Ann Reardon

Launching Patreon

ice-cream cake

I recently wrote a post explaining the current problem with YouTube’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm. Controversy, click-bait and constant uploads of duplicated content is the only way to get big views. As an experiment, I uploaded a ‘copy-cat’ video styled on one of these currently successful channels and ran a poll to see what real-live viewers thought … well, 90% of you voted that you prefer my regular style of content.

It seems that 90% of actual people have a vastly different opinion to YouTube’s AI algorithm about what constitutes quality viewing.

But sadly the algorithm gets the final word …

So what’s a girl to do? I will be uploading every second week in 2019. I really can’t compete with Tasty’s 29 uploads a week or SoYummy’s duplicated content. So I need to start spending time on other projects.

There have been so many lovely, encouraging comments asking me to keep uploading and not end the channel. As you can imagine creating creative content takes a lot of time and money for ingredients and filming equipment. I’d love to keep doing this but Adsense (YouTube ads) no longer even covers those expenses. So I’ve taken your advice and nervously started a Patreon page so those of you who want this channel to continue can lend a hand. If you’d like to keep watching please consider supporting the channel on my Patreon page.

If you’d like to keep watching new how to cook that videos show your support on my Patreon page.

Thank you so much

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

31 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    Do not listen to the Fakers because I will tell YouTube I will try to stop them please make more videos I looooooooooooooooooove them because when I make your cakes the look and taste Amazing but not like 5 minute crafts .

  2. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann,

    I’ve stumbled upon your Youtube channel once again, and after seeing your channel banner, and hearing that Aussie accent, I was immediately brought back to the days when I spent hours binge watching your videos as a 12 year old. Now, I’m a college freshman, graduated from a culinary program, published a baking recipe book for a school project in 10th grade, and competed nationally for baking.

    Seeing your channel again, and the movement you are leading with #SupportYoutubeBaking made me want to come on here, and just say thank you. Thank you for sparking my interest in baking, and for literally being the reason behind all my initial knowledge in the kitchen. From learning how to properly temper chocolate, or how to make a chocolate bowl with a balloon, to answering which frosting recipe is the best, to deconstructing chocolate bars so I can make a bigger version of it, to most importantly, encouraging me to be more creative, and innovative with my tools, or the lack thereof, since I was only a pre-teen when I first got into baking.

    The effort you put into all your videos did not go unnoticed, and I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have your channel with me through high school. Baking became my comfort net, and all the information you put in your videos not only educated me, but also made me an eager learner. I wish I can go on, and tell you all the crazy baking fails, and fulfilling successes I have done, largely because of your guidance. From the first ever cake I baked for my mom’s birthday, to the layered fondant cake I made for the competition. It’s all stemmed from all time, effort, and passion you’ve put in every single video.

    I’m watching all of your recent uploads now and first of all OMG YOUR KIDS HAVE GROWN SO MUCH. I still remember you posting that yellow dump truck cake for your youngest son and ahhhhhh he’s gotten so much older now. A lot has happened in the past 7 years, and how I wish I was able to keep up with all the changes on YouTube.

    Your channel has helped me so much, and I’m sure it did for so many young and aspiring bakers as well. I attribute a lot of my kitchen work to your teachings, and truly hope that the YouTube algorithm doesn’t hurt your channel to the point of leaving the platform. I wouldn’t have this love, and passion for creating edible beautiful desserts if it weren’t for you.

    Thank you again Ann. Wishing you and your family the absolute best.

    • Hi Aly, thanks for taking the time to write such a lovely and encouraging comment. All the best in your culinary endeavours I am looking forward to seeing your name next to amazing creations in chef magazines in the future. ?

  3. Rating: 5

    I would like to donate a few dollars a month but I don’t want to support Patreon anymore so I’m moving my Patreon memberships to PayPal directly. Should I use the [email protected] address or do you have a different one for this type of thing?

    • Hi Nikolette, I am just using Patreon as their platform makes it easy to keep track of who to send rewards to and early access to content etc.

  4. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, as one of those You Tubers you mention, and mad foodie, I totally appreciate where you are coming from. I also wanted to commend you for taking time to expose fake content that gets all the views. RENEWED RESPECT! Please do not stop with your amazing crazy sweet creations. You are a pioneer and legend. You are loved. Mel Ve | Conscious Consumer Network | Portugal |

    • Thanks Mel Ve

  5. Rating: 4.5

    Hi Ann,
    Considering that I spend more than $ 2 per month on a baking magazine (plus a few baking books per year), becoming your patreon is worth it! Good of you to reach out (with such a brilliant video,too!)
    I feel I learn more from your videos than from the magazines, because your videos are filmed with details. I love to see what could go wrong and learn from that on top of all the great advice! So, please, keep doing what you do and love. I have just become one of your patreons.
    Oh, and I love your humour, your family´s openess and your Australian English!

