70 Russian Piping Tips
At first there was five, now there are over seventy different Russian piping tips. I am not entirely sure if there have always been seventy and we only saw a few for sale here. Or if a clever marketer saw the opportunity to quickly expand their range of Russian piping nozzles as demand for them swelled. Either way I am testing all of them here for you in this video so it will serve as a handy Russian piping tip chart in video form. Enjoy.
For this video I used my vanilla buttercream recipe from this post.
Some of the tips are very similar to each other. For example there are lots of tips that have 3 ‘petals’ on the outside, like the one pictured below, but the pattern in the centre changes. It is interesting how much difference this makes to the look of the piped flower.
Using multiple colours in your flowers will make them look much prettier. See the demonstration in the video on how to use the Russian piping tips and how to add multiple colours.
It is important to mention that tips I bought from different suppliers with the same pattern seem to be slightly different sizes. It seems that there is no ‘standard’ size or tip number so hopefully this video helps you decide what nozzles you need.
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Hi! I just c watched this tutorial and now I really want to try these tips! Do they have numbers (like wilton tips) so we know which ones are which?
Where can I buy them?
No, they don’t. Most frustrating!
Great demonstration but you really should publish a book!
Thanks for a look at the various Russian decorating tips. I’ve recently seen them used for doll dresses on cupcakes and they are adorable! Does anyone know where the little doll pics shown on the cupcakes are sold?
Great, great video. thank you! Which are the smallest tips that I should buy for cookie decoration? Can I use royal icing instead ?
Hi Jimena, For decorating cookie yes you should use royal icing https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/sugar-cookie-recipe/
Can you please make a pdf of them? This is the most comprehensive chart I’ve seen so far even though the light colors are really hard to see.
I agree, this would be awesome!
Good day I am living in Namibia and I really want the set of the normal size Russian nozzles to buy but I don’t know where to go and what is the right prize for me to pay . Is there a way that you can help me like I pay the amount in your account and you buy it for me and send it for me?
Hi Estelle, no I am sorry we are not able to assist with the purchase of goods other than those on our Shop pages and only with the electronic payment system provided.
Hi Ann, Love the piping tips but all the plain yellow ones only show up in a yellow mass when filming. Your other coloured ones were fantastic. Love watching your videos. Keep up your fantastic work..
Kind regards Michelle Bunt xx
There are so many piping tips that I can’t decide which one is my favorite. ? I really like the second row of piping tips that you showed.
how u buy these
Hi Altonette, there are many places to obtain these piping tips. Ann collected hers from a variety of sources. Cake decorating stores carry them as do ebay and Amazon.
What set of 70 Russian Piping Tips are these ,and where can they be gotten ?
Hi Linda, Ann obtained her tips from a variety of sources. You can find them in cake decorating stores and via online suppliers.
Thank you so much for pointing out the importance of holding them tightly to the cupcake´s surface. I was wondering why mine didn´t work as nice as the drawings.
Wishing you an eggcellent Easter!
Hi Ann,
I am 13 and love to listen and watch your videos, they are so encouraging and I love them! Keep doing what you are doing, but I love the tip that is at 3 minutes and 32 seconds. It just looks so pretty! Happy Easter and remember what it is really about 🙂 (Jesus rising from the dead)! God bless you and your family.
Thanks for commenting Rachel Renee.
Hey I was wondering what I should youse to ice shugercookies I am 11 and love watching you.?? Happy Easter and God bless.
Hi Ashlynn, When Icing sugar cookies, you usually a creating quite different designs and using a different type of frosting. See here for some ideas: https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/sugar-cookie-recipe/
Hi Ann, could you send me your recipe for buttercream as mine is too soft for these tips. Thank you so much, just love your videos and tips xx
Kindest regards Ann chapman
Hi Ann, Here are some recips to try: https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/buttercream-cupcake-frosting-recipes/