Ann Reardon

Grand Dish of Snowballs 200 year old recipe


A Grand Dish of Snowballs

grand dish of snowballs

Pare and take out the cores of seven large baking apples ; fill up the holes with quince or apricot marmalade ; then make some good hot paste, and roll it out thin, covering each apple neatly with it ; set them on a baking sheet, and bake them in a moderate oven;

1800s cooking recipes

great care must be ta- ken that they do not crack ; as soon as this is done, prepare some iceing as by former instruc- tions ; when the apples are baked, and nearly
cold, cover each with the iceing in as neat a man- ner as you can; at the top of the ball you may lay iceing in a light manner to represent snow lately fallen ; set them in a warm stove for half
an hour ; then place over them a silver web lightly spun.

Crisp Tart Paste.

1lb (0.45 kilograms). butter and 2lb (0.91 kilograms). flour. Rub the butter and flour very finely together; then mix it with water into paste the stiffness of the butter. This is choice paste for tarts made of fresh fruit.

old pastry recipe

To make icing

17th century cooking

Take good double loaf sugar;
beat and sift it through a fine lawn ; then take any number of whites of eggs into a large pan or bason; and mix the sugar pretty stiff; add one table spoonful of soft gum dragon, prepared for the purpose beat;
all together with a spatter; adding a little lemon juice at intervals, which will assist the colour; keep beating it up until very light, which you may know by it rising to more than double the quantity ; this is a certain criterion to know the lightness of it. If you want iceing for cakes, you must attend to the stiffness of it, bytaking a little up with a scraper, and dropping it upon a tin plate; if it keep its shape, it is proper to lay on cakes; but if it runs, it must be stiffer.
N. B. Gum dragon, proper for ice, must be put in water two days at least before wanted; and must be nearly as thin as white of egg; when used, must be strained through a clean cloth.

To spin a silver web

200 year old dessert recipe

Take one pint of clarified sugar, and one tea spoonful of lemon juice; boil it in a small pan to the degree called carmelled; the moment the sugar is ready, take it off, and put the pan bottom in cold water; as soon as the water is warm, take the pan out, this precaution will keep the sugar from discolouring; as this sugar is to represent silver, you must be particularly careful you do not boil it too high; have ready a crocantli mould neatly oiled with sweet oil; then take a teaspoon, and dip the shank of it into the sugar on one side of the pan, take up a little sugar, and throw the spoon backwards and forwards in the mould, leav- ing as fine a thread as possible; continue to do so until the mould is quite full; threads must be as fine as hairs
take it out, and cover it over a custard or any other sweet; and may, if you please, raise it by spinning light threads of sugar on the top.

grand dish of snowballs 200 year old dessert recipe

Recipe Source: A treatise on confectionary in all its branches – with practical notes and illusted with appropriate engravings, 1817, Joseph Bell

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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

10 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 3.5

    Hello, What temperature and for what time did you bake it for?

  2. Rating: 3

    hello, what is quince

    • beulah – Quince is not as common as it used to be. It looks like an apple or, if more elongated, like a pear. It has the most intoxicating aroma that should be bottled as a perfume! Not eaten raw, though as it is astringent. I use quince to make a pureed syrup to put on pancakes. If the supermarket doesn’t sell sell them, try a produce store (not easy to find one) or a farmer’s market.

      • Actually it is popular in Polad! We make fruit liqueur and tinctures out of it, tho there are two “forms” of it, one is small, around 3 cm in diameter, other is apple size, it tastes like apple-pear hybrid with a hint of lemon, it tastes great if you put it in tea.

    • The quince (/ˈkwɪns/; Cydonia oblonga) is the sole member of the genus Cydonia in the Malinae subtribe (which also contains apples and pears, among other fruits) of the Rosaceae family. It is a deciduous tree that bears hard, aromatic bright golden-yellow pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear. Ripe quince fruits are hard, tart, and astringent. They are seldom eaten raw, but are processed into marmalade, jam, paste (known as quince cheese) or alcoholic beverages.

      The quince tree is also grown as an ornamental plant for its attractive pale pink blossoms and other ornamental qualities.[1] From Wikipedia

  3. Rating: 5

    Hi ann, can u send me a h2ct sticker please.

  4. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, I’m just wondering if you will do any videos on 2023?

  5. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann may you make a tear drop cake please?

  6. Rating: 5

    I cant actually find a step by step recipe to follow to make these snowballs??

  7. Rating: 4.5

    Hi, Ann. I have to ask: what is Soft Gum Dragon?

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