Ann Reardon

Light Raspberry Surprise Inside Dessert

raspberry inside dessert recipe ann reardon

A light refreshing dessert consisting of a yoghurt mousse filled with raspberry sauce. You can adjust this recipe to make it even lower in sugar if you like.

Like this dessert, my week has been refreshing – one of those rare times when things just seem to fall neatly into place. As I look ahead, I can see multiple additional appointments, meetings and social events in my calendar for the coming weeks. All good things, some exciting things. But each requires time and attention which tend to push the normal tasks later into the night. I love the busy weeks but I also cherish weeks like the one I’ve just had. It gives me more time with my youngest to be a pretend robot, read eight books in a row and kiss his cute little cheeks.

As I was brushing his teeth tonight I thought, these teeth are going to fall out one day. He still has to go to his first day of school, learn maths, ride a bike, grow up, do exams, get married, have kids … growing up is wonderful but, to be honest, I felt exhausted at the thought of having to do all that again. Instead, I want to run forward, press on and enjoy the days ahead. Loving the season we are in.

Raspberry Surprise Dessert makes 8

Pistachio Sponge cake
110g (3.88 ounces) or 1/2 cup sugar
110g (3.88 ounces) or 2/3 cup plus 1tsp plain or all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
30g (1.06 ounces) or 1/4 cup pistachios
50ml or 3 Tbsp plus 1 tsp water
30ml or 2 Tbsp plus 2 tsp oil
2 drops green food colouring
4 egg yolks
5 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar or tartaric acid

Add the cream of tartar to the egg whites and leave that to one side. Place the egg yolks, oil, pistachios, sugar and water into a blender and blend on high speed until it is smooth.

Tip that into a bowl and add the green food colouring to a shade of your liking. Sift in the flour and the baking powder and fold it into the pistachio mixture.

Whip your egg whites to soft peaks. Mix a spoon of the egg whites into the pistachio mixture. Then fold in half of the remaining egg whites. Then fold in the rest of the egg whites until you can’t see any more streaks of white.

Bake in a tray 356ºF (180ºC) until it springs back when lightly touched, or when you insert a knife into it and it comes out clean.

Once it has cooled find a circle cutter that fits the base of your tins tightly and cut circles of the pistachio sponge cake. Place them into the tin with the top (browned side) down.

Raspberry Sauce
250g (8.82 ounces) or 1 3/4 cup frozen raspberries
60g (2.12 ounces) or 1/2 cup powdered (icing) sugar
juice of one orange

Blend until smooth then push it through a fine sieve. Bring the sauce to a boil and add in the orange juice.

Pour the sauce into one half of a sphere ice cube tray and then place that in the freezer overnight.

Chocolate Crunch Layer
1/4 cup or 21g (0.74 ounces) lightly crushed wafer cones or crepe dentelle
100g (3.53 ounces) white chocolate

Melt some white chocolate and mix in some crepe dentelle or you can use crushed wafers. This will just give a bit of crunch to the dessert. Spread it out onto the baking paper, then add another piece of baking paper on top and flatten it out using a rolling pin.

Place it in the freezer to firm up and then cut out circles smaller than the dessert.

Yoghurt Mousse
300g (10.58 ounces) or 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp yoghurt, I used vanilla flavour but you can use
whatever you like, light or full fat – your choice.
450g (15.87 ounces) or 1 3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp and 1 tsp cream
90g (3.17 ounces) or 1/3 cup plus 1 Tbsp and 1 tsp sugar (optional)
1 tbspn and 1 tsp or around 20g (0.71 ounces) gelatine powder

Let the cream and yoghurt come to room temperature. Add four tablespoons of cream to the gelatine and mix it through immediately. Leave it to soften for a few minutes. Then melt in the microwave on high until it is liquid.

Combine the sugar, cream and yoghurt. Whisk it all together until it is slightly thickened.

With the mixers running add in the gelatine and mix it through really well.

