Ann Reardon

Chocolate Leather Mousse Dessert

chocolate mousse dessert ann reardon


Today we are making an indulgent dessert wrapped in a dark chocolate leather. Inside is a crunchy chocolate hazelnut base topped with a raspberry gel, milk chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries.



75g (2.65 ounces) butter
85g (3 ounces) brown sugar
unsweetened cocoa powder
75g (2.65 ounces) plain flour
75g (2.65 ounces) hazelnut meal.
18g (0.63 ounces) cocoa powder
pinch salt

Preheat the oven to 180C (356 degrees Fahrenheit)

Place the butter and the brown sugar into the bowl of an electric mixer and beat on high speed until it looks like wet sand. Turn the mixer to low and add the cocoa powder, flour and the hazelnut meal and mix that for a few minutes until it is crumbly.

chocolate entremet dessert reardon

Pour the crumbs into the base of a lined 9″ springform tin and push it down to compact it. Bake for 15 minutes.

Raspberry gel

500g (17.64 ounces) raspberries
70g (2.47 ounces) sugar
10 gelatin sheets.

Place the gelatin sheets into the cold water and leave them to soak.

raspberry sauce recipe youtube

Add the sugar to the raspberries and heat over high heat until soft. Pour it into a fine sieve using a spoon to push the juices through, leaving the seeds behind.

Squeeze the gelatin to get as much water out of it as you can and add it to the hot raspberries and stir well.

Pour that the mixture into a silicone cake tin and place it in the freezer for about 1 hour so it sets.

Chocolate Leather

30g (1.06 ounces) cocoa powder
30g (1.06 ounces) rice flour
10g (0.35 ounces) vanilla
250ml water
50g (1.76 ounces) sugar
Add everything except the sugar into a saucepan and heat until it starts to boil. Add sugar to taste.

Tip half of the paste onto some baking paper and spread it in an even thin layer to the full length of your baking tray. Repeat that with the other half. Bake at 80C (176 degrees Fahrenheit) to dry out for about 25 minutes.

chocolate leather

While it is still warm take you chocolate leather and add it on top the base around the outside edge of your tin. You want it to look creased and crumpled not totally smooth so give it some texture. It will cool quickly because it is so thin.

Remove the raspberry gel from the freezer, take it out of the mold and place it onto the base bending it up and pressing down to make it fit right to the edges.

Chocolate Mousse

300g (10.58 ounces) milk chocolate
600g (21.16 ounces) cream
75g (2.65 ounces) egg yolks
102g (3.6 ounces) sugar
40mL (1.35 fluid ounces) water
70mL (2.37 fluid ounces) cream
11 gelatin sheets
extra water to soak the gelatin.

Place the gelatin in the water and leave to bloom.

Whip the first quantity of cream to form soft peaks.

Add the water, sugar and egg yolks into a bowl resting over a pan of simmering water. Beat with electric mixers until the mixture is hot and airy. Remove from the heat.

Melt the chocolate and set aside.

Take the remaining cream and heat it to just boiling. Remove from the heat and add the squeezed gelatin sheets.

Pour the hot cream mixture into the melted chocolate and stir well to make sure it is well combined.

Add the egg yolk mixture and gently mix it through, keeping as much air as possible. Fold in the lightly whipped cream.

chocolate mousse cake recipe youtube

Pour into the tin and leave in the fridge to set. Add some fresh raspberries around the top edge.

Then slice and serve.

The chocolate leather gives this dessert a really modern look and the flavours combine really well to make it one of those desserts that you that you just don’t want to stop eating after only one slice.

chocolate mousse dessert reardon

Copyright © 2017 Reardon Media Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. How To Cook That

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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

30 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, i was wondering if you could make a video on small cakes to make for desserts for small gatherings of like 7 people?

  2. Rating: 5

    Hi Ms. Reardon, I was just wondering what bloom of gelatin you used for this recipe, or at least what bloom you most recommend.

    • G’day Malia, the sheets of gelatine weigh different amounts depending on their strength. Eg the stronger bloom it is the less each sheet weighs.
      Eg silver/160 bloom weighs 2.5g per sheet, gold/200 bloom weighs 1.6g So the same number of sheets of any bloom should set the same amount of liquid, if the recipe calls for 5 sheets you can use 5 sheets of any strength.
      The advantage of the stronger bloom ones is that being lighter you are using less gelatine by weight, so it has less of a taste and a clearer colour, which can be important in some desserts. The disadvantage is they are more expensive. So for cost efficiency you can use a cheaper one in a dessert that has a stronger flavour and is not clear, like a chocolate mousse.

  3. Rating: 2.5

    You have inspired me to try a lot of things. This looks good but I got the gelatin amount wrong because I have not been able to get the gel sheets here and the ones I find on line are costly.
    When life gets overwhelming (twins, hubby with cancer, eat.) I love to make one of your decadent desserts.

