

Raspberry Meringue Recipe
1 cup or 140g (4.94 ounces) of frozen raspberries
2 Tablespoons or 30 millilitres (1.01 fluid ounces) of water
red gel food colouring (optional)

Put the raspberries and water into a saucepan, heat and stir. Once the fruit is broken down push through a sieve.
Microwave the juice to reduce it to 1 ½ Tablespoons.  Add to the basic meringue mixture.

chocolate meringue kisses how to cook that

Chocolate Meringues
1 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
40g (1.41 ounces) dark chocolate

Sieve the cocoa powder and finely chop the chocolate.  Gently fold into the basic meringue recipe.

meringue kisses how to cook that youtube

Passion Fruit Meringues
1 small 170g (6 ounces) tin or 2/3 cup of passionfruit in syrup
yellow gel food colouring (optional)
Drain a tin of passionfruit and add 1 ½ Tablespoons of the syrup to the basic meringue recipe. Add yellow colouring if desired.

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

271 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi! What is your piping tip number on those meringues Ann? (sorry english, it’s terrible)

    • Hi Emma, Ann used a piping tip numbered 824 (star shape).

  2. Hi Ann! I am making these, and I want to know if these would work without flavoring, just the basic meringue. I hope they do, because they are currently in the oven!
    The meringue mixture looked very smooth and glossy, much like the basic meringues in other videos.

  3. I have an idea, but you’re the expert with the cooking channel. What if you make meringues into little baskets of sorts (you know, like a receptacle for fruit – a flat rosette and then a wall around for height, for example), and then, you put mini marshmallows in the middle – will the marshmallows just melt and fuse with the meringue? Since the oven is not that hot… Maybe the meringue will get crispy and the marshmallow will remain squishy? If it works, you could even mix colours of meringue and mini marshmallows (we have pink/white/green/yellow mixes here).
    And then if it’s successful, I dunno… top it with fruit or… Well, you’re the expert.

    • Hi Melanie, Marshmallows melt very quickly and burn easily so it is likely they will fuse.

  4. Hi Ann,

    I tried this ,but it didn’t came out crispy. Mine was actually sticky :(. What could be the reason it went wrong

    • Hi Susan, It is possible that you needed to cook them a little longer. The other thing is if you have taken them out of the oven and then let them sit for too long, the exposure to air will make them sticky. As soon as they are cool, pop them in an airtight container.

  5. Make a simsonscake from homer and bart the are so great

  6. Hi ann i know i’m not the oldest subscriber on your chanel because i’m just 11 ,but i have always watch your newest video
    This is the frist thing i tried to do and it came out as perfect as it can be ,my mom and dad don’t get angry when ever i bake because i make this one right. it would be great if you reply to me. Thanks ann you brought joy to me and inspire me to start baking. Love your chanel.( sorry for my bad english

    • Hi Rosie, well done on making these. Lots of mums and dads don’t like their kids to bake because it can be a little messy. Hopefully if you keep making yummy things AND cleaning everything up afterwards they’ll be happier 😀

    • hi ann ,my child loves watching your shows and she subscribed to your channel
      and she made the peanut butter cookies

  7. Can you use fresh passionfruit instead of tinned, and if so, how much?

  8. Can you substitute orange/lemon juice for the lime juice, and if so, how much?

    • Aargh! My computer is going crazy, I didn’t mean it to send 3 times!!!

    • Hi Cecilia, yes you can. Use the quantities given for lime for replacing with lemon. The orange is a slightly milder flavour so you could start with more juic but you need to condense it down to 1-2 tablespoons of concentrated juice.

  9. I love to win a golden ticket please ann

  10. I love to win a golden ticket please ann

  11. I made these but they keep going soggy. Please help.I need this urgently

    • Hi Sumayyah, they should be dry when cooked or you will need to cook them a little longer. Once cooked, store in an air tight container. They will go soft when exposed to the air as they will absorb moisture.

  12. I put them back in the oven for another hour and there still realy soggy.
    I have also put them in a air tight container and put paper towl in it to.
    What do i do

    • Hi Dada, if the mix is that soggy something has gone wrong with your recipe. This problem can result from these Common mistakes include: using packaged egg whites, not mixing the egg whites for long enough or not mixing the sugar till fully dissolved. You could also check how much liquid juice concentrate you are adding. It needs to be no more than 1 tablespoon and you can reduce that amount if needed.

  13. Hi Ann. .can you please tell me how many grams is 2 white eggs?? Because usually the sugar must be double of the eggs. .sorry about my English! !!

    • Hi Sofia, it will depend on the size of your eggs. Just use 2 medium sized eggs and separate the egg whites for use in this recipe.

  14. annn my eggs arent getting stiff! they are just droopy and wet. plz help!

    • It sounds like you got some oil or yoke in with your egg whites. ( if there is any sort of oil or fat in your bowl or on your whisk, the whites won’t get stiff) You should wash your bowl throughly and start with a fresh batch of egg whites, for optimum volume you can wait until they are room temp. But you can save the whites that won’t whip for a cake recepie or other uses as with the egg yolk! You can make pudding, creme brûlée, hollandaise, Bernaise and so much more!! Don’t let hollandaise scare you off either it can be easily made in the blender or food processor in minutes! I hope I helped, I know I’m not Ann, but I’m trying! 😉 Good luck!

    • Hi Ashley, If you used real fresh egg whites and not a pre-packaged kind, then it is likely that you got some fat or moisture in the mix. This could come from a bit of egg yolk getting into the mix or perhaps some oil from the bowl or mixer. You will have to start again with fresh egg whites and a dry clean bowl and utensils.

  15. Can you make more flavors of meringue drops?

    • i love to watch these veoid make a monster high set

  16. These look lush! Making them right now!

  17. Just making these now! They l

  18. my kisses are getting sticky after a a few mins in the box. pls help

    • Hi Maria, Make sure they are cooked to fully dry. Store when cooled in a sealed container in a cool place. You can pop a piece of paper towel on the bottom of the container to help absorb any condensation.

  19. I’m going to make these tonight because my friends are coming over for a christmas party tomorrow, and I wanted to make a little treat

  20. I want to use meringue powder. how do I properly us the powder, because I always mess up when I am trying to replace the egg whites.

    • Hi Linda, while you could use a powder here, Ann hasn’t tested it with this recipe to know what will work best.

      • my kissies are getting sofft in my box

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