How To Make Chocolate Cigarettes and more decorations
Chocolate cigarettes or cigarellos has been getting lots of requests recently. But when I looked online, I found videos showing pastry chefs making them with ease … which made me wonder why people wanted me to do it? And then I tried them!!! After 5 very frustrating failed attempts, I finally learnt the SECRET to making chocolate cigarettes … and I’m going to share it with YOU in the video. I’ll also show you how to do some of my top favourite chocolate decorations too.
In this video you will learn how to make:
Fascinating Chocolate Swirlies
Quick and easy chocolate feathers
Chocolate Leaves
Chocolate cigarillos or cigarettes
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
does chocolate matter or do i have to use white chocolate
For the chocolate swirlies instead of wine or sugar syrup, couldn’t you just use vegetable oil? Because vegetable oil doesn’t freeze.
Hi Caleb, Unfortunately the oil tends to leave a residue on your decorations and it can impact the surface of the chocolate.
Hi ann, i was wondering if you can make a dog cake for my sister?
and can i get a shout out.
Hi honestyloves sharks. Here is a cake you might like to make:
Can you please make a tv cake with 13 on it
Thanks alot
This is good I made it and it worked so its perfect and it tasted good
That is great to hear Crystal.
Fabulous as ever, thank you Anne!!
Could you do a SMURF cake, please? Or snurf anything, since the movie, my little one & friends seem obsessed with Smurfs!
Thank you!!!!
Omggggg I would love to meet you one day!!! You are way to coolll!! I love baking and cakes and your videos make me so excited!!, this past year for my birthday, my mom got me a Mini Cooper cake, I am obsessed with the Mini Cooper, ot was very cool, it was big and adorable, and the liscemse plate had my name on it !!!! Would you be able to make one?? I would love to see your version of it.. happy baking!!!
Hey dear…..thank you for your tutorial….its really a great help….
Hi Ann. Love all your videos and re pies and tips. My problem..Ive made chocolates before with dipping now purchased good chocolate. Tempering isn’t as easy as you make it look. I made some peanut butter cups but the chocolate streaked with white in some. Scraps have the definite snap as you say. Some sites say heat to 113 to 120f. Other sites vary and it’s chefs I watch. What am I doing wrong. They come out of my silicone mould and l leave them overnight before removing. I made my moulds first and they sat for several hours to harden. I put my filling in. Can you use the remaining chocolate from the original tempering I did and heat it up to the working stage 87-89f. It went higher so I redid the process. Can you do that or should I have started with a new batch of chocolate for tempering.
Hi Barb, the white streaks in your chocolate suggests the chocolate was either overheated or insufficiently mixed. The simplest tempering methods really just keep the chocolate in temper or seed it. What method are you using?
Amazing video. Thanks for sharing
Hi Ann,
Thanks for another great video. As always, you give great tips and clear instructions – thanks for all your help and inspiration and fir sharing your skills and knowledge. Your videos and website are wonderful resources and, incredibly, free!
Best Regards,
Thanks Valerie.