Ann Reardon

Inside Out Cake

inside out cake idea how to

An Inside Out cake, inspired by the Disney Pixar movie that is easy to make and has all the characters on the outside and a surprise on the inside too. Who was your favourite character in the movie? I liked Joy’s fun-loving nature and that she wanted to make every memory good. Impossible maybe, but a great goal nevertheless.


For the Inside Out Cake you will need

1 1/2 quantities of my perfect vanilla sponge cake recipe (video and recipe are here).
Food colouring (red, blue, orange, green, pink)
2 quantities of buttercream in your choice of flavour, coloured purple.
440g (15.52 ounces) gum balls
1 roll grape bubble gum tape
white luster dust
inside out figurines
70g (2.47 ounces) white fondant
2 cake pop sticks
edible food markers and sprinkles/small edible decorations for the console

inside out movie cake

Make the half batch of the sponge cake recipe first – this will give you one round 8″ cake. Once it is baked and cooled, crumble that up using your hands or a food processor.

Then make the other 1 quantity of the sponge cake recipe. Grab four bowls and put 1 cup of cake crumbs into each one. Then add half a cup of the cake batter and stir it through until you get a thick paste that can hold it’s own shape.

Add colour to each bowl. Blue for sadness, green for disgust, orange or yellow for joy and red for anger.

Then take the remaining cake batter and fold through some pink and blue food colour to make purple.

Add a scoop of the purple batter to the bottom of three lined 20cm (7.87 inches) or 8″ cake tins. Put the coloured mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large round piping tip and pipe circles into the cake. See the video for demonstration.

Add the rest of the purple cake batter over the top. Bake in the oven until they are cooked. Then let them cool and level off the tops.

Layer and cover the cake using purple buttercream.

Place the gumballs into a bag with some white luster, shake and rub the bag until all the gumballs have a fine coat of luster dust so they shimmer like the memories in the movie.

inside out cake ann reardon youtube

Decorate the sides of the cake using the gumballs and bubble gum tape. Then make the console as demonstrated in the video. Add the console and the characters to the cake. Then take a photo with the birthday boy or girl before the party guests arrive.

Bonus video for you this week: How to carve anger out of a watermelon. You can use this to dress up your party table.

by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

84 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 4

    Can you make a inside out cake for me

    • Sorry Jazzlyn, Ann is not not able to make cakes too order.

  2. Rating: 4.5

    Ann dear!
    It was very pretty and amazing.

  3. The forum is a breghtir place thanks to your posts. Thanks!

  4. Hi Ann, I’m having trouble with the bubble gum tape. Is there a trick to making it work?

    • Hi Lauren, It depends on what kind of problem you are actually having. Bubble gum tapes vary quite a bit. if your’s is too soft too hold the memory balls you could change your brand or try doing a double layer or leaving the tape to dry and and harden a little before adding a new layer. You can also make these layers out of fondant if you prefer. You can make the fondant harden more quickly by mixing in a little tylose powder to a ball of fondant and working quickly to shape and position each ring.

  5. Rating: 4.5

    Thank you for the great idea! We used sixlets so that they could be eaten with the cake. Loved your tutorial.

    • Hi Rebekah, This looks awesome! Well done.

  6. Rating: 4

    Thank you Ann for your help

  7. Hi Ann
    I was wondering if I have to use gelatin in the sponge cake recipe?☺️

    • Hi Talia, The gelatin really helps make this recipe work well. You could leave it out but the cake’s texture would not be the same.

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