Ann Reardon

Nougat Recipe

candy recipe nougat ann reardon how to cook that

This nougat is the hard chewy variety, great for Christmas gifts. If you add lots of dried fruit and leave it a few days it will soften a little and not be such a jawbreaker. If you like hard nougat then just add nuts. You can dip it in chocolate or enjoy it just as it is.

Nougat Recipe Ingredients

2 cups or 432g (15.24 ounces) caster (superfine) sugar
1 1/2 cups or 528g (18.62 ounces) liquid glucose syrup (or corn syrup)
honey (optional – decrease the liquid glucose in equal amounts for the honey that you add, I add just 1 Tbsp this is just for flavour)
2 egg whites (72g (2.54 ounces))
1 1/2 cups or 195g (6.88 ounces) nuts of your choice – I like to use pistachios in the mix because of the colour
1 1/2 cups or 252g (8.89 ounces) mixed dried fruit (you can decrease the fruit and increase the nuts if you prefer)

Firstly get everything ready because once the sugar syrup is at the right temperature you need to be a ready to move quickly.
Place your egg whites into the bowl of an electric stand mixer (you can use a hand mixer but you will probably need someone to assist you). Line a tray with non-stick baking paper, put some water into a cup with your pastry brush and have your candy thermometer ready.
Place the sugar, glucose syrup and honey into a saucepan and stir until the sugar was dissolved. Wash down the sides of the pan using a pastry brush. Turn on the beater and whip the egg whites to soft peaks.
Using a candy thermometer monitor the sugar syrup temperature until it reaches 250ºF (120ºC). Remove from the heat, turn on the mixers and add three soup ladles full into the egg whites.
Leave the mixers running and return the pan to the heat. Continue to heat until it reaches 300ºF (150ºC) then immediately pour into the egg white mixture in a steady stream. It will start to get very thick, add the fruit and nuts and quickly pour onto the lined baking tray.
If you want flat bars place another sheet of non-stick baking paper over the top and use rolling pin to smooth out. Once it is cold, turn out and peel off the paper. Using a sharp knife and a lot of muscles push down and rock back and forth on the knife to force it through the candy.
Store in an airtight container with non-stick paper on the base and between the layers of nougat.

nougat candy recipe

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

113 Comments View Comments

  1. Hello Ann
    I made this recipe and it is super yummy I lake the whole bowl 🙂
    But it turns out sticky how I can firm it ?
    thanks for the great recipes you share with us

  2. Hey Ann!
    I have made the nougat, and it’s delicious! but how long can you store it?

  3. Hi Anna
    I like to ask if I can replace the hole amount of liquid glucose with honey or if there is any way I can take it out 🙁
    Thank you 🙂

    • Hi Nada, the glucose stops the sugar from crystalizing. Honey does have some glucose in it so you could try swapping it over but it will be a very strong honey flavor.

  4. Loved it! I am adding your site to my favorites for future use.

  5. Hey Ann! Since making candy is apparently extremely unfamiliar territory in my country, I cannot find liquid glucose nor corn syrup. I did some googling and found two substitutes: a recipe for homemade corn syrup or they say to use Golden syrup (which is available but very expensive). Which one would be better to use? Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi this recipe is great
    I tried four recipes before and it was always too soft
    Or the texture was not right
    The only with thing with this recipe though is I used corn syrup instead
    I followed all instructions carefully
    And it came out nice at the beginning but
    Few minutes later it’s as hard as a rock
    Should I stop the second boling at a lower temperature
    And if I need to add some flavoring is it ok and when should I do that ?

    • Hi Adam, yes you can drop the second temp if you don’t want it as hard, but first check your candy thermometer is accurate by placing it in boiling water and checking the temp is correct.

