Ann Reardon


vegan honey fake?


In this episode of debunking we investigate if you can make vegan honey out of cat grass, does putting roses in vodka make them last longer and how does a flourless sugarless chocolate cake taste? »

is the youtube ai algorithm biased against women

Is the YouTube algorithm biased against women?

Three questions youtube won't answer: 1. Is the YouTube AI algorithm biased against women? This question was posed to me many years ago by a YouTube employee when the algorithm first switched to AI. More recently the lack of female creators at conferences brough this question back up in my mind. All AI algorithms are trained on ... »


The truth about aspartame

Aspartame is one of the most researched food additives with hundreds of studies testing its effects on rats and humans. In this episode we will look at the validity of different studies and whether aspartame is safe to consume. »

dangerous foods

Toxic Foods – don’t eat these

Once again natural doesn't mean safe. Be careful what you consume. Want to read more: Bolarinwa, I.F., Orfila, C. and Morgan, M.R.A. (2015). Determination of amygdalin in apple seeds, fresh apples and processed apple juices. Food Chemistry, 170(170), pp.437–442. Graham, J. and Traylor, J. (2018). Cyanide Toxicity. Rezaul Haque, M. and Howard Bradbury, J. (2002). Total ... »


Debunking the World’s Purest Cookie

  In this episode we are testing a bunch of videos that people have sent me that I was curious about to see if they would work. Some of them looked like they could be possible. Let the tests begin. Can you fry in salt? Why did the world's purest cookie taste so bad? Can you make ... »



  When I did the first debunking video I was amazed and shocked that it was even necessary. Now the proliferation of fake content for views has made videos like this a regular thing. I can't help but wonder if companies were not using AI to drive their algorithms for maximum views if this ... »

pink sauce recipe

Pink Sauce Recipe

  Pink sauce blew up on tiktok mid year and then the controversy that followed spun out of control. In this video lets look at what is true and what was straight out false. And I'll figure out the recipe for you using only the ingredients on the packet. One of the ... »

Debunking Fake Hacks & Viral Clickbait Explained

Debunking Fake Hacks & Viral Clickbait Explained

  Debunking more fake hacks and looking at dodgy story time videos. Click-bait is on the rise. Using titles and thumbnail images that are misleading is technically against YouTube policies. But they do not seem to enforce that policy when people use highly exaggerated thumbnails and titles that misrepresent what is in ... »

deadly craft hack

DEADLY craft hack, do not try this

  In this video: DEADLIEST craft hack on the internet Video by: multiple sources on YouTube and TikTok showing how to make your own fractal wood burning machine and how to do fractal wood burning. Conclusion: Extremely Dangerous. At least 34 people have lost their lives trying to make wood look pretty with this craft hack. The small ... »

debunking dangerous hacks

DANGEROUS HACKS this is crazy

  These hacks are getting more and more dangerous it is ridiculous. Youtube used to be a great place to go for how-to videos. Sadly, they are eroding that reputation one hack video at a time. In this episode I am testing... 1. Should you store avocados in water in the fridge? According to this ... »

is milk good for you?

What type of milk should you drink?

Over the past 15 years there has been a steady decline in cows milk consumption and an increase in plant based alternatives in the US. This may, in part, be driven by the barrage of negativity surrounding cows milk on social media amongst "health" and fitness influencers. There is also plenty of articles ... »

sugar alternatives

Sugar Alternatives are they a “healthy” option

Agave Nectar Structure: Up to 75% fructose, which is more than high fructose corn syrup. Claim: low GI Answer: True it is low GI because it does not have much glucose in it, it is mainly fructose. However fructose has to go to the liver for processing. If we consume a large amount of fructose it ... »

Can you make cotton candy in a clothes dryer?

Can you make cotton candy in a clothes dryer?

