Ann Reardon

iPad Cake Recipe

ipad cake apps fondant how to cook that

All your favourite Apps on two iPad cakes.  A few weeks ago I asked you to name your favourite Apps and the response was absolutely huge!  So after adding them all up, here are the most requested icons squeezed onto two iPad cakes. I’ll show you two methods to make this cake in the video below.

To make the iPad cake you will need:

1 1/2 x the rich chocolate cake recipe baked in two trays
2x frosting recipe I used 1x american butter cream and 1 x white chocolate ganache whipped together
2kg (4.41 pounds) white fondant
Gel food colouring
blue powdered food colour
silver luster dust (for the apple on the side of the box)
100g (3.53 ounces) black fondant
cake board
optional – app cutter made from aluminium flashing 0.3mm thick so it is easy to bend but holds its shape
optional – fondant extruder
optional – ipad printed icing sheet, download the template or make your own and email to one of the many online companies that print onto icing sheets.

ipad cake tutorial how to cook that
You can make the apps with fondant like the one above or with a printed icing sheet like the one below
ipad cake how to cook that


by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

90 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    How thick is the aluminium flashing you use for the apps?

  2. Rating: 5

    will it tack a holl day

  3. Rating: 5

    Attorney then will go get to go to

  4. is this an easy cake? Hi Ann, i’m making this today! Love your vids 🙂

    • Hi Daniel, the cake is relatively easy but it does take time to make all your little apps.

  5. What is a good substitute for the aluminium? Love your vids Ann, today i’m making this cake! Wish me luck!

    • Hi Daniel, How did you go?? Are you asking for a way to create the shiny metal look on the side of the ipad? (the model this recipe was based on is pretty dated now). If that is the case, I would just suggest using edible lustre dust painted on ib the silver or gold or rose gold that you seen in ipdas and phones today. It will look just like the real think. If you want a replacement for aluminium flashing, then I wouldn’t want to recomend an alternative. It is by far the cheapest and easiest to obtain tool for this purpose.

  6. Hi Ann, great cake. Looking to make. What sort of store can you find the aluminium? Thanks

    • Hi Bella, You can get it at most hardware stores.

  7. Here is the photo

    • Hope your son loved his cake. It is perfect!

    • Rating: 3.5

      it nice i love it

  8. Hi Ann,
    Thanks for the inspiration. This is a cake for my son’s 5th birthday.

  9. What size tray do you use

    • Hi Danna, Ann used 2 trays 15 inch by 10 inch.

  10. DO you need 4 and a half ponds of wight fondant for 1 or 2 cakes?

    • Hi Aaron, you need 2kg of fondant for the ipad cake. You will have some left over.

  11. Can I use swissroll tin to bake ipad cake

    • Yes you can Sarah.

  12. That is so life like!

  13. These are awesome, thanks for the tutorial. Any suggestions for the Google emblem ?

    • Hi marian, the new google emblem is a G in 4 colours. You could create the app on white fondant and simply draw the G using the edible ink pens. Or you could pipe a long snake of white fondant as for the pinterest P and shape it onto the square. Use colour powder to paint on the colour to match the google G.

  14. Can you cook a iPhone 6case

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