Pirate Cake for DVD Release Event
You can imagine my kids excitement when I was approached to make a cake for an event to promote the release of the The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists DVD. The event organizer, working on behalf of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment was hosting a screening of the film and a modelling workshop with the film’s creators Aardman, at the Pirate Castle in Camden. And the best bit the kids could come.
My first thought was that the people running the modelling workshop could make a better captain. My second thought was that there is no pirate castle in Camden here in Australia. After a couple of emails to and fro, I established that she meant Camden UK, so no party at the pirate castle for the kids. : ( But it was still flattering to be invited.
You can check out how to make the cake that she was after here… pirate captain cake
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Hey im a HUGE fan of all of your work i would ibake them but im only 13 so i not able to bake things alone. all of your work is realy good
Ummm well this looks cool is there a youtube vid on it???
Hi BaKer sorry not for this one, this was before I was filming everything
We all start somewhere, most people don’t even have a blog. Just set yourself time to write one post a week or one a month whatever suits and before long it will have lots of posts.
Hi the Pirates cake looks awsome..can you send me the recipes of it..with its cutting..i would love to try this at home
Hi Gavleen, