Ann Reardon

Rock Candy Geodes Recipe

how to make rock candy

Geodes are beautiful so let’s make them delicious too. Follow the step by step instructions to make fondant or chocolate rock candy geodes. You can give them as a gift on their own or use them in cake decorating.

Fondant shell
350g (12.35 ounces) fondant
black and brown coloring

Using aluminum foil make a bowl into a rock shape and line with another sheet of aluminium foil.
Marble some grey, black and brown shades of fondant as shown in the video and roll it out.
Roll out some white fondant and place over the top of the coloured fondant.
Place the fondant (rock colour down) over the aluminium foil bowl. You can leave this to dry out or use immediately.

Supersaturated sugar solution recipe

3 cups or 640g (22.58 ounces) sugar
1 cup or 230ml water
few drops of food coloring
few drops flavoring

Heat the sugar and water in the saucepan and stir until completely dissolved. Remove from the heat.
Allow supersaturated sugar solution to cool slightly and then pour into the fondant shell. Leave overnight for crystals to form.
Remove any excess crystals that have formed in the middle, turn upside down and leave to dry out.
Using a sharp knife, trim off excess fondant around the level of the sugar crystals.

Chocolate Shell

how to make rock candy

300g (10.58 ounces) white chocolate melts or candy melts
2 Tbsp or 14g (0.49 ounces) cocoa powder

Make an alfoil bowl as shown in the video and pour in the hot sugar solution, completely wrap in alfoil and leave for 48 hours for crystals to form. Tip off excess sugar solution, peel off alfoil and leave upside down to drain.
Melt some candy melts or white chocoalte melts and pour over the back of the candy shell. Once set add some cocoa powder to the remaining melts and pour over the top of the white chocolate. Trim to the edges of the crystals.

rock candy recipe

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

182 Comments View Comments

  1. I made my cakes and added rock candy geodes

    • oopps side ways 🙁

    • They look gorgeous! Well done Gali.

  2. Hi Ann! Could you tell us how to insert these on the side of a cake? Is it as simple as marking the area, spooning it out, and then adhering it to the inside of the cake with some warm candy melts? Thanks!

    • Hi hel, Ann thinks that would work though you might find buttercream or ganache easier to work with for adhering the geode to the cake.

  3. Coolness occurs

  4. I love these! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    • Hi Michelle, This looks so cute! Great work.

  5. instead of using chocolate fondant could you use a chocolate bowl instead? thx ~ Morgane

    • Hi Morgane, Yes you can. If you look half way down the post, Ann has given an example of how to make a geode using a chocolate shell.

  6. Hey Ann!!!! I hope you’re having a good Saturday! I have a quick question… would this work or not with cookie dough…like sugar cookie dough?

  7. I’m learning geology and now I’m just watched a geode recipe.

  8. Hi Ann,

    Why does the chocolate melt when sugar is added to it?


  9. Whoops, didn’t mean to post that twice! Sorry!

  10. I wanted to make them more snack-sized (chocolate version), so I put foil over a muffin pan and made basins with it. Are there any adjustments to the recipe or waiting time for this method? The basins are roughly 5 inches wide and 1 inch deep at most.

  11. Hi Ann,
    I tried twice to achieve the perfect geode candy, but I have failed
    both times.
    Is it because I used gel food colouring from Wilton’s?
    or is it because it was not cool enough?
    How cool does the solution have to be before going in the aluminium foil?
    It seems like I’m not the only person having trouble with solution not crystalizing, reading on the comments above me.

    Please help!

    • If it does not crystalise it means you didn’t use enough sugar and your solution didn’t get hot enough. Sometimes impureties in the water can also prefent christals to form. Try bottled water instead. When making the syropy stuff, allow the solution to boil. After a few minutes the milky colour suddenly disapears and it becomes clear as water, give it another minute or so, add your colour and poor.

    • Hey Ann (or the administrator) I’m having the same issues, any help? I did everything as said in the video and it didn’t cristalyze. When I poured out the extra liquid after 48 hours there were little to no cristals D: and it all went down the drain, there was nothing left on the tin foil. There were veeeery fragile bits and pieces. Any idea what went wrong? (I did the non-fondant version)

      • Hi Jackie and Julie. It is difficult to know what could be the issue. If the crystals are not forming at all then Ann has found that the cause can be the over heating of the sugar to form a syrup rather than a super-saturated solution of dissolved sugar. Take the pan off the heat as soon as the sugar is dissolved, don’t let it sit. If you add different types of flavouring or colouring it can also impact on the process. Let us know how it goes next time. Also see Joan’s comment below for some other helpful info.

  12. Wow! I was blown away by this. Its so cool! We always look at making some home-made gifts around Christmas time, a little bit of a competition going on to who’s is most inventive! A little early yet but I will be making these geodes this Christmas!

    Thanks for sharing a great recipe!

    • thankyou john

  13. hi, nice post
    i like it thank for information

  14. amethyst is my birthstone!!

  15. Hello there,
    Thank you for the tutorial, I’m making this for my mother’s birthday with the words: no matter how the outside may change, your inside will always be beautiful. Only now i have a problem, the sugar solution won’t christalize. I’m using fondant shell and i nailed the fondants rocklike part, but what did i do wrong with the sugar?

    Thank you very much!
    Meike kuijer

  16. Thanks for the recipe Ann, I really enjoyed making these and they blew people away.

  17. What temperature do you heat the sugar to? And for how long? Should it be removed from heat when it reaches that temp?

    Thank’y for this! Can’t wait to give it a try!

  18. This is AWESOME! Thank you! I’m a geologist major and have a party this weekend with friends in my program so this is perfect. I just finished making the sugar solution. Have you experimented with flavouring the sugar? I wasn’t sure if it’d interfere with the crystal making process. I added a little vanilla so we’ll see how it turns out.

  19. Can you make these in the shape of an Easter egg using an Easter Egg chocolate mold, or do you have to use aluminum foil? Will the crystals not form in a chocolate mold? It would be cute to make a sugar scene with these. I can only imagine how beautiful pale yellow or green crystals would be with the white chocolate poured on the back. What flavors do you like with them? These are beautiful. I especially like the chocolate one, I like the texture of crunchy sugar with chocolate. I love your website and videos! Ruth

    • I think that it might work if you used foil to line the easter egg mold, prepare the sugar according to the chocolate recipe, and then coat the mold with chocolate layers and place the pre-molded sugar crystals into the molten chocolate in the mold.
      Would be interested in hearing (seeing pics of!) the results.
      Best of luck@

  20. Hi Ann,

    I loved this tutorial and had lots of fun making it, instead of adding crushed Oreo dirt, I sprinkled some extra coco powder which gave a better effect to my liking, love your videos!

    Thankyou and Kind Regards,

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