Ann Reardon

Holographic Chocolate

There are so many potential uses shiny holographic chocolate. I love the way the colours change and shift as you move it in the light or walk past it. No food colouring is needed for this effect. Through experimenting I found that the diffraction sheet needs to be washed with warm soapy water and allowed to dry between each use or the effect is not as clear.

If you want to give it a go the defraction grating sheet that I used was: (disclosure: affiliate link means I get 1% if you buy it so please don’t let that influence your buying decisions). The description says it is 13,500 lines per inch but it gave a better diffraction of light and pattern on the chocolate than another one that I purchased that gave the same specifications.

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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12 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    MAJESTIC, Mond-blowing! It’s just amazing. Out of this world

  2. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann!!!!!
    I really love your videos, especially the debunking and the recipe ones. I want to make holographic chocolate but I don’t know anywhere that sells the holographic paper thing. I really love all your creative dessert recipes and I want to get your cookbook for Christmas but my family doesn’t know I watch your channel so I don’t know what to do. I wish I could meet you in real life, or in a video call but I live all the way in Canada so probably not gonna happen.Anyway.experiment
    I always liked baking but you inspired me to make more complex desserts and experiment with recipes, so thank you.
    Love you Ann! And Dave! I really like the videos with Dave in them. it just makes it so much funner!!!!
    ~AC 13 years old

  3. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann — where did you get that silicone chocolate mold?

    I love all your videos so much! Thank you!

  4. Rating: 5

    So cool Ann!

  5. Rating: 5

    Hey, Ann! I’m really excited to try this! Also, i started reading the Deep Enders; it’s amazing! If you have time, could you tell Dave I love it? Also, I’m a new author, so do you or Dave have any tips? Anyhow, Ii really love your channel and think your a great person.
    Love from America,

  6. Rating: 5

    I will be back next week next year next week next

  7. Rating: 4.5

    ?really want you back you will get

  8. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann. I am from India. Mam could you please provide a link for holographic chocolate and food safe molding gel. I love your videos and you explain everything so well. I am 16 years old. Love your recipes??

  9. Rating: 5

    Wow at first I thought that this was just a film on chocolate. This would make a great gift for a holo-sexual person. (Simply Naillogical to be exact.)

    I really want to try this out!

  10. Rating: 5

    You rock and… that’s it. You rock. I enjoy your youtube channel greatly. Thank you for showing me this and giving the link to amazon. I’m going to have the prettiest deserts. ???

    • Rating: 5

      I love this and I love you Ann

  11. Rating: 5

    Hello ann! I love chocolate and from your tutorials, I learned how to make chocolates. I made chocolates last year for Valentine day and I want to thank you for your amazing recipes!

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