Kitchen Tour, Macaron Pops & Comments
So many of you asked for it so I finally filmed a kitchen tour. Welcome to my home, this is where I film and edit all of my creations. I’ll also show you how to make macaron pops and read through some of the comments, good and bad, thanks for all the lovely ones.
For those of you who are regular viewers you’ll know that I made the castle cake a while ago, this is a new one of the same cake made for a TV film shoot. If you’re in Australia then it will be on ‘The Living Room’ some time in the next few weeks.
To answer the many questions about my videos… the equipment that I currently use is:
For filming: This Canon Professional Camcorder and a rode microphone.
For editing: Adobe Premiere on my iMac
by Ann Reardon How To Cook That
My Cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
Watched loads of this ladirs work she is amazing keep up the great work you have taught me so much
Hi Ann! It’s April fools day and it’s almost my birthday!!!!
DO A HOUSE TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Ann! Your son’s very adorable! Maybe those mean comments will help you become even better in your career! Hoping more good and positive feedbacks for you and continue making more mouthwatering recipes! Every Friday I excitingly wait for your new video after school! God Bless!
Dear Ann,
Not sure if this is in the right reply section. Your lil boy in the video where he asks why do peple hate the Australilians. Well you tell him not everyone does. Think he’s as cute as a button. Broke my heart. Some grown ups think if you’re not like them they don’t like you, silly huh? You and you’re beautiful family stay as you are. We are all different. I started making and decorating cakes like you. My youngest sons first birthday. Now my middle son decorates also. Thank you. I’m 59 and you have thought an old dog a few things.
Thanks Linmari for your feedback. Blessings to your family.
Hi!Ann ,i am from Malaysia.I love your videos.Can I ask you for 1 question.Can you make a Map of Malaysia cake?please…if you can?
Hi Ann, I am Bulgarian and I’m 12. I love all of your videos and I love your accent. I don’t care what other people are saying about you or your videos, please don’t listen to them and keep up the good work. Nicole
I love everything about “how to cook that” and the accent
south African born
Thanks Christine.
Hi how are u ur all videos r owsome I am loving it
Can u plz show us the product u use when u make white chocolate or brown chocolate gnash we live in Australia so it will be easy for us to go and get so we can hv same taste
Hi Sehri, Ann has made a video of how to make chocolate ganache showing her ingredients. You can find it here:
Dear Ann, you’re BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely love the way you do all your videos. I loved almost all of them.. the giant chocolate bars, tempting chocolates, candles, books.. And especially the chocolate flower dessert. You are amazing! And I am so grateful and thankful for all your generous efforts and amazing and concise videos. I hope that I meet you one day! May you and your family always have the gift of good health and happiness.
Hi Sarab, Thanks for the great feedback. Ann really appreciates it.
I want to make a cake for my mom. What should I bake?
Hi Joe, A good place to start is this sponge cake:
Can you make a Kit Kat bar for me please and thank you love, Christina ♤♡♢☆
Can you make me a Kit Kat bar please and thank you ♡♤love, christina
I wanted to tell you that I think you are lovely. You do such a wonderful job and inspire me to try more things. You and your family are the nicest people. I love to see the new things you come up with. So please keep the videos and recipes coming. Thank you so much Michaelann Keesling
THanks Michaelann! Ann loves to hear your feedback and it is true she is one of the nicest people!
Hi Ann. I am 11 and from the U.S.. I also highly respect British, Australian, and others of the Commonwealth Realms. I do agree with the spellings of colour, favourite, centre, aluminium, programme, and others. I also love that you say petrol instead of gas. You Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, and others are awesome.
Joe Fox
Thanks Joe!
Hi Ann, I am german and worked 13 years as a chef. Desserts were never my strength, but you are a great Tutor with amazing ideas. You have a great family and I love your accents.You are terrific. Chapeau to what you have accomplished.
Thanks Kersten for your great feedback.
Hi Ann i just wanna you to share what you do with Arab pepole it’s not about translation, just share them what you do with any mean you like, in case of you like them.
with my best wishes.
Chef pastry Ahmed.
OMG! I love your videos i just want you to know that i want you to teach me how to make cakes like that
Thanks for the great feedback Daisha.
Can you plz make a Starbucks cake
Great suggestion!
I luv your cakes, even the minecraf ones, I suggest making Dunking Donuts or MCDONALD’S cake, I would luv it so much!!
Thanks for the suggestions!
Hey guys, it’s me again, I got w new idea, since I already knew you made an overworld minecraft cake, what about the Nether and the End with Enderdragon? I luv you An!!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Your website and cakes are so tasty I would try some of your minecraf designed, I play Minecraft, by the way, I am american, eleven years old and I love your cakes, I watched some in YouTube and you really inspired me, I bet a lot of you guys know that in heart too. Never took me away from your deliciousness and kindness. I luv chocolate the most so I suggest making a soccer ball cake. Thanks!
Hi Ann, how can I use stevia instead of sugar in the icecream recipes. I have make the chocolate one today (its chilling so result is unknown as yet) and swapped sugar for 2 tspns of stevia syrup, and added an extra half cup of cream for volume. I want to make an egg based icecream next. can you advise? Peta
Hi peta, You demonstrated the problem with stevia in your question. As there is a decreased volume you have to replace it with something else. In this case you’ve used more cream which increases the fat in the recipe. As for using the stevia to replace the sugar in a egg based ice cream I have not experimented with that but am curious to know how it tastes.