Add 1/4 cup of the yoghurt mousse onto the base of each dessert.

yoghurt mousse recipe ann reardon

Then add the crispy circle of white chocolate into the middle of each one.

Add a hemisphere of frozen raspberry sauce onto the top of each chocolate disk. Then fill each dessert with more mousse. Place them in the freezer for 1 hour to set.

200g (7.05 ounces) extra chocolate
300millilitres (10.14 fluid ounces) cream

See the video for demonstration of how to make the chocolate decorations.

Place the dessert onto a plate, pipe on some whipped cream, add a chocolate decoration, two raspberries and a pistachio. Leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours to allow the raspberry sauce to melt.

raspberry dessert recipe ann reardon

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That


My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

201 Comments View Comments

  1. If i don’t have loose tin pans what should i do?

    • Hi Gaby, You could find these on line or experiment with something similar.

  2. Hi Ann where can I find the dish that you used to make the light raspberry cake inside dessert .

    Look forward for your answer
    Thank you

    • Hi Shokhsanam, Ann used tins from Bakers Secret for this recipe but they don’t currently have them available. If you search online for a small loose based cheesecake pans.

  3. can i freeze overnight and serve on morning

  4. Could these be frozen and defrosted for later use?

    • Hi Rachel, These are best eaten fresh.

  5. Hi Ann, I tried this recipe and the gelatine just turned into a big gooey lump when I added to the room temperature yogurt mixture. When I double check, you asked for 7.5tsp or 38g but the online conversion said 1tsp equal to 3g of gelatine. Should I reduce the amount of Knoxx gelatine to 21.3g instead? Thank you in advance and I await your answer!

    • Hi Vy, Yes halve you quantity of gelatine and see if that works better for you.

  6. esse creme de onça o quer e isso

    • Hola Cislene, Esta receita usa 450 gramas de creme ou 11,87 onças.

  7. Rating: 4

    Hey Ann. I’m making this dessert for a school cooking task, and I was wondering how long the cake has to cook for? Thank-you

  8. Hi Ann, could I make this dessert a four, three days before and store it in the fridge or freezer? Can I make the inside sauce with strawberry using the same quantity and using fresh fruit for the sauce? Can I skip adding the orange juice and boiling the sauce? In the chocolate crunch layer, did you temper the chocolate? Can I make a standard graham cracker crust instead of the pistachio sponge cake? Much obliged. Lucy

    • For the sauce you could use fresh strawberries, you could skip adding the orange juice even though with the raspberries it adds more depth of flavor ,in the chocolate crunch layer she didn’t temper the chocolate since the dentelle is really crispy on it’s own, you could use a graham cracker but I wouldn’t recommend it since it will probably get soggy, and it’s way too thin.

    • Hi Lucy, If you add fresh fruit to this recipe it will need to be made within a day of serving. You can experiment with this recipe, but Ann has found these techniques work best and the orange juice balances the flavours. The white chocolate doesn’t need to be tempered for this recipe,

  9. Why was my question not approved or answered? I really needed that answer… 🙁

    • Hi Peggy, We are working our way through the comments at the moment as I have been away. Haven’t seen your question yet but should get to it shortly.

  10. hi, I can’t find the cream of tartar or the tartaric acid in the nearby stores so is it necessary or no?

    • It’s not necessary, but since cream of tartar is an acidic that stabilizes the egg whites you can replace it with a pinch of salt before beating the egg whites to soft peaks.

    • Hi Mai, Tartaric acid works best to stablize the egg whites. You can replace it with lemon juice but this doesn’t work as well and will impact the flavour.

  11. Ann, I am a new subscriber and I am HOOKED! I love to cook, but never liked to bake until now. I am having a dinner party this Saturday and have my heart set on making this dessert; however, two of the guests DESPISE yogurt!! I am wondering if I could substitute your no-bake cheesecake for the yogurt mousse ( ). Would it keep the raspberry sauce inside once it melts? Will be on pins and needles waiting for your answer…thanks for what you do so beautifully. Very inspiring.

    • Hi Peggy, I have been away and have not got to reply till now. I am guessing you had your dinner party. How did it go and what did you do for dessert??

      • Thank you – I plunged ahead and made this dessert with the cheesecake filling. Had a few struggles…it wasn’t perfect, but it was very good and the guests of honor thought I had purchased the desserts. The cheesecake filling works just fine. I actually made it a second time yesterday for another dinner party and again, everyone RAVED about it. I want to try it again and finally use the yogurt mousse, maybe later this summer. Thanks again for the wonderful recipe. I would like to request more videos like this in the dessert category that can be used for elegant dinner parties.

        • Hi Peggy, Ann does a dessert every 3 weeks so look through the blog using the search function and you will find quite a few.

  12. How many of the individual servings does this recipe make? I mean one of the little cakes by individual servings. In the recipe quantities above, you said the recipe makes 8, but in the video, you only showed 6 individual servings. Tha

    • And does it matter whether I use regular cream, which is 30 percent fat content, or must I use heavy cream, which is 35 percent fat content? Thanks!

    • Hi Eloise, it makes 8 of the serving size shown.

  13. Hi
    The gelatin I bought has a bloom rate of 225. It is the Knox brand gelatin. Is that the bloom rate you had? If not, how much gelatin should I use?

    • Also, is the chocolate crunch layer necessary to the dessert? Does it support the weight of the raspberry, or is it optional? Thanks!

      • Hi Eloise, This layer does stop the thawing raspberry sauce from just soaking through into the yoghurt mousse and through into the sponge. It also adds beautiful texture to the dessert.

    • Hi Eloise, standard gelatine powder will have a bloom rate of around 210 to 240, so your gelatin should be suitable.

      • Okay, thank you!

      • HELP!! I tried twice to get the gelatin to get to liquid form….all I got was a “blob” of goo. Any suggestions? I had in the microwave approx. 1 minute and then attempted to reduce to about 30 seconds.

        • Hi rrs, the gelatin should soften but won’t stay a liquid. It should become a gel like quality, that when you heat with the milk and vanilla gradually melts into the mix.

  14. Hi, can u please tell me whats the dimension of loose base tin?tnx

    • Hi Mina, The loose based pans are about 3 inches in diameter.

  15. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, I love your channel. What can we use if we don’t have the loose base tins?

    • Or where can I find it?

    • Hi JinJin, This recipe was designed to work best with loose base tins. The one Ann used were from Baker’s secret but these aren’t available in all areas. You can get very similar ones on both amazon and ebay. I have also found a few different ones available at local department stores. Search for small loose base pans. The one’s Ann used were about 3 inches in diameter.

  16. I had a hard time getting this to work with the amount of gelatin given in the recipe. I ended up using 15g of gelatin and 4 extra tablespoons of cream. They.. look good, so far. They are setting up in the freezer right now. Fingers crossed that they will come out right this time.

  17. Indeed more than 30 gr of gelatine (in powder) will not give the mousse a velvety aspect but rather a hard and thick mousse.
    Having tried the recipe a couple of times, I recommend to use 11 gr of gelatine.
    I suggest to simmer 100gr of fresh cream and then put the disolved gelatine into it. Then add the rest of the cream and the yogurt with sugar. Whip the whole until it is slightly thickened.If it does not thicken, put the whole mixture for 10 minutes in the freezer and whip it again.

  18. I tried so many times to make the moose, but it got so soild so fast that when I put them in the mold it was already a thick white looking thing. Please help me, only the moose is holding me back now.

    • Hi Yan, your gelatine might be quite strong, try reducing the quantity.

  19. Rating: 4.5


  20. Can I ask, what other fruits(for sauce) can be used other than raspberry? Can I use cherries?

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