Ann Reardon

Teddy Bear Cake

teddy bear cake video ann reardon


Only one of my boys ever got attached to a particular teddy… Godfrey was teddy’s name. He has to come with us on every trip and once he nearly got lost at a US airport. The other two kids just love all teddies equally and will easily swap which one, if any, is on their bed. This teddy bear cake would be suitable for a baby shower, first birthday or well beyond if you have a special teddy.

With thanks to ‘World Kitchen ‘ for sponsoring this video and providing the give-away.
Terms and conditions
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our competition! Join us in congratulating our 5 lucky winners:
Cindy Luu
Hindh Ali
Malaika Haider
Lauren Baker
Robyn Dobson


To make this teddy bear cake you will need

Teddy Bear Template


Chocolate Cake Recipe
This makes a lighter chocolate cake than I usually use for carving, for my favourite dense one use two of this recipe

170g (6 ounces) dark chocolate
3 cups or 750millilitres (25.36 fluid ounces) hot brewed coffee
6 cups or 1308g (46.14 ounces) sugar
5 cups or 800g (28.22 ounces) plain all-purpose flour
3 cups or 360g (12.7 ounces) cocoa powder
6 tsp baking powder
2 1/2 tsp salt
6 large eggs
1 1/2 cups or 276g (9.74 ounces) vegetable oil
3 cups or 750millilitres (25.36 fluid ounces) of milk (4% fat)
2 tsp vanilla

teddy bear cake how to cook that video

Combine the chocolate and hot coffee. Once the chocolate is melted mix until smooth. Add in the oil and milk. Beat the eggs until foamy and add into the chocolate mixture. Sift together all of the dry ingredients and then mix into the wet mix.
Bake at 180C (356 degrees Fahrenheit) in:
* 2 x round 20cm (7.87 inches) cake tins
* 2 x 500ml pyrex bowls (add 2 cups into each)
* 2 x 1L (0.26 gallons) pyrex bowls (add 3 cups to each one)

30g (1.06 ounces) light blue fondant
50g (1.76 ounces) white fondant
20g (0.71 ounces) black fondant
50g (1.76 ounces) pale grey fondant

4 x american buttercream recipe mixed with
ganache made from 200g (7.05 ounces) white chocolate and 60millilitres (2.03 fluid ounces) cream (35% fat)

Supports and a small round cake board for inside the cake.
grass piping tip and piping bag
This cake will provide 30 generous serves.

3d teddy bear cake ann reardon

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

175 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, love this teddy bear! I will make it for my daughters birthday next week. Just one question: in the recipe text you say 2 times 500ml Pyrex bowls with 2 cups of batter in each, but in the video they don’t look to be full, are they definitely 500ml bowls? I just want to make the right sized head and body! Thanks heaps.

    • Hi Hamish, the bowls are labelled 500ml size.

  2. Hi there! I’m just wondering, with the template, whether we need to zoom it in at all? It seems a little small. Also what are the cooking times for the cakes?

  3. Rating: 5

    Hi my name is Zyaire eskridge and I was wondering if you could come to my house and make a cake with me I’ll tell you where I live if you say yes BC I love you and your cakes

    • Hi Zyaire that is so sweet, I’d love to but just can’t come to everyones house. I do however do meet and greets form time to time. I usually announce them to blog subscribers and on instagram and youtube so as long as you are following you’ll know.

  4. Rating: 5

    How your very talented at your work

  5. Hi, just wondering, what are the baking times for the cakes?

  6. Rating: 5

    Hi, Ann. I’m from Russia. Please told me, how much is one cup in recipe of chocolate cake. I want too cook it on birthday my aunt. Thanks a lot. You are wonderful!!!!!!!!

    • 1 cup in Australia equals to 250mls. Does that help?

  7. Hi Ann. That’s a great recipe, by the way can I use this recipe to make a 2tierd cake

    • Hi Prateekmenghani, yes you can, it tends to dome a bit though

  8. Hi Ann,
    please can you make some gluten and dairy free stuff?
    Please my dad has hashimotos deasies. Thanks

  9. Hi ann. I have done the teddy bear cake. I live in malaysia so the weather is quite hot, reach about 36 celcius. So i decorate my cake as per your tutorial using buttercream one day earlier n keep it in the fridge to avoid buttercream from melting. The next day I found my fondant is sticky n wet. Can you please explain what i did wrong and how to keep the teddy bear cake. Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Sasha, I assume you mean the fondant on the nose as there is not much fondant on this cake. Normally if you put fondant in the freezer and bring it our again it will go sticky because of the condensation when it hits the warm air. But it is usually OK in the fridge, it may get slightly damp and then evaporate off after being out of the fridge for a little while. But if it is really sticky after being in the fridge it may be due to the temperature of the room you’re in, if possible crank up the aircon, the buttercream will also start to melt if it is too hot.

  10. i dont get how 2 enter the giveaway. how do you enter? i read the thing but it didnt make sense

    • follow the link above and enter your favourite teddy bear memory int he comments on that post.

      • Rating: 5

        Hi Anne Readon I am just wondering if you could make liquorice.
        If you can then that would be amazing
        if not then its alright ok thanks

        • Rating: 5

          ya you should make liquorice if you could that will be amazing.

  11. Rating: 4.5

    can you do something that i about dogs such as shi-ba dog

  12. Rating: 5

    Please Ann can you do something One Direction or The Maze Runner related?

  13. Hi Ann could you please tell me what the approximate cooking times would be for each cake

    • Hi Jennifer, it will depend on your oven and the baking dishes you use, so Ann prefers not to give a specific time. It is better than you check to see if the cake is cooked by testing the center with a knife or skewer.

  14. Rating: 4.5

    Thank u so much for this chocolate cake recipe I’m definitely trying this .
    I love the other chocolate cake but I think this one would be much lighter coz oil instead of butter and less chocolate and eggs .

  15. Rating: 4.5

    Fantastic cake, really realistic.
    I second the request for chocolate truffles. Would love to have more recipes for these – absolutely fabulous

  16. Rating: 5

    I also love your creations! Chocolate truffles part four by any chance??? 😐

  17. Rating: 5

    I love your videos Ann! And how lucky that your family has a sweet tooth. My family only likes sponge cakes and sugar or shortbread cookies! 🙂

    • there are always friends happy to eat it.

  18. Way for ffee I can’t stand the test of coffee

    • Hi Pamela, then use a different flavour for your cake!

  19. hi Ann! what does the giveaway prize consists of? Sorry to bother you as I have not understand it much in the video. thank you a lot for doing another giveaway as I had requested one since the stand mixer giveaway.

    • hi samyuta there are 5 prize packs each with all of the times pictured plus a knife block. The full list of items is in the terms and conditions

  20. Rating: 5

    Great Video! Where do I sign up for the contest?

    • the entry to the contest is under the video; it is : COMPETITION ENTRY HERE
      click the red part and you can sign up now

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