5 Kitchen Gadgets Clever or Never?

In CLEVER or NEVER I test out kitchen gadgets so that you don’t have to. You can see them being used and make up your mind if they are really clever or something you’d never use. Let me know if there are other gadgets you’d like to see put to the test.
Pastry Cutter
If this device worked then it should make a beautiful lattice pattern for the top of a pie. See my picture below. This particular one however was not actually strong enough to cut through the pastry. The idea is still a good one though, so perhaps look for a metal version of the same thing would work well.
Gadget Source: eBay
Batter Spreader
This is a perfect gadget … simple, small and does what it sets out to do, which in this case is help make thin, even crepes.
Gadget source: Batter Wooden Spreader Stick
Batter Dispenser
There are lots of variations on this theme.
Some models have more of a pointed cone shape on the end, which would suit smaller applications where you need to be accurate with your batter placement. But for something like pancakes or crepes this batter dispenser works perfectly well and as a bonus it stands up by itself.
Gadget Source: Batter Dispenser
Perfect Sushi Roll
Let me know if you think this is clever or never? For me it is a never. Definitely falls under gimmick not gadget. The main reason being the tiny size of the sushi it rolls. You can only roll 1/3 of a nori sheet at one time. Perhaps if it was full size I might use it. But even then I think I’d just stick to the traditional bamboo mat.
Gadget Source: Sushi Kit Perfect Sushi Roll
Ice cream sandwich maker
Both Dave and I liked this one – the only negative was that it only made four ice cream sandwiches and there are five people in our family. So I think we’d need a different solution if we were to use this one again. But the batter recipe was good (see below).
Gadget Source: Ice Cream Sandwich Maker
Ice Cream Sandwich Batter Recipe:
1/2 cup or 110g (3.88 ounces) butter at room temperature
2/3 cup or 145g (5.11 ounces) sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 egg yolks or approx 60g (2.12 ounces)
1 cup or 160g (5.64 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 cup or 120g (4.23 ounces) cocoa powder
1 cup or 250mL (8.45 fluid ounces) hot water
1 ½ tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
Whip together the butter, sugar and vanilla. Once light and fluffy add in the egg yolks and mix well. Stir in the dry ingredients and once they are well combined add the cup of hot water and whisk until you have a smooth batter.
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
can u do an episode on which flour is the best fibre flour green banana flour wheat flour buckwheat flour or gluten free flour?
Hi Ann I think the perfect roll sushi 🍣 is a never 👎
Hi Ann,
I would like to know where can i find the recipe of this beautiful cherry apple pie?
Btw, love all ur creations!!!
Hi Athena, That pie is similar to this one: https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/apple-pie-recipe-dessert/
For me you’re the clever one Ann! Love you and your channel so much!
Thanks RWL for the feedback.
I refuse to clutter my kitchen with uni-taskers. If this was solely a pancake batter dispenser, I wouldn’t buy it, however, this clever thing actually iS more than that. I have a generously sized fat separator made exactly like this, so it isn’t a uni-tasker.
1. Batter dispenser
2. Fat separator — dispense the broth, discard the fat — just let hot broth sit for 5 minutes for fat to rise and settle before dispensing the defatted broth from the bottom.
3. Sauce/Gravy dispenser — you can sauce every plate for a large gathering in just a few seconds, all without dripping anything on the counter or tablecloth.
I keep finding new uses for it! I imagine your readers can come up with a few of their own uses for this clever “bottom-server!”
Hi Ann,I love your videos and I want to like and subscribe but I can’t my parents don’t allow me to get a YouTube channel,I hope you can do a chiwawa cake!!!!!
I thought all the gadgets except for the batter spreader were clever. I really like sushi and ice cream sandwiches. I would like the pastry cutter if it was made of a stronger material. Thank you for doing another clever or never video.
Hi Ann, love all your videos. Can you make a harp cake sometime?