Ann Reardon

Miniature Gingerbread House Recipe

mini gingerbread house

Merry Christmas everyone, praying for a blessed Christmas and amazing new year for you in 2018. My youngest had to bring something special to school for a Christmas picnic which, due to school rules, was ‘not to be shared with others’. I sent him along with a picnic packed with his favourite things, a cucumber sandwich, strawberries, a drink and this miniature gingerbread house.


If you’d like to make your own miniature gingerbread house you’ll need

gingerbread dough (I used some left over from making this gingerbread house recipe)
Mini template mini gingerbread house template ann reardon
Miniature kitchen 1/12 scale (optional)
miniature lollies- I made mine out of fondant
Royal icing made from 1 egg white and 3/4 cup of icing sugar whipped. If you’d rather not use raw egg white see my alternative royal icing recipe
a miniature kitchen (optional but lots of fun)
mini gingerbread house idea
And finally to make a miniature gingerbread house look good you’ll need lots of patience. With all miniatures a little mistake looks big.
miniature gingerbread house recipe

miniature gingerbread house recipe
Merry Christmas, don’t get lost in the tinsel and wrapping take a moment to remember what we’re celebrating…

Copyright © 2017 Reardon Media Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

27 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    I wondered how you made the tiny house and did you have to make the eggs

  2. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, where did you get your mini cooker, I’m dying to get one but I don’t know where!!

    • From a local miniatures shop near me, sorry they don’t do online

  3. Rating: 5

    Where did you get your hands on the miniature candy canes i would really liked them to the years gingerbread house!!

  4. Rating: 4

    Where in the world did you get those sweet teeny tiny little candies?
    I am absolutely smitten with them!
    Thanks so much for sharing your secret
    Please please please and thank you!

  5. Hey..i want to make chocolate ganache not using heavy cream..can u show me how to make it with milk…

    • Hi Fatma, Ganache is a mix of cream and chocolate.

  6. Hi Ann could you do a meet and greet in New Plymouth in New Zealand please ?

  7. Rating: 5

    Ann, you are AMAZING! Could you make a PANDA CAKE???

  8. Rating: 5

    i have like chocolate or sugar cookies

    • Hi Vasim, then check out this mini chco chip cookie recipe!

  9. Rating: 4

    Absolutely adorable! 😀 By the way, you said miniature kitchen twice, maybe you meant miniature kitchen aid stand mixer or something?

  10. Mabe you can make a miniature cupcake recipe

  11. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann I have made lots of your recipes
    And I want you to make more miniature baking

  12. Rating: 5

    We loved your mini gingerbread! Your recipe helped us make fun gingerbread houses. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for the Santa vs Jesus video. That was a blessing.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too Mrs K.

  13. Rating: 5

    Ooohhh! I love your work. do you think you could make a dragon cake

  14. A clarinet cake

  15. Rating: 4

    Hi Ann-
    This was just SO cool! My family has the tradition of decorating gingerbread houses at Christmastime and I had never made gingerbread before. I was afraid that it would come out too dark and thin, but I love the spice blend in your recipe. Also, I am in a military family and am often without my electric stand mixer. I have a handheld one that I try to have with me but it won’t work on thicker doughs. Could you do more recipes that don’t require a stand mixer? I just want to say that all of your recipes are amazing and the things you come up with are simply fascinating!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    • Rating: 5

      Yeah that would be cool can you please make more recipes that don’t require a stand mixer

    • Thanks Betsy and merry Christmas.

  16. You should totally do miniature hot chocolate or suger cookies

  17. Rating: 5

    Also interested on where I can purchase the working stove and other kitchen gadgets. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent. Merry Christmas!

    • Hi Lola Jie, Ann has collected lots of these pieces over many years, so there is no one supplier or brand she can recommend here. Ann either made them herself or purchased from a miniature store or eBay.

  18. Rating: 5

    Wow! Once more you have given us great pleasure in watching this amazing teeny weeny gingerbread house being done, thank you!
    Where did you get the real electric miniature Kitchen Aid mixer? I thought, no way is this small machine working, but it seems it does.
    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your family!
    Corinna, Germany

    • Hi Corinna, Thanks for commenting. Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Ann has collected lots of these gorgeous minatures. She either made them herself or purchased from a miniature store or eBay.

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