Ann Reardon

Chocolate Sphere Tutorial Chocolate Ball

chocolate sphere ball tutorial

Chocolate Sphere

Finally it’s here… the chocolate sphere tutorial from the top of the instagram cake.  Now some of you thought I’d filmed it at the same time as making the instagram cake, and that would have been smart, but I actually didn’t, hence the delay.

My two year old just dropped his day-time nap.  Re-read that statement with a tired but slightly panic-stricken tone.  Those one to two hours were a very productive part of my day.

Alone time and what I call ‘head space’ is vital for any humans sanity. With a two year old even going to the toilet is a group activity.  The great thing about having older boys is I know that this crazy two year old season will pass all too quickly as will the cute little things he says like ‘I like donut with binkles’.

Onto the chocolate sphere, you will need at least 200g (7.05 ounces) of tempered chocolate, if you can’t be bothered tempering you must use fake chocolate.  Please take the time to read this post on tempering and what chocolate to use, it will save you from having a sphere that will melt at room temperature!

You will also need a  hemisphere mold either in silicone or plastic (I’ve added a link to where I got mine from).  Something metal and round like the back of a piping tip, a metal pen casing or a cannoli tube.



For the swirls of chocolate that were either side please see this earlier post on chocolate transfer sheets.

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That


My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

19 Comments View Comments

  1. 2demeanor

  2. Hi ann,
    I did follow the link to where you got the mold from but how big is the one you used?
    Kind regards, Britt

    • Hi Britt, Ann used a silicon mold that has 6 hemisphere’s in a sheet- they are each about 2.5 inches in diameter.

  3. hi ann i would love you to try to make a chiken cake plz

  4. Rating: 5

    I am really into LEGO Legends of Chima, and if you could show us how to make a cake based on that theme, that would be awesome! BTW, terrific job on all your other cakes you’ve made so far, they are amazing! : )

  5. Hi Ann
    I would love to cook a 3D Teenage Mutant Ninja a Turtle cake for a nephew turning 5 soon. I would appreciate any ideas you have as to how to embark on this project! You are very inspiring & creative…thank you Anna

  6. This is amazing! What kind of chocolate did you use for this?

  7. Rating: 5

    I would love to know how to make a 3D owl cake…

  8. You are an inspiration! I’m a passionate cake baker and decorator and have gained so many new ideas and tips so please keep posting! x

    • thanks Amelia 🙂

  9. Hi Ann from where could I find the brûlée torch

  10. Hi Ann , I couldn’t find the link the the instruction , pls help . Thanks a lot!

    • hi vivian, sorry I am not sure what link you need

  11. You come up with such brilliant ideas!
    And two year olds grow up so fast…enjoy your time with him 🙂

  12. I am just so amazed at all the beautiful edible art that you make and I’m very grateful that you share it with all your fans

    With love -Brian

  13. Love it

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