Ann Reardon

How to make Jelly Beans Recipe

how to make jelly beans ann reardon
This is a great activity for the school break, make jelly beans at home.  Parent supervision is needed when handling the hot sugar syrup.

My wonderful husband is away speaking interstate and I miss him greatly.  I go to bed later when he’s not here, it is like I am subconsciously waiting for him to get home.  Then it gets later and later until I realize he’s not coming and I’d better go to bed because the kids will be up bright and early.

My youngest woke up bright and happy this morning singing “you’re my cutey mummy”, melting away all the memories of the hour long tantrum the day before.  Why did he have a meltdown?  He didn’t want to put on his socks and jacket.  The memory is not quite wiped, but as he sings and gives the best cuddles it all fades.

Lets make jelly beans today.

To make your own jelly beans you will need:

1 packet 500g (17.64 ounces) or 4 cups and 3 Tbsp cornflour (cornstarch)
A shallow baking tray

108g (3.81 ounces) or 1/2 cup sugar
40millilitres (1.35 fluid ounces) or 3 Tbsp water
20g (0.71 ounces) or 1 Tbsp corn syrup (glucose syrup)
1 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)

For coating
food colour and flavouring
caster sugar or superfine sugar

Use the cornflour to make the molds as shown in the video.
Mix together the sugar and cornflour until smooth then add the water and syrup. Heat to 245F (118.33 degrees Celsius) using a Candy Thermometer to check the temperature.
Pour into the molds and leave to cool for at least a couple of hours.
Sift off the cornflour.
Coat as shown in the video.

how to make jelly beans

If you want the jelly beans smooth you will need to tumble them, I used a kids rock tumbler.  The blue ones stuck together a bit in the tumbler which made them not look as good.  The red ones turned out beautifully.  To tumble the red ones I added 1/4 cup of extra caster sugar and tumbled for one hour.  Then tipped it out of the tumbler and removed the excess sugar.  Add the beans back in with the grated cocoa butter and tumble for one hour more.


by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

79 Comments View Comments

  1. Rating: 3.5


  2. Rating: 4

    Hi is it possible to use gelatin to make jelly beans? Thank you ?

  3. Rating: 4

    HI Ann! In this recipe you used a kid’s rock tumbler to tumble them,I don’t have one of those so I’m wondering if it’s possible to use a kitchenaid wihtout the attatchments so it’s just a spinning bowl.

  4. At the very end you mention grated cocoa butter. What is this and how much to add? Thank you

    • Hi Daniel, This is a cocoa product used to make chcolate. You can get it from baking stores or chocolate maing suppliers. It basically helps to provide glossy smooth finish to the jelly beans. You will only need a little, maybe up to a tablespoon.

  5. Hi Ann

    We Are making jelly Beans With gelatin And plasticize like (Glycerin or Sorbitol). We have Issue of Sticking Jelly In hands And Became Softer When it Comes Into Environment For long Time.

    How to get stabilized Jelly,Which has No Sticking Issue till a year.

    Name The Commercialize Liquid Which We can Spray On that And get Desire Property.

    • Hi Chirag, You are using different ingredients and a different method so I can’t advise you accurately. It is likely you will need to adjust bothe the ingredient and the process to get the desired result.

  6. Dear Ann,
    I would like to buy rock tumbler for making smooth as you mentioned.
    What kind of rock tumbler is the best?
    Is there any other tumbler for food making?
    Please recommend.
    Of course, I found yours at Amazon. (is it enough for making? But it looks only small amount can be possible…)

    • Hi Soyie, Yes a small on eis great for this purpose. YOu can make a number of batches if needed.

  7. Dear Anna. I did everything according to your recipe, but in the end I got a very hard caramel. what did I do wrong? I followed all your words

    • Hi Uno momento, It sounds like your sugar syrup got too hot

  8. dear Anna, forgive my English, he’s with an interpreter. I’m in love with your hands. But the problem with this recipe. I get a hard caramel.
    I followed all the instructions What should be the product constellation
    thank you

    • Hi Unomometo, The cooled sugar mix will be moldable between your fingures. If you drop a small amount on a cool heat proof surface then it should be largely clear and when cool, able to be rolled into a ball that remains a little moldable in your hands. If you have a hard caramel, the mix has cooked at too high a temperature for too long.

  9. hello, Hi…
    Can I use virgin coconut oil to make this gummy?

    • Hi Azie, Ann hasn’t tested this so you will need to experiment.

  10. Hi Ann i made this today and my jelly bean turned out to be soft and gooey inside and out. I let it cool down for 5 hrs. How can i make it a little bit hard? Thank you

    • Hi Chin, It looks like the sugar syrup didn’t quite reach the right temperature. Test your candy thermometer to make sure it is working properly by putting it into a pan of boiling water. It should say 100C or 212F. If it doesn’t then recalibrate or replace your thermometer.

  11. Hi could I use Stevia instead of the sugar.

    • Hi Jess, Ann hasn’t tested this and as Stevia is much much sweeter than sugar a direct substitution is not possible.

  12. Hi Ann
    Am wondering if there’s any reason you don’t add colour & essence to the hot mix before pouring into the jellybean shaped holes in the cornflour? Also thank you for posting so many wonderful videos online. I’m having a ball discovering lots of things I wish I knew years ago!

    • I’m not entirely sure but i think it’s because the how liquid would cook the flavouring and dilute the taste.

  13. Hi Ann are there any other recipes for jelly beans or just the one

    • Hi Clair, this is Ann’s preferred recipe but there others out there.

  14. you are awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Could we use a jelly bean mold?

  16. This is exciting!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she should start a jellybean making factory

      • yeah

  17. I want to make a jelly bean

  18. Hi whah is the temperature for the jelly beans

    • Hi Zeeshan, this is listed in the method above.

  19. thx for the recipe and i made this today just wanted to know why mine are hard not soft

    • Hi Michalea, Are your jelly beans hard on the inside? This could be that your sugar was heated to too high.

  20. Would you have a sugar free recipe?? Thank you for your time

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