Ann Reardon

the deep enders

Where can you get your copy?


The Deep Enders audiobook, narrated by the author, is available on: Audible


AUSTRALIA: signed copies Australia Only andDymocks and Amazon
USA: Barnes & Noble and Amazon
UK: Waterstones and Amazon UK
CANADA: Amazon Canada
JAPAN: Amazon Japan
GERMANY: Amazon Germany
INDIA: Amazon India
FRANCE: Amazon France
ITALY: Amazon Italy
SPAIN: Amazon Spain
BRAZIL: Amazon Brazil
MEXICO: Amazon Mexico
SINGAPORE: Amazon Singapore


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With his home and family torn apart after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 16-year-old Murph Turner is evacuated to a wild town on the Australian coastline. An outsider in a bizarre land, he befriends Micki, a gorgeous but mysterious girl on the run, and Banjo, a hilarious Aboriginal scamp with pyrotechnic tendencies.

All three are running from their past and, despite his misgivings, Murph finds himself drawn to Micki. But even as war clouds gather on the horizon, they are suddenly catapulted into a deadly conspiracy that could shatter their world and destroy everyone they love.

This is the first book in the Deep Enders Series, BOOK TWO

69 Comments View Comments

  1. Just ordered it from Amazon. Can’t wait to get it!

    • fantastic! I know you’ll love it ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to hear what you thought & also leave a review on Amazon if you get a chance.

  2. Hi Ann,

    Congratulations on your husband’s book. I am really looking forward to reading it, #Booklover4life. Also, your tutorials are extremely helpful and always make my day especially recreating them with ingredients that are available in Australia (where I live). Anyway regarding the stand mixer competition (I am writing it here because the comments section is disabled on the stand mixer cake page), I can’t seem to enter because it always says ‘this webpage is not available’. I am not quite sure what the problem is but would it be because I just moved house and the internet’s not stable yet?

    Thank you very much!

    • Thanks for your support on the book! (

      As for the competition, the form kept stopping because of a bottle-neck of entries so I have just re-opened comments on that page so you can enter in the comments if there’s a problem. Good luck & hope you love the book too ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Congratulations on the book! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Will be looking forward to reading it!
    Already added to my Amazon List so it’ll be first thing
    ordered once I’ve got the money saved up! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • that’s awesome Daniela, I know you’ll love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Will the book be available as an audiobook anytime soon?

    • not yet David, but hopefully one day ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I can’t wait to get the book and start to read it because it looks really good and I bet it is even more than I expected.

    • awesome Helen, i really hope you LOVE it ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Hi Ann! I just want to say congratulations to you and your husband on the book! I do have a question though. Will the book be available for pre-order in paperback in America, and if so when? I have a birthday coming up in a couple weeks and I’m hoping my mom would be able to pre-order it. Again though, congratulations on the book! I’m sure I’ll love it!

    • Hi Sarah, You can only pre-order the digital version. The paper back will be available online from Amazon from April 23rd. If you have registered your interest then you will get an email notification when the books become available.

      • I am going to buy the book soon! Can’t wait! I can tell you have been working extremley hard to finish this book, I hope all goes well on the publishing date ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Ann can we get the book early I’m just to excited to read the book

  8. Wow! Can’t wait to read it ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope my parents will let me get it, considering how much money they have already spent on getting me books XD #BooksRlove #BooksRlyfe

    • awesome! I know you’re going to love it, it’s a fantastic book ๐Ÿ™‚

      • looks like a great book I will tell everyone I know, cant wait to read it!

  9. Hi Ann I really think your shout do a Celebrity cake or a Mother’s Day cake or even an animal cake I think you should do a frenchbulldog cake that would be epic and soooo amazing

  10. Congratulations to Dave (and to you, because I know this has certainly been a family effort!). Quick question – is the book traditionally published, or self-published? I took a look at the Amazon information but struggled to find the information. Either way, huge props. Writing a novel is an enormous commitment.

    • hi Cat, Dave went down the traditional route on his last (non-fiction) book but, to be honest the whole experience was rather slow so we didn’t even bother with it this time. We have some good contacts in the industry so we decided to cover the costs ourselves but it does make it more nerve-wracking!

  11. Is there going to be a movie and if who are the characters, who were the characters in the trailer
    Looks amazing, can’t wait!!!

    • the main characters in the trailer were Micki and Murph, 2 of the 3 heroes from the book ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. This trailer looks amazing, Ann, you have a very talented family including yourself, just AMAZING !!!

  13. So cant wait. The trailer looks amazing and by the way is the ebook version going to be on ibooks for people that want to get the ebook version on ios devices?

    • it will be on ibooks eventually but at the start it will just be through Amazon. There are actually free Kindle apps available that allow iOS users to buy & read books from the amazon store … that’s what we do too ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. cant wait til it comes out!!!!!! #annreardon

  15. Hi Ann ๐Ÿ™‚ Is the book will be translated into French ? I live in Belgium and my english is not very good :/

    • oh that would be wonderful but we don’t have the ability to do that yet, sorry :/

      • hey ann is it availible in america???

        • yes it will be available worldwide through Amazon in ebook and paperback ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. WOWOWOWOWOOW It looks AMAZING!!! Is it available in Malaysia?

    • yes definitely available worldwide through Amazon ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you’re going to love it!!

  17. Wow! That looks really good. Can’t wait to read it. Is it available in England?

    • yes it will be available worldwide on Amazon, both ebook and paperback ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a great story, i think you’ll love it!

  18. Wow!! The book trailer is amazing!! Can’t wait to read it, Ann.

    • cool ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Will it come out in New Zealand. It looks intresating I can’t wait to read it.

    • yes it will be available in NZ. ebook and paperback will be released on April 23 but you can pre-order now too ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Sounds like a great read! Can’t wait! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • thanks Mark, we’re excited too

    • Look so cool i really want to read it. CANT WAIT

      • it’s a fantastic story, i think you’re going to love it ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Look so cool i really want to really want to read it.

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