Ann Reardon

How To Make Chocolate Candles

chocolate candle recipe howtocookthat

Dazzle your guest with chocolate candles filled with white chocolate mousse.  They look complicated but they are surprisingly easy to make. You can have a bit of fun serving empty plates and then candles as the centre piece.

This morning I had a film shoot as a guest on a TV show, which was great fun.  A well organized producer made the day run smoothly.  The only downside of filming at home is the house has to be spotless.  Which every mum will know is a big achievement in the school holidays.
I’ll let you know on social media when the show will be on TV.

For the candles:
200g (7.05 ounces) quality white chocolate
My candles were 6cm (2.36 inches) tall x 5cm (1.97 inches) in diameter and used 200g (7.05 ounces) of chocolate to make 4 of them.  White chocolate is the hardest to temper so make sure you use good quality white chocolate that feels crisp and is shiny, look for a high percentage of cocoa butter 30% or more is good.

White Chocolate Mousse Recipe

This recipe makes 3 cups or 750millilitres (25.36 fluid ounces) of mousse which is enough to fill six candles in the size that I made.
If you want to calculate the volume of your candles measure the height and radius (half of the diameter) and use the formula below.
3.14 x (radius)2 x height
When you get your answer 1 cubic unit = 1 millilitres (0.03 fluid ounces)

90millilitres (3.04 fluid ounces) cream (35% fat)
210g (7.41 ounces) white chocolate
50g (1.76 ounces) or 1/4 cup less 1 Tbsp water
75g (2.65 ounces) or 1/3 cup castor (super fine) sugar
65g (2.29 ounces) or 4 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
additional 310millilitres (10.48 fluid ounces) cream, whipped to soft peaks

Mix the cream and white chocolate to form a ganache, leave to cool
Heat the sugar and water to 238F (114.44 degrees Celsius) and whip into the egg yolks, continue to whip until cooled and thick.
Mix in the ganache.
Fold in the whipped cream.
Pour into the candles
Refrigerate overnight.

edible chocolate candles how to cook that


by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

31 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 5

    Hi Ann absolutely love this recipe.. can you please tell me how long these candles will store for before they have to be eaten . I know you said store in fridge overnight . Also can you use less sugar in

  2. 2multiplication

  3. HI Ann
    Amazing cakes! Where did you buy those candles, those sticks? Or what is name of them?
    Regards from Finland 🙂

    • Hi Lea, Ann made the candle desserts. The candlestick was something Ann had at home.

  4. Hi Ann,

    I have one question, you said that the thing in chocolate that needed to be tempered was cvocoa butter, correct?

    But white chocolate has no cocoa butter in it! (Or at least what I could find). So you don’t have to temper it?


    • Hi Sierra, only certain brands of white chocolate contain cocoa butter. One of them is Callebaut which is readily available on line.

  5. Would fake chocolate do better or worce for this?

    • Hi Harri, Ann always prefers real chocolate as it tastes so much better.

      • Thanks for the advice hopefully this succeeds.

  6. Hi!
    I know that this is an old video so its ok if you do not answer but if you do please do it before this xmas!
    So I was thinking of doing those but what i’d like to ask is that, if you have normal size heart to the candle how far away does the burning have to happen for the chocolate mousse or the chocolate walls to melt or go bad some way? So basically how much of the flames and the heat can the “candle” take?

    • Hi Harri, The flame is really a decorative element. All chocolate will melt when exposed to direct heat, so you really want to just light the ‘candle’ for serving and then blow it out. You would not want it to ‘burn’ for more than a minute or so.

  7. I know that this video has been posted for a while, but I was just wondering, what is the consistency of the mousse? I watched the video, and the mousse seemed to be able to hold its own shape but is also liquid-y enough to be called a wet paste. Also, would it be possible to flavour the mousse with raspberry or strawberry puree, to create a fruity taste? In any case, you’re amazing, so please keep cooking and baking!

    • Hi Sakira, the mouse was firm when chilled, it had the consistency of a thick cream or custard. To add flavour, why not mix or layer in the fresh fruit of your choice. Berries wold be awesome.

  8. Hi Ann,

    In France we use gelatin very rarely in mousse. Eggs, chocolate, sugar and we are good to go ! And it hold pretty well. If you are interested by the recipe tell me ! And they are very very simple to make !
    I also have my personal recipe of strong chocolats gelatin free that hold very well (but not as well as if i used gelatin).


  9. Hi Ann!
    I just wanted to let you know that there is an error on the printable recipe. It says “Heat the sugar and water to 238C (460.4 degrees Fahrenheit)” but it should read “heat the sugar and water to 114C/238F.” I know this is an old video, but I just wanted to let you know 🙂

  10. Hi Ann, thank you so much for this idea, I did a dark chocolate mousse to balance the white chocolate, and they were a huge hit for Christmas. Thanks again for all your hard work!

    • hey i was just wondering what did u use to shape the candles? they look amazing!

      • Hi Sadhbh hull, If you have a chance to watch the video, you will see that I used firm plastic sheets.

    • Wow those look so good!!!

  11. great thanks

  12. this is so awesome. thx heaps for sharing!

  13. hi Ann,
    I am your biggest fan. I am eleven years old and I have seen every video you have posted on youtube. I have made your churros recipe, macaroon recipe, triple chocolate cheese cake recipe and more they have turned out amazing. thank you for your amazing ideas. keep baking and never stop.

  14. Wow fantastic idea!
    I’m thinking great end to a romantic dinner at home 😉
    Also congratulations on you’re growing success. I have been following your website for a long time now and directing friends to it and your videos so its really awesome to see that you are getting the recognition you deserve. Must be so exciting to see the appreciation people have for your passion!!

  15. hello
    hope you and all your family doing ok. I want just to say you are amazing and all what you doing is so good,
    even your video are well presented
    Thank you for this wonderful work

  16. Hi Ann,
    We had a fantastic Easter! Spent the weekend with friends in Sydney and ate waaaaaayyyy to many treats and watermelon 😉
    Love this white choc mousse, you’re amazing!

  17. Hi Ann, which brand of white chocolate did you use?

    • For these ones I used green & blacks organic white chocolate with vanilla bean

  18. I’m such a fan of your creativity and so grateful to you for making them available in such an approachable way. I noticed that the candles have dark flecks in them which give it a more authentic antique appearance. Can you share how that was done.

    • Hi NIcole, yes I used green and blacks organic white chocolate with vanilla bean in it, so the flecks are vanilla. You can use a different brand and add vanilla bean.

  19. I am constantly amazed as to how your mind works. Thank you for this and the other ingenious creations, which put a smile on my face while challenging me.

    • Thanks Teresa

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