Ann Reardon

Laptop Cake

3d desk cake ann reardon how to cook that


This week I’m making a desk cake complete with a cute little laptop, deep enders book, Make It A Great Week mug, pencils and of course a camera. Watch to the end of the video to see how you can enter to WIN your very own laptop or camera.

COMPETITION has now closed. Thank you for all of the wonderful entries well done for starting your websites. Congratulations to the winners Mario Jan Bermejo (laptop) and Victoria Shiau (camera).

chocolate laptop desk cake tutorial

To make this desk cake you will need:

The Desk Cake Template


Triple quantity of my Buttercream Recipe
strawberry jam
350g (12.35 ounces) chocolate
2.5kg (5.51 pounds) white fondant
200g (7.05 ounces) brown fondant
brown gel food colouring
other colouring depending on what you want to make eg red for pencils
gold luster dust for pencils
silver luster dust for laptop
wafer paper and printer with edible ink cartridges or you can order your printouts online just search for ‘edible image printing’

Chocolate Cake:
600g (21.16 ounces)  of 70% cocoa dark chocolate
945g (33.33 ounces) or 4 cups margarine
24 eggs
6 3/4 cups or 1458g (51.43 ounces) caster (super fine) sugar
3 3/4 cups or 600g (21.16 ounces) plain flour (use GF flour if coeliac, this recipe has been tested with gluten free flour and works well)
3/4 cup or 90g (3.17 ounces) cocoa powder
4 tsp baking powder

Preheat the oven to 180C (356 degrees Fahrenheit). Place chocolate and margarine into a bowl.
Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave (30seconds, stir, 30sec, stir…).
Whisk in the sugar and eggs into the chocolate mixture.
Sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together and mix into cake mixture until well blended.
Pour into 4 lined baking trays, mine cake tins are 38cm (14.96 inches) x 25.4cm (10 inches).
Bake for 15 minutes. Insert a knife into the centre to check if it is done, if it is ready it will come out clean.

1. Make your decorations for the top of the cake, these can be done up to a month ahead.
fondant pencil
2. Bake your cakes and leave to cool
3. Make your buttercream, cut your cake boards and supports to size
4. Assemble the cake layers with the supports as shown in the video.
5. Cover the whole thing in buttercream and take your time to make sure it is straight and flat.  Fondant doesn’t hide mistakes in the buttercream, rather it shows them up.  Once you’re happy with it refrigerate for several hours.
6. Cover the cake in fondant in sections as shown in the video.
7. Paint with brown food colouring to give the wood look.
8. Make a sheet of chocolate for the top and, once set, cover in fondant and paint with brown food colouring.
9.  Once the food colouring has dried add the desktop in to place and position your desktop items.
10. Take a photo before the party starts and then enjoy.

how to make a desk cake

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

90 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    Love you nice love it

  2. Hello Ann,

    I have a question regarding the contest. Does the picture or video have to be something I took (for example a video I took on my phone) or can it be something I’ve created, like a picture I’ve drawn or a video I’ve made in an animation program?
    I read all the rules, but English isn’t my first language so if this question is already answered in there then I’m sorry that I missed it.
    Thank you so much for your time and thank you for all your amazing videos.
    Greetings from Germany

    • Hi Tanya, it can be anything that you’ve created … a picture, a photo, a recipe etc. We just want to make sure that it’s everyone’s own creation & not something that people just grabbed off the internet 🙂

    • Hi Tanya, yes it can be anything you’ve created yourself… a drawing or an animation that you made is perfectly fine.

  3. I Hope i win the camera or the laptop!
    Ann you are the best!

  4. Rating: 5

    This sounds so exciting!! Plus your cakes look AMAZING

  5. Rating: 4.5

    Umm what if i am going to run a blog and youtube vlog, not actually cooking channel?

    • Rating: 5

      Also art

    • Hi Mika, your website can be about whatever you like – it will be judged on the home page and the latest blog post

  6. Rating: 5

    My 9 year old daughter and I love your videos and we wait patiently for your new ones on Fridays. We would have loved a Mother’s Day cake this week!

  7. If you are under 18, but have your parents permission, can you still enter?

    • Hi Ellie, you can make the website and get a parent to enter it on your behalf (prize can only be delivered to someone over 18).

  8. What do you mean by a post? I have created the website but i dont know what counts as a post????

    • Hi Lydia, a blog post or recipe post – ie there is a home page – the front page of the website and then there should be some other pages/posts. The most recent one is the one we will look at.

  9. Rating: 5

    I love it! SO cute!

    • thanks tammy

  10. Rating: 5

    So Cute!!!!

  11. Rating: 5

    SO cute!!!!!!!!!

  12. Rating: 5

    I love all your hard work on youtube, i wish i could make mini cooking

    • Hi Fatou, mini baking is lots of fun ?

  13. Rating: 5

    Can the blog post be a part of the Bio? The format I chose doesn’t really have space for a blog. Also your video is amazing! I love the wood texture because it’s so realistic!

    • Hi Lily, when looking at submissions we will look at the home page and the latest post. If you dont need posts on your website you can always delete it later – but for judging you’ll need one.

      • Rating: 5

        Thank you so much!

  14. Rating: 4.5

    Does the website have to be made on WIX to be eligible? Or can I make my own website to enter?

    • Hi Curious, yes it has to be a wix based one, but you can do your won coding on the website if you want to.

  15. Rating: 5

    I hope I win I never have won anything in a compatison and I’m 12. I am making my own YouTube Chanel it will be called how to bake that

    • Rating: 5

      I looked up your YouTube channel, so far, great work! 🙂

    • hi oscar, you could embed your video in the post ?. There is already a channel called that so if it is not yours you may need to think of a new name.

  16. Rating: 5

    Can I join the contest using the website created in the school by me and my classmates? I’ve already asked their permission and they’ve allowed me to use that site to join. Most of the layout and content there was also created by me.

    • hi kim if you have the login to verify it is yours then you could, it will be judged on the home page and one post – the latest one. The post must have at least 50 words and a photo or video that you took. ?

  17. Rating: 5

    You never cease to amaze me Mrs. Ann?? Please be well rested??

    • thanks Otakuu, spoken like someone who know how much work it was to make the cake, film at the same time and edit the video ?

  18. Rating: 5

    Hello! is it possible to make a site about something that interests me? would you more likely choose a website about food?

    • Rating: 5

      HI MS one prize will go to a food one and one will go to a non-food one so make it about something that interest you. ?

  19. Rating: 5

    Hey ann I’m from Singapore hope I will have a chance to win 🙂 love your vids since day one of ur channel 🙂

    • ?I’m looking forward to seeing all the entries

    • Thanks Clarissa!

  20. Rating: 5

    Its so Cool

    • thanks Gabriel, I’m glad you like it ?

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