How to Make a Chocolate Flower

Chocolate Flowers are a beautiful addition to any cake and even though they look complicated they are reasonably easy to make.
Watch the chocolate flower video below for a step by step tutorial.
How to temper chocolate and what chocolate to use for chocolate decorations
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How far ahead can I make these chocolate flowers?
Can I freeze them, I or store them in an airtight plastic container?
Thank you
Fantastic tutorial! Easy to make for my daughter’s sweet 16 birthday cake. They are gorgeous ~ thank you.
Beautiful, well done!
Great video! Easy to understand! Can’t wait to try your techniques!
Thank you SO much for this! I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but it came out just beautifully (I think!).
Hi Alisa, Yes that is beautiful work. Well done!
How long to the candy melts last, if you use it instead of real chocolate to make the flowers and do they need to be refrigerated if I am putting the cake together tomorrow but, would like to get the decorations done today?? Also its going to be covered with ganuche so do I need to attach the flowers and decorations such as the butterflies with a drop of buttercream or just the melting chocolate? Thank You so much for the tutorials they have helped so much. Your so very talented.
Hi Debbie, I am guessing you have sorted this already but I find the candy melts very stable and keep well. How you want to arrange your decorations will be the deciding factor in what you use. If they are small decorations, then buttercream will usually be fine. I like to fix mine with chocolate just for stability.
Hi please let me know that for make decorating which kind of chocolate i have to use ..compound or real chocolate? and the same for making truffles and other chocolates .Which one is good? the shiny out side look And if i use double boiler what will be the temperature? Thanks in advance , Love your work
Hi Babita, Ann prefers to use tempered real chocolate rather than compound. It tastes better, has a lovely shine and has the nice crisp snap when you break it. Compound chocolate can be used but doesn’t have these key features.
hello Ann, what if the chocolate contains cocoa powder not cocoa butter, is it real chocolate?
Hi Glennie, If it doesn’t contain the cocoa butter then it is fake chocolate.
Am I able to make these white chocolate flowers two days ahead of time for when I need them? If I leave in the fridge will they spoil?