  There is so much in this episode for you: * What is the best method for cleaning metal baking pans? * Can you make ice-cream popcorn? * Can you make popcorn from beans? * Can you make cotton candy in a clothes dryer? * Does covering a watermelon in cement make it last longer? * Are swim rings dangerous? * Self tanning ... »

debunking fake videos

Debunking chocolate hands and coke pies

  Depression Pie Recipe unbaked 8" pastry crust 1 1/2 cups water 4 tablespoons flour 1 cup sugar dash vanilla 2 teaspoons water 5 tablespoons butter Pour the water into the pie crust. Mix together the flour and the sugar. Sprinkle this mixture over the top. Slice the butter finely and add to the pie. Cover sides of crust with ... »

Debunking – are these viral videos real or fake?

Debunking – are these viral videos real or fake?

  You have sent me lots of videos to debunk, this week we take a look at chocolate popcorn, microorganisms that are crawling on your face, onion storage, testing honey to see if it is pure and more. Enter for your chance to win one of ten Wiltshire baking prize packs This is a competition for best photo ... »

why don't flakes melt ann reardon

Why don’t flakes melt in the microwave?

  In this episode of debunking we look at some potentially dangerous hack videos. Should potentially dangerous videos be overlaid with warnings from the platform that they are published on? I answer the age old question of why don't flakes melt in the microwave and a new one... can coke whiten teeth? Homemade Flake ... »

ann reardon

Debunking Viral Tik Tok Videos

  In this episode I am debunking viral videos from Tik Tok, facebook and youtube. There continues to be a meteoric rise in the amount of 'fake' content surrounding the topic of food. Perhaps because food is easily accessible and relatively low cost for most content producers. It is important to educate young ... »

skittles waffles recipe

Can you make ice in a microwave?

  Can you make ice in a microwave if you reverse the polarity of electricity flowing to it? Can you make skittle lollipops in a waffle machine? What happens if you put m&m's in a waffle machine? Can you make ice cream frosting from icing sugar and ice cream? All these questions and more are answered in this weeks episode. »

Debunking Fake Viral Banana Videos

Debunking Fake Viral Banana Videos

In this episode we are going bananas! I read and researched so much about bananas and watched so many bananas hacks (that were all very similar to each other) that when I closed my eyes all I could see was bananas. I have collated just the most interesting of facts and conducted lots ... »

Debunking & Is Google Getting Greedy?

Debunking & Is Google Getting Greedy?

    In this episode we are looking at more recipes and viral videos that have been sent in to me to see if they would actually work. Also in discussion is the 'news media bargaining code', or the fight between google, facebook and the news media in Australia. »

11 shocking types of click bait that have fooled you before

11 shocking types of click bait that have fooled you before

  Why do we as humans continue to tap on click-bait? You'd think we would have learned by now. But instead we search for one thing and get distracted and drawn into a spiral of information we never intended to see. That is exactly what youtube and facebook aim for, keeping you on ... »

coke flavoured watermelon

New Debunking Viral Baking Videos

  In this video we will examine watermelon coke Baking brownies in a bag in the microwave, baking brownies on a hair straightener, banana milk desserts and so much more. I'm also going to test and improve the toothpick and floss method for cutting cakes. »

baked cheesecake recipe ann reardon how to cook that

Debunking More Viral Cooking Videos

Trustworthy is defined in the dictionary as reliable, dependable, tried and true. Unfortunately a lot of the viral videos tested in this series have been tried and found wanting. Does the publishing of disinformation (deliberate spread of information that you know is false for your own gain) really matter in how-to and cooking videos? ... »

debunking cover 19 myths

Debunking COVID-19 misinformation

  The world is in the grip of a pandemic. Each life lost is not just a statistic on the COVID-19 world counter, but a dearly-loved person. In the light of this, it's strange that some content farms seem to have no qualms about producing how-to videos with incorrect information about hand sanitisers and disinfectants. And ... »

debunking fake viral videos

Debunking – fake cooking videos

  I learnt a new word this week, disinformation. I had of course heard of misinformation before but there is an important difference between these two words. While both of them communicate something that is not true, misinformation is not done deliberately. For example someone who does not have all the facts ... »

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