Ann Reardon

Marshmallow Fondant Recipe for cake decorating

marshmallow fondant rolled icing recipe

Take 2 x 250g (8.82 ounces) packets or 5 2/3 cups marshmallows and split into white and pink.  So you end up with 250g (8.82 ounces) or 2 3/4 cups white marshmallows (eat the pink ones or use in hot chocolate).

marshmallow fondant recipe icing
Add one Tablespoon of water and microwave on high for 30 seconds, stir, repeat until melted.

marshmallow rolled fondant recette

mix icing sugar in to melted marchmallows to make fondant
Mix in 450g (15.87 ounces) or 3 1/2 cups plus 1 Tbsp of pure icing sugar.

marshmallow cake decorating recpie
Tip onto bench and kneed until smooth. Double wrap in plastic wrap to store.
This recipe makes approximately 700g (24.69 ounces) of Marshmallow fondant.

You can also make your own fondant without marshmallows – click for fondant recipe
And here is a review of 8 fondants including marshmallow fondant – click for review

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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

116 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi Ann, big fan of your work!
    How long can you store the homemade marshmallow fondant without using it, and what’s the best way to store it?
    Thanks and have the best day!

    • Hi Ally, if it’s stored in a plastic bag in an airtight container, you hould be able to keep it for up to a week.

  2. We were making the fondant and my husband was having a hard time with it sticking to everything.. any tips on keeping our hands and workbench stick free?

    • Hi Kayla, Spray your hands and the bench with a light cooking oil. That will do the trick!

  3. Can you use home made marshmallow? instead of beating it until cool use it warm? I make my MM using egg white sugar double boiler dissolve sugar and beat method 🙂

    • Hi Ellie, That’s a great question. Ann has never tried it so you will just need t experiment. Usually home made marshmallow is more moist than the commercial product, so you may need to add more icing sugar.

      • Hi I will try it and let you know the results!

      • um..
        how do you melt your marshmallows without an oven

        • Hi Zahra, Ann uses a microwave. You could use a double boiler or a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.

  4. Hi ann, I’m doing my daughter princess birthday cake so can I get pink fondant by using pink marshmallows?

    • Hi Pascale, I did that today, and added blue dye to make it purple. The only things I’ve noticed it change see the colour and flavour. It has the raspberry flavour, but I think it’s a nice change.

  5. Hi
    I don’t have microwave
    Would you please tell me what should i do instead?
    Thank you

    • Hi Shadi, yes put some water in a saucepan over the heat. Place a bowl bigger than the pan on top so that the base of the bowl is not touching the water. Place your marshmallows and small amount of water in the bowl and stir until melted.

      • What frosting do we have to use on before covering with fondant,is it really necessary?

  6. Took its out of microwave stickey

    • Hi Amira, yes it is sticky when you melt the marshmallows

  7. Thank you very much for your sharing. The pictures and instructions are very clear. I’ll start my 1st fondant tonight.

    • 😀

      • 🙂

  8. Hi Ann
    I have a problem with the sugar 🙁 , my fondant turns out granulated even when I sifted the powdered sugar , can I melt the sugar first in the stove (not to caramel level)?? and in the picture is my fondant sculpture <3

    • Hi Asma, the giraffe looks cute. If you add water to melt the sugar then your fondant will be too liquidy.

  9. Hi Ann,

    Great site!! I tried this recipe and it turn out great but the only thing is that where I live is really hot n humid. The fondant started to sweat after I put it on the cake, is there a way to adjust the recipe to solve this?

    • if the cake is frozen it will always do that. if it’s been in a fridge then it will sweat a little bit but it will evaporate off.

  10. Hii Ann, I love Your Blog so Your Youtube channel.. but i was Just wandering if : Will the Pink marshmallows make the fondant naturally Pink??

    • Hi Maria, yes they will 😀

  11. Hi Ann,

    Love your videos on You Tube! Thanks for them!

    Now for my question: You specify “pure” icing sugar (here in the US it’s called confectioners or powdered sugar). I’m guessing you mean sugar without corn starch? Pure confectioners sugar here in the US isn’t sold without cornstarch, will that be a problem?

    • hi yes by pure i mean without cornstarch, it will effect the consistency if it has cornstarch in it, how much will depend on the amount.

  12. Hi, Just wondering if you have to use pure icing sugar or can icing mixture be used instead?

    Thanks Heaps

    PS love your site.

    • Hi Kristin, pure icing sugar is best for this recipe

  13. Hi Ann!
    I am a big fan of your work! I have been making my own marshmallow fondant for a while now, but when I come to use it, I find that it is soo greasy! I can’t even smooth it out with the fondant smoother because it sticks! I do use a fair bit of crisco on my counter and hands when I am making it to make sure it doesn’t stick! I have read many recipes, but it would be great to get a video from a reliable source! I am a visual person, and I’m sure there are many out there like me, and hence prefer to see things done, would you please consider making a video showing the process of making marshmallow fondant?
    Anxiously awaiting your reply!

    • hi rima, I will add it to the request list

  14. Hi ann

    what if u were to use flower will it be the same?

    • hi desiree, no sorry you can’t use flour

  15. Where do i store my fondant if i make them today and use it tomorrow?

    • Hi annagee, double wrap in plastic bags and store at room temp

  16. hi, my marshmallow fondant is to sticky how do i get it to be not so sticky!!

    • add confectioners sugar!

  17. Which taste better mashmellow fondant or regular fondant? I want my cake ot taste good. I know fondant can make it taste not as good. Just curious. 🙂

    • Also I curious which fondant is best for beginners. Home-made or pre-bought?

    • Hi Tanya, all fondant tastes really sweet, you can flavour it using clear essences that go with the flavour of your cake or try modeling chocolate

  18. Hi, 1st..I love your blog!
    2nd, i don’t have microwave, so can i melt the marshmallow on the stove directly and keep on stirring it or i need to melt it on top of the hot boiled water,indirect heat?

    • hi amysic yes you can melt them on the stovetop in a pan on direct heat, just keep stirring

      • Wonderful. Thank you 🙂

        • 🙂

  19. Hello,

    I love your website! I made a wedding cake using marshmallow fondant, but found it difficult to spread over the large base of the cake. I ended up using a lot of cornstarch and icing sugar underneath the fondant as it was my first cake. I noticed that it seemed to have white dusty spots on the cake afterwards. I am about to attempt my second cake, I would like to know if there is a way to tidy up the fondant if this should occur again?

    As a huge fan, I would like to mention that it would be fabulous if you could create a tutorial lifting and smoothing the fondant onto/on the cake as other sources I have found are never as reliable as yours.



    • Hi Marie-Eve. I prefer to roll out the fondant on non-stick baking paper and use a small amount of cooking oil spray on the rolling pin if it is sticking. That way you don’t get any bits on the cake. OTher wise you can gently brush off with a soft dry paint brush.

  20. Hey Ann,

    You’re an inspiration! I was just wondering how much fondant this makes. What size cake would it cover?

    • Hi Pleiades, it makes 700g on fondant and would cover a 7″ round cake

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