Ann Reardon

High Heel Shoe Cake

shoe cake pillow howtocookthat
“Is that a Jimmy Choo shoe?” a friend said from behind me when she walked in. I’d never heard of Jimmy Choo before making this cake so was impressed at her ability to recognise a fondant shoe without seeing the label side of the cake. So why did I make a Jimmy Choo high heel shoe cake you ask? This one is for Lisa, a dedicated youtube subscriber who is among the first to comment every week on the How To Cook That videos and has been requesting a pillow cake since May. There was also lots of shoe cake requests so I combined the two. After a quick internet search for expensive shoe brands I choose this $1000 fedora high heel shoe from the 2013 Jimmy Choo collection.

How many will this cake serve? That depends on your serving sizes or how big you cut your slices. This has the equivalent of 36 cupcakes in it once you account for off cuts so if you are giving a cupcake size serve it will serve 36.

To make the pillow cake you will need:
Red Velvet Cup cake Recipe x 4 baked as four tray cakes, my tray was 26cm (10.24 inches) x 38cm (14.96 inches)
2 quantities of Cream Cheese Frosting or one of cream cheese and one of buttercream frosting
500g (17.64 ounces) red fondant (or colour of your choice)
100g (3.53 ounces) black fondant for cord
gold luster dust for cord
Optional: Fondant extruder for making the edging on the pillow fondant extruder

To make the fondant shoe you will need:

* The template


*330g (11.64 ounces) Black Fondant
*150g (5.29 ounces) Cream fondant (or white with a tiny bit of red and yellow gel colour added)
*40g (1.41 ounces) White fondant
* these are the amount of fondant used, so allow extra for rolling out.
Silver luster Dust for buckle
Black gel colour and fine paintbrush or black edible marker
25cm (9.84 inches) square cake board or similar sized cake plate
Texture Mat, I used one from kids book with texture mats at the back of it texture mats

See the video for detailed instructions on how to make the fondant shoe and pillow cake.

Print and cut out the template (link to template is near the top of this post) and set up the sole support as shown in the video
Make the buckle
Make the label
Make the sole in black and cream and put into place
Add the label and make stitch marks
Make the toe
Make the heel
Make the ankle loop in cream and black

Leave to dry

Make a paste and join the heel to the shoe, leave to set then add extra black to join
Add a toothpick and the back of the shoe
Make the middle and lower loops out of black and cream fondant and add to the shoe
Once set add the ankle loop to the shoe and the centre vertical piece
Add the decoration in black, green, blue and black starting at the base of the shoe

Leave to dry uncovered at room temperature

shoe cake reardon how to cook that

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

89 Comments View Comments

  1. Hello, Ann . Your tutorial is excellent even for a stupid old french guy .. 🙂 I bought your templates and my first shoe was just perfect ( a little bit too hard because of the typos I add to the fondant ) but my second one broke into several pieces . My question : did you use fondant or gum paste for your gorgeous shoe ?

    • Hi Yannic I just used fondant, you can use gum paste but hen you’d need to work faster as it sets quickly

  2. Ann,

    Im a big fan of yours. Your tutorial is very well explained. You look and bring perfection in each and everything.
    Like to make atleast one like yours.

  3. Can you give me the site for printing things for the shoe. I can’t find them.

    • hi Lili, do you mean the template? Just click on “Buy Now” in the post above

  4. Hey Ann ! So excited to show you my shoe and pillow cake. I made the shoe out of gumpaste. I learned alot so thanks a bunch ! 😀

    • Your shoe and pillow are beautiful! I especially love the pillow; the little pearls and the design you put around it are so delicate and unique! I love when people can take a tutorial and truly make it their own! Lovely job!!!

    • Well done Fatima, it looks beautiful!

  5. Hi I love this design and would love to do it for my mum’s birthday but I live in England and I don’t know how to pay for the templates, also could you think about do some sort of In the Night Garden cake because my little sister’s 2nd birthday is coming up and it’s her favorite show.

    • hi charlie, you can pay on paypal which accepts all currencies. Hope that helps

  6. Hello

  7. Im making it right now. Wish me good luck!

    • good luck, how did it turn out?