      • How about liquid flavoring?
        I noticed that you didn’t use any water in the ingredients
        Will this affect the consistency of the nougat?
        Thank you

  7. Hey this looks like a great recipe, I was wondering if you could substitute the caster sugar for icing sugar? Do you think that would change the texture significantly? Thanks

    • Hi julia, you’d be better using normal white sugar, dont use icing sugar

  8. Thank you Ann!
    The nougat came out perfect! Can’t believe I got it right the very first time.

  9. Hi Ann,
    If I was to make this without using a candy thermometer, how do i go about it? I’d love to make this and I don’t have a candy thermometer.
    Please help. Thanks so much for your lovely recipes! Aliya 🙂

    • hey Aliya!
      I don’t have a candy termometer too, but you can use the cold water method. you just heat the glucose and sugar. have a tray of ice cold water next to your soucepan. when the bubbles in the pan becomes bigger, you take a bit of the sugar syrup and drop it in the cold wather. when it dissolves, you have to heat it a little bit more, when you can make a soft ball it is perfect, and when it is a hard crack it is too hot. than just put a bit of water in the pan and try it again. Good Luck!

  10. Hi Ann! Your recipes are truly inspiring 🙂 Thank you very much. Also I would like to ask, if it’s possible, can u post the homemade sneakers bar recipe? I will appreciate. Thx again and have a nice day

    • Hi Tanan did you mean snickers? I have added to the request list 😀

      • Yes, snickers bar 🙂

      • Yeeey so that meAns u will add the recipe? Cant wait :)))

  11. Hi Ann,
    If I was to make this without using a candy thermometer, how do i go about it? I’d love to make this and I don’t have a candy thermometer.
    Please help. Thanks so much for your lovely recipes! Aliya 🙂

  12. Hi Ann,
    Thank you Thank you Thank you
    It’s like my dream came true to find the perfect recipe, it came out beautiful and I keep it outside the fridge lol

  13. Hi Ann looks soooo tasty, I would like to ask you will it come similar to dessert nougat?
    thanks in advance

  14. Hi Ann,
    I did tried to make nougat, But after I put it on a baking tray it sticks on the baking paper even few hours later. I’m wondering what should I do now? Can I do anything to make it hard? Thank you.

    • Hi Vivi the hardenss is related to the temperature you heat the nougat, check you candy thermometer is accurate by placing testing it wwith reading the temp of boiling water. Once it is at a rolling boil it should be 100 C or 212 F

  15. Hi there, I know I’m a bit late coming to the discussion (okay very late!) but I am desperate to try this recipe as it looks amazing and the way you have described it, makes me feel like I could actually have a go! – I just have two questions….what size tray do you use to set the nougat in? I am based in the UK and can’t seem to find glucose syrup at a ‘normal’ price anywhere – I can either get the small tubes of it for a couple of pounds (!) or 10 litres of it!! Is there anything else I could use? I was thinking perhaps of a sugar type syrup I could do before, let cool and then use as a substiture. Any help or advice you could give would be really welcomed as I love nougat and would love to have a go at the recipe, I just don’t want to go bankcrupting myself buying glucose syrup! Thanks in advance

    • Hi Liddy, The reason for using glucose syrup is the glucose helps to stop the sugar crystalizing and keeps the nougat smooth. Corn syrup will do the same thing can you get that at a more reasonable price?
      The tray I used is 26 x 38cm

  16. Hi again thanks for your quick response;) one more question, i cooked it, it is great, but after 2 hours it became to do you think what is the problem? or it should be in this way? thanks

    • Hi sabina no it should not ‘melt’ We ate some of our after a few weeks and it was still hard. Store in an airtight container, with nonstick paper between layers. Make sure you heat to the correct temps on your candy thermometer.

  17. Hi, i want to prepare this stuff, but i wonder how much is one cup? all cups are different, how much your cup is? how much ml or gr? thanks beforehand:)

    • Hi sabina an australian cup is 250ml, the gram weight depends on what ingredients you are putting into it.

  18. HI. ANN.

    • yes this is similar to hard torrone

  19. Hi Ann
    Love all your experiment many thanks , I would like to ask what size of eggs you use as when you just say 2 eggs hole or like here 2 egg white

    • hi reema I use ‘large’ eggs, 1 white = approx 35g

  20. Ann – awesome nougat recipe. Ihave been playing around with nougat for years and it is always too soft – melts as soon as it comes out of the fridge, too hard to eat or just not quite right. This recipe worked beautifully and was so much easier than other recipes I have tried. Love it! Thanks

    • Glad to hear Kerryn, Merry Christmas

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