    • So sorry to hear of your difficult life situation, praying that your hubby gets through stronger than ever. I think there are lots of bakers out there who’d agree with you that they bake to unwind.

  4. Rating: 4.5

    Can you make a log roll cake please? I think they look so cute but every time I try to make one it turns to ruins. Thank You!

  5. Rating: 5

    Hey Ann! I m a budding chef . I really got amazed by the way you tought the chocolate tempering it was amazing

  6. Rating: 4.5

    I’m hoping to make this today, and am wondering if it would work just as well with frozen raspberries?

  7. Hi Ann. I tried this recipe and everything was working great until I got to the chocolate leather. I mesured everything correctly and the oven was at the right temperature, but it kept cracking and the bottom was still wet. Then I tried it again on a silicone mat, but the same thing happened. I ended up just pressing the pieces onto the pan anyway, and i don’t know how it will turn out yet. I’m just wondering what I did wrong. Thanks!

  8. Rating: 4.5

    I like the recipe ann!
    I was dreaming last night that I was in
    Austrailia and talking with you and
    telling me some of your dessert
    recipes! lol

    • Great dream!

  9. Rating: 4.5

    Can i use something else instead of the chocolate leather?

    • Hi Lesl you could make your own pastry and blind bake it if you prefer.

  10. Rating: 4.5

    How much gelatin should I use when I have only powdered one? 🙂 Have a good day Ann.


  11. Hi Ann
    I tried this recipe out because it looked so good! It was going well until I did the mousse and I followed the recipe very carefully, but my mousse turned out lumpy. It started getting lumpy when I mixed the melted chocolate and the egg yolk mixture together. Do you why this could have happened?

    • Hi Teagan, without seeing what you did it is difficult to know however the most likely causes would be that the chocolate mix was too hot when you added the egg mix and that has caused it to clump. Other possible issues could be the gelatin not being properly mixed through the chocolate mix.

  12. Rating: 5

    hi ann
    so there is this really cool drink at starbucks called a unicorn frappechino. Unfrotual you cant get it here in ausralia I was wondering if you could make a recipe

  13. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann! I’m thinking of making this but my brother is allergic to raspberries. Could they be swapped out for something similar, like strawberries or blackberries?

    • Hi Katherine, yes you can.

  14. Rating: 4

    Okay, so I tried to do this dessert yesterday, and I stumbled upon the chocolate leather. I used all ingredients in exact measurements, used the oven thermometer to ensure 80° C in the (fan) oven, and yet both times I tried, the chocolate layer turned out like a dried out desert (not dessert!) crust with lots of open cracks. These chocolate layers could not be used. My husband tasted them, one can eat them, but neither he nor I liked the taste very much. I decided to not try again (shortly before midnight), poured the raspberry gel directly onto the base (with a thin chocolate coat on top of the base to avoid soaking it) and added the chocolate mousse the next day. That worked beautifully and we have just had a small piece of this dessert/cake. The mixture of crunchy base, raspberry layer, chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries is great, really, really yummy!
    In future I will use the three different recipes (base, gel and mousse) for other cakes, too.
    Thank you, Ann!

    • Thanks for the feedback. Not sure what was the problem, but it sounds like you may need to shorten the cooking time for the leather if you want to try it again.

  15. Hi
    Looks great. How can I use gelatin poweder instead of the showers

    • Hi Simcha, Gelatine sheets vary in strength so it is difficult to make a direct comparison. You need to check the instructions on the side of the powder packet to ensure you add enough to firmly set the liquid you are working with. The acidic nature of fruits can also impact on the gel and you may find you have to stir it constantly to ensure you don’t get clumping of the gelatine crystals (lumps) in your mix. It is better to use sheets in this recipe if you can.T

  16. Rating: 5

    I’m gonna make this cake and I hope everybody loves it.
    And internet to me said that one sheet of gelatin is abut one teaspoon of powdered gelatin.

  17. Hi Ann. Gelatin sheets are not available in this part of the world. What is the quantity to be used if it’s the powdered kind?

    • Hi Gillian, you will need to check the instructions on your Gelatine powder to confirm how much is required to give a firm result. Usually the titanium gelatine sheets are equivalent to around 5 gms of gelatine

  18. Rating: 4.5

    Hi Ann,
    My family will love this cake since it includes a crunchy bottom, a fruit layer and fresh fruit. So I will bake it this weekend. I wondered if I could do the chocolate leather before doing the raspberry gelatine layer, and once it is cooled, put the rapsberry layer directly into the cake. Again, once this is cooled and firm, I would then add the mousse. Would this way of doing things be possible, too?
    Thank you so much for doing these great videos, I look forward to each of them every Friday.

    • Hi Corinna, I am not sure that I understand what you are suggesting. Are you wanting to try mixing the gel and the base? You can always experiment with alternatives but Ann tests the recipes well and provides the most effective way to produce a good result.

  19. Rating: 4.5

    hi ann
    can you do something ice skating theme because my ice skating coach just came back from the world synchronised championship

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