  8. Hi Ann.. I just loveee your tutorials. I’m enjoy them and I will suscribe you…(after I’m getting the YouTube account corectly)

    my little sister’s birthday party is in this month.. I says that I will prepare the cake but I have no ideas. because she is 3 years old, I wanna make a BoboiBoy’s cake. could you please make a toturial of it? I’m begging you.. please.. I know you’re the greatest woman ever in cakes. but I have nothing.. so please help me.. I’m so sorry for this bad english.. I’m from Malaysia and Im 12… I want to learn in making cakes..

    and for helping you, this is the girl picture in the movie that my sister love sooo much.. you can search more in the internet.. it’s a malay cartoon. but don’t worry, they also make a english version.

    I want to give you a million of thank you if you do this.. please … ^_^

    • HI Azira, thankyou for your nice comment. Sorry that i didn’t reply for a long time. Have you been enjoying the youtube channel? I think you’ll enjoy this Friday’s cake, it’s really fun

  9. Dear Ann!
    I love your cakes!
    I,ve tried to make the Jimmy choo cake, but the sole broke twice :((
    Do you have an idea why?
    I hope you can help 🙂

    Ps: i’m from Austria my english is not very good, Sorry!

    Greetings from Austria 🙂

    • Hi Martina,
      sorry it took me so long to reply. Did you have any luck with the sole? It could be the brand of fondant that you were using.

  10. Hi Ann, I must stress how creative you are. I mean, all your ideas and the finishing touches are truly worth every praise you get. I am glad I bounced into your video and I will ensure I will keep checking them more often now.

    The Jimmy Choo Shoe in India is priced between USD $600 to USD $2000. I don’t know if it can go upwards too. :).. I am not a big fan of these expensive shoes however 🙂 That being said, I totally loved the edible Jimmy Choo (Ann Version) on the edible Recron Pillow 🙂

    Lots of Love,

    • Thanks Aarti, I agree, they are not in my budget either

  11. Hi Ann,
    I love your videos they inspire me to start using different decorating techniques .
    I tried the Shoe cake and for my first 3D cake it FAILED… the fondant didnt set AT ALL, I live in Fiji and it was a very HUMID day, i used store bought Queen ready to roll fondant. I am just confused on what to do now. Please help because i still want to make the shoe cake for my best friends farewell.

    • Hi Davina the fondant can take a couple of days to fry out, how long did you leave it? If it is really really humid try mixing in some tylose powder into the fondant that turns it into gum past which sets faster.

      • Thanks Ann, I left it out for 2days, will look for tylose powder (fingers and toes are crossed).

  12. I have one question
    How do you get rid of all the cake,are you are small family because if you
    are where does all the cake go

    • Hi Maia we have plenty of friends who are happy to eat it and I give some away on instagram too.

  13. Yes that’s right vanessa, the shoe gets eaten.

  14. the shoe looks really good , good job .

    • thanks Tamaryn

  15. oops, I mean 28 this oct 2013. I have 7 days left 🙁 I need to work and save for a shop. Needs substantial amount for a proper cafe 🙂
    By the way, I was inspired by your truffle chocolates. I started making them since last week. Too bad I didn’t take photos of those truffle that I filled 2 flavors inside , but below is one I made yesterday 🙂

    • Hi Karren, yes shops cost a lot to set up, do you have weekend markets that you could perhaps get a stall at and sell there to start with? And perhaps set up a website / face book page where people can contact you to make orders for events and they can see you cakes

  16. Hi Ana
    How can I buy High Heel Shoe template.I live in Portugal.Thanks

    • Hi alice you go to shop on this webpage press buybit its $5.00 and then you can download her shoe template and print it.. hope this helps

      • thanks beth

    • Hi Ana, it is a digital download so once you buy it you will see a link to download it to your computer and you can print it straight away.

  17. Love this shoe cake. I made a pair of shoes last year using chocolate and a mould. I will give this one a try with fondant and the pillow looks amazing.

    Do you do tutorials on modelling? I am struggling trying to create a fondant witch for my granddaughter for Halloween.

  18. Ann, this is so impressive!

    • glad you like it carla

  19. I admit I don’t bake very often, but I love this shoe cake. So cute.

    • 🙂

  20. Ann you are a genius. I love your ideas. Please make an Angry Birds birthday cake, pretty please! 😀

    • added to the request list

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