It’s Friday… but Sunday is Coming Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
Happy Easter for Sunday. Here are some egg hunt clue ideas for you to use. While away on holidays visiting family, my mum set up these clues for our kids – an early Easter egg hunt. There were two eggs and a clue at each stop. They had to take turns reading the clues out loud.
Clue 1 (on the dining room table): Start here and follow the clue, rabbit will tell you what to do. On the balcony rabbit knows, eggs can hide in a plant that grows.
Clue 2 Beside the shells, goodness me has the rabbit been to sea? (eggs hidden in the basket of shells)
Clue 3 Showers outside shower in, is there anywhere rabbits not been? (eggs in the shower)
Clue 4 Down in the dungeon something stirred, maybe the rabbit hid eggs from a bird (eggs were in the dungeon of the toy castle)
Clue 5 It’s cold just now but the rabbit knows in winter it glows and glows (eggs in the fire place)
Clue 6 Through a door that leads to a car, rabbit says it’s really not far (in the garage)
Clue 7 A place that mummy does the cooking, rabbit says to keep on looking (the kitchen of course)
Clue 8 In this room clothes are made clean, somewhere else rabbit has been (the laundry)
Clue 9 One step, two step, hop up the stair, the rabbit hides eggs everywhere. (stairs)
Clue 10 Rabbit says you’re almost done go back to the start for extra fun (back to the dining room table where there was a little basket of eggs and the last note).
Clue 11 This is the end of rabbits trail he’s left extra eggs for you to share with mum, dad and grandpa too. And maybe nanny might like a few. (this was a nice end because they got to hand out eggs to everyone else).
Happy Easter to you and your family. Why not get along to a local church service this Sunday. There are heaps of different styles of church services and music, from traditional stained glass windows and organs through to auditoriums with drums, video screens and electric guitars. Small and cozy or huge… whatever your style there is bound to be one where you feel at home. And if you’ve never stepped foot in a church before then this is your Sunday – find out why you don’t need to be good to come to God.
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How could I use your nougat recipe to make chocolate covered Easter Eggs?