Ann Reardon

Lego Batman Cake

lego batman cake decorating class online

This fun Lego Batman Cake is actually quite easy to make and is sure to light up any Lego, Batman or superhero party.  It’s 5am and I’ve snuck downstairs without waking my boys to write this before the Batman video goes up tonight. It’s been a crazy-busy week. Yesterday started with an early morning phone interview for a US magazine, then a Skype conversation with a YouTube network, then a long drive into the city for a meeting with a talent agency, followed by a meet-and-greet with a kitchen appliance brand. We rushed straight home to get the kids from school, clean the house and make dinner. I had every intention of writing out this recipe for you last night… really I did, but sleep won. What a varied but beautiful life, and it’s all because of you lovely subscribers who regularly read my website and watch my YouTube videos. This Lego Batman cake serves 24 guests. To help you make this fantastic cake, I have created a template that is available now in the website shop or just click on the add to cart link below.


To make the Lego Batman Cake you will need:

* The cake and fondant cutting template

* Cake: 2 and 1/4 quantities of the Rich Chocolate Cake Recipe baked into three trays (ie 3/4 quantity of the cake recipe per tray). The trays I used were 25cm (9.84 inches) x 38cm (14.96 inches) x 1.5cm (0.59 inches) tall. When baking in trays it takes 15-20 minutes per tray to bake.

* Frosting: 2 quantities of the frosting recipe of your choice. I used chocolate buttercream mixed with ganache.

* Fondant:
2kg (4.41 pounds) black fondant you will have quite a bit left over but this gives you plenty to roll out and cover the cake
50g (1.76 ounces) yellow fondant
30g (1.06 ounces) white fondant
a small amount of fondant – lego batman skin color (either color your own white fondant or select a fondant that matches your lego figure)

* Other
black gel colour
silver luster dust plus lemon juice or alcohol
clean paint brush
rolling pin
non-stick baking paper
tylose powder (optional you can make the hands and arms ahead of time if you prefer)
edible clear spray shine for cakes (I used dinky doodle shell and shine)
lollipop stick to support the arm
bendy chocolate bar x 2, I used boost bars
Cake Board

How to make the Lego Batman Cake

1. Print out the template and make or buy a cake board to fit the cake


2. Bake the cakes and make the frosting

3. Cut out the cake using the template and instructions on the video

4. Cover in frosting and rest in fridge for 10 minutes

5. Cover in black fondant and mold to shape

batman lego cake decorating classes
6. Add fondant details (see video for detailed instructions)

lego batman cake ideas how to cook that
7. Paint on muscle and belt lines and around the mouth

batman lego cake tutorial
8. Spray with edible cake laquer

9. If the weather is hot, store in fridge until ready to serve, otherwise room temp is fine.

10. Take a photo of your cake and upload in the comments section below, I’d love to see it.

I can here little footsteps and singing upstairs I must go up and give big cuddles. See you next Friday


by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

103 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi Ann, am planning to make this cake for my son for his 4th birthday next week. Slightly confused about cake quantity, I made your 3D Thomas the tank engine cake last year which was 2.5 times quantity of the chocolate cake recipe baked into 5 trays 25cm x 38cm & feeds 40 people. This one says 4.5 times the recipe in only 3 trays and feeds only 24 people?? Please confirm thanks!

  2. Hi Ann.

    What is the measurement of this cake?

    Thank you!

  3. Loved the tutorial and the templates, thank you so much 🙂

  4. Hey Anne, thanks so much for the template and tutorial, had my sons 4th birthday yesterday and made this, this is also the second cake I’ve done from you lot my first one was the minion, I just realised I forgot to draw his mouth on lol! Oh well he still turned out awesum

  5. Thanks Anne, fantastic template and tutorial video, this is my second Anne Reardon cake (Minion was first) and I think they are just awesome! Thanks, love your work!

    • Wow such a wonderful job Chris, this lego batman looks amazing 😀

  6. I do not see the “add to cart” button on the batman template page. Can you help me with this download?
    Thank you!

    • Using your templates and ideas, I created a lego storm trooper cake.

      • Such a good idea, looks great

    • Hi Lorraine, please try refreshing the page for me 😀

  7. My son loves his cake, thank you!

    • 😀

  8. Thanks so much for the tutorial and the template! My boyfriend loved the cake. I had serious problems with the hand and arms though. They wouldn’t dry out even though I made them a week in advance. Next time I’ll just buy tylose powder! It turned out pretty well for my first attempt at a carved cake. Thanks again!

    • Hi Kristen, wow fantastic job. The only brand of fondant I know that doesn’t dry out is duff, is that what you were using or is there another brand?

  9. So I took the plunge , and decided for my first ever cake decoration I would do the batman cake , and here it is all the way from sunny Scotland

    I just need 1 tip , how do I stop the fondant sticking to the surface it is rolled on , it stuck to everything , it stuck to the table , it stuck to the grease proof paper , it stuck to my hands , am pretty sure if the dog walked in to the kitchen I would now have a bat dog covered in fondant cheers , for doing the video and producing the template ,

    Like I said my first ever attempt so he kind of looks like a drunk lego batman :0)

    • Good job Mark, looks awesome. in the future buy non-stick baking paper and spray a tiny bit of oil to the rolling pin. But great job despite the stickiness!

  10. Hello Ann sorry this is not in the youtube comments section however you are required to have a channel and I do not. Anyway my favourite apps are your surprise cakes app, candy crush and I know this does not count but disney cakes and sweets. Also can you please show us how to make a white chocolate cake

    • thanks Chelsea & I’m glad you like my Surprise Cakes app 🙂

      We are currently working on the next 2 animations, i think you’re going to LOVE them!

  11. Thank you so much for the tutorial! I purchased the tracing kit and it was perfect. The video was fantastic. I just wish I had watched more about using fondant before starting! The directions on the box said to add powered sugar if it was sticky, which it was, but all that did was make it dry and when I laid it over the cake, it cracked!! :/ But, after a bit of trial and error, I was able to hid the problems and it turned out great!! I didn’t realize, however, that I’d have 2 whole cakes (cut up into pieces) afterward. 🙂 Lucky us. Lots to sample!!!
    In the end, the boys at my son’s party only ate the legs, so I added legs back on for our family birthday party later in the week. The extra cake was perfect! So much easier the second time around. 🙂 Also, I couldn’t find silver powder stuff or spray shine, so I used spray silver (sprayed into a bowl then painted on) and Pam cooking spray for the shine (also sprayed into a bowl and painted on). Turned out great!! I had 3 people ask me if I would sell them, but this beast took 9 hours, so not happening. 😉 Thanks again!! My son LOVED it!!

    • haha, that is awesome Elizabeth, two cakes for the price of one! Looks great too

  12. Hi ann I’ve been watching your videos for the past six months and you have really inspired me do take my passion of baking and cakes to the top! I will be making a cake for my daughters birthday soon and I am so excited to try out some of your tips. I have one question, where I live it is very hard to find gel food colors, will liquid food coloring work the same?
    All the best for you and your family and I look forward to many of your vids!

    • Hi Sarah Ann liquid food colours are fine if you want v pastel colours but if you want deeper colours they will make your fondant sticky as you’re adding lots of liquid.

  13. My 5 year old birthday boy and I challenged ourselves to make a fancy cake for his birthday. Yay for June 5th bdays! This turned out better than I thought it would considering I’ve never used fondant and we substituted gluten free flour. Thanks!

    • This is his batman growl 🙂

    • That is an awesome cake and gf too 😀 wow

  14. I used the chocolate cake recipe and your thomas cake template for my middle son’s birthday & everyone loved it. I plan to buy this template for my eldest son’s birthday & use this chocolate cake recipe again but I was wondering is the chocolate cake firm enough to make a ball cake as my husband wants a Star Wars Death Star?! Thanks.

    • Hi Helen, yes it is a firm cake but a ball will need inner supports

  15. Wow – that is amazing! I can see this cake being in my near future!! I loved reading about your very busy day and am thrilled that so many different people/companies are so interested in your incredible talent. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks Jeneta 😀 and if you make the cake take a photo and post it int he comments below for the world to see.

  16. Whoa that is a massive cake! And as usual looks outstanding. Sounds like life is running pretty hot for you at the moment – well done!!
    Finished making a princess cake for my daughters 4th birthday. First time using fondant so I did a lot of research and prep work to make sure I got it right first time and it didn’t dry or crack or end up too thick! Super happy with the finished product but I can see places to improve for next time – some of the edges aren’t finished as neatly as I would like.
    Thanks for your tutorials, they have been an indispensable resource and inspiration 🙂

    • Lovely princess cake Kim, well done

  17. Hi Anne can you please show me how to make a chocolate portrait? It would really make my day! Thanks!!!

  18. Hi Ann
    Please please make a horse cake

  19. Thank you soooo much for sharing so much work!!!! This cake is really amazing and I just love the way that you make it simple and easy to make ourselves! Thank you really, I love your blog and ideas, so do my kids!!!!

    • 😀 thanks Tesei

  20. Hi Ann. For Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday I was wondering if
    you had any quick easy kid-made Mother’s Day crafts or any diffrent sugar cookie ideas, I’ll need it ASAP so thx and please do a tutorial on icecream cakes like the ones we have in ON

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