Ann Reardon

Converse Shoe Cake Tutorial

converse shoe cake ann reardon

Since making the high heel cake tutorial requests have been coming in thick and fast for a converse shoe cake. You can make this chuck Taylor All Star sneaker in any colour that your recipient wishes. Or if you’re brave why not try making a patterned one.

Did you know Nike owns converse? They bought out the rights to the brand in 2003 when converse filed for bankruptcy. The Chuck Taylor All Star shoe is very similar now to when it was first designed nearly 90 years ago.

To make the converse shoe cake you will need:

1 1/2 quantities of the chocolate cake recipe baked in two trays (my trays are 38cm (14.96 inches) x 25cm (9.84 inches))
2 x quantities of chocolate buttercream recipe
converse shoe cake template

300g (10.58 ounces) white fondant
600g (21.16 ounces) black fondant
white food colour for stitching
a small paint brush
fondant extruder (optional)
stitching wheel
30g (1.06 ounces) blue fondant
100g (3.53 ounces) cream fondant
red and blue gel food colour for logo
circle cutter
250g (8.82 ounces) brown fondant for cake board (optional)

converse shoe cakeconverse shoe cake video ann reardon

My Cookbook

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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

228 Comments View Comments

  1. Ann,
    What size cake board/drum are you using for this?

    • Hi Sara, I believe Ann used a 10 inch board.

  2. Por favor haber si lo explican en español q no entiendo nada

  3. This was my first attempt at a 3d shaped fondant cake 😀 abit rough but the photo doesnt do it much justice lol. Thank you for your tutorial. Made things 10x easier than i thought it was.

    • Hi Cherise, This looks fantastic. It is better than my first attempt at a shaped fondant cake. Well done.

  4. Hello, I paid for the Converse template today and you did not send the link. When will you send the link?

    • Hi Will. The email is sent automatically on purchase it, so should be received within a few minutes. I will forward your comment to Tech support to resolve. Our apologies for the issue you are experiencing.

  5. cant find the converse template to print out on this website

  6. learning how to do cake designs and i love your videos

    • Thanks Chanti

  7. heres my attempt, pleased with how it turned out, just hope my daughter likes it….

    • Ronnie this looks fabulous! Well done.

      • thankyou.. have you got a template for a cordless drill hubby requested one for his birthday argh help please.

        • Sorry Ronnie, we don’t have a template for a drill cake at present? Does he like Star Wars? Ann has a good Millenim Falcon Cake that is very easy to make.

      • Hi, I paid for my template on 5/5/2015 through PayPal. I have yet to receive my template or get a response from you.. please let me know what is going on

        • Hi April,
          Thanks for letting us know. I have forwarded your comment to our tech support crew who wll be in contact to help resolve it for you. Thanks for your patience.

          • I still have not heard from anyone regarding my purchase that i have not recieved will someone please contact me today. It has been paid for and the money has been deducted from my account. I need to know if i need to go elsewhere i need this item asap.

          • Hi April,
            Just checking if this has now been sorted for you? There were a few people who experienced similar issues and all current ones have now been resolved.

  8. can you use brownie insted of cake

    • Hi Fatma, You could use a Brownie mix, but it will be quite solid.

  9. dear Ann
    do you produce your own fondant or is a bought one? If it´s “home made”do you have a recipe ? thanks!!

  10. I just wanted to show you how you inspired me to make a cake for my converse obsessed sister.

    • Well done Megan! The laces look so real!

  11. hello, how many people it’s the cake?

  12. hi where do i download the template from please…

  13. Can you please please please make air jordan 1 bred shoe cake

  14. Do you know how much the template would work out in euros???

  15. Ann, can you for once put up a special offer to change the price of the template, because it is too expensive! Please take this into consideration, thank you

    • Hi Lauren, The price of the template is about the same of a cup of coffee and is really insignificant considering the amount of time, effort and cost that goes into working out what is needed so you can use it with confidence. I think it is outstanding value and well worth the small cost.

  16. Thank you, Ann. My cake turned out great (aside from the bottom tier falling completely into two pieces (unseen in pic due to total loss ) but it became a two tiered cake with a shoe for a birthday party. Instructions were great!!

  17. wait, what is the word for the end of the shoe lace i’m really curious

    • It’s called an aglet

  18. I think the templates/instructions are INSANELY inexpensive, considering the amount of work she puts into them! I’m going to buy one as soon as my daughter decides what cake to make first.

    • Thanks Jen, It’s great to have someone recognise just how much work goes into creating and testing a template that will work.

  19. Dear ann ,I am not able to find the template for the converse shoe cake

  20. A Harry potter cake

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