    • Thanks Corinna, yes it really makes sense when you put it like that. Thanks so much for supporting the channel on Patreon. I’m still quite amazed by the sense of community and support out there 🙂

  6. oh, they must use those ‘fake clickers scams’ to up their views…

  7. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann, I know you have a Paetron or anything but have you considered on having a “Join” button (or channel membership) on your Youtube page? I’ve noticed on my gamer pages I’ve followed recently to have this button.

    • Hi Gabriel, I looked into this but Patreon was better. With the youtube join button creators do not get any details of who the supporters are. Therefore I could not send physical or even digital rewards. You can’t have tiers of support and youtube takes 30% of every channel membership.

  8. Rating: 4

    Hi Ann- is there an option for doing a one time donation? That would be great if that could be another option so people can donate yearly if they like. Check and see- thank you!!!

    • Hi Sandy, I think the best way to give a one-off gift would be to ‘sign up’ for a month, then wait until the payment goes through (on the the 1st day of each new month) and then simply unsubscribe after that month. Sorry that there’s not a simpler way but Patreon doesn’t seem to make one-off donations easy. If that doesn’t suit you, then let me know & I’m sure we can arrange something else. Thanks so much for being willing to help 🙂

      • Rating: 4

        Thank you -Ann- I will try that! 🙂 and see if it works.

  9. Rating: 5

    Being a Youtube “creator” myself, I know exactly what you’re talking about. If you doing Youtube videos as a full-time job and count on ad revenues to cover your costs, you will most certainly run into trouble because of the algorithm preventing you from getting enough views. If you’re doing it as a hobby and have tons of other projects going on (like me), this helps you covering the costs, but the quality or regularity of uploads will suffer from it.
    I totally understand being sceptical about patreon, but believe me, it was a good choice you made – your viewers who enjoy your high-quality content will be happy to support you, and so will I.

    • Thanks so much. I know that you’re always so positive commenting on the channel, so I really do appreciate your support on this as well 🙂

      • Rating: 5

        You deserve it. Just give me a little time to get a credit card first, since I’m not a Paypal person 🙂

  10. Rating: 4.5

    Ann, I wish I could financially support you but I’m not able to but just know that I’m praying things improve for you with your channel, the algorithms and you tube in general. .. I hope and pray that you can continue to upload weekly.

  11. Rating: 5

    Oh if only I have a job and an adult??. Still 16 tho will be here till the end??

    • Thanks RonWL

  12. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann,

    Is there a way we can donate a certain amount one time instead of a recurring amount every month? This would be a good option for those of us who would like to donate yearly instead of monthly. Please see if you can add this option.
    Thank you,

    Sandy Rice

    • Hi Sandy, firstly, thanks for considering supporting the channel, that is really generous. I think the best way would be to sign up for one of the tiers that works for you & then cancel it after the first month. You can cancel at any time.
      thanks again, Ann

  13. It is so sad that youtube is allowing these channels to keep running while letting channels like your to fade out. I hate the fact that there are people out there that subscribe to these channels and are pushing the real good high quality, high educating out.

    • yes it’s very frustrating & youtube just doesn’t seem to be listening to creators. That is why I’ve had to go public and ask for everyone’s help to #saveyoutubebaking

  14. Rating: 5

    My favorite how to video was definitely the Cars cake as I would never have attempted it had I not found your video and templates.
    A little boy who was turning four , who was having a rough time as he was in foster care because both his parents abuse drugs This cake made him ?
    I ll never forget that smile. Thank you Ann for giving me the faith in myself to try , just try new things I tried to add the Cars pic but it’s saying no photoes or Video when I press choose file

    • That is a beautiful story, thanks for sharing 🙂

  15. Rating: 5

    It’s certainly sad that a genuine baker with real recipes and how to videos are getting pushed out .
    I get that you need to start to charge to see your content . I don’t get the three
    tier charging , you get this for this charge per month , this little bit more for this charge per month and so on .
    I just can’t afford to pay for patronage of all my favorite bakers .
    I’m just a hobby baker with a desire to learn new techniques. I was happy to pay for a template when needed a certain one . Loved how you made your step by step videos seem like anyone can follow along and do.
    I ve enjoyed watching and learning from you and I wish you all the best in the new year .

    • that’s fine, the patreon is just there if anyone is able to help but it’s certainly not something that I’d expect most people to be able to do 🙂

  16. Rating: 5

    It makes me sad that they are pushing you out like that. I have notifications turned off on other subscriptions. Yours is the only one that I actually want to be notified when there is a video. I most definitely prefer your style.

    • Thanks Martha, hopefully I can keep things going in the future 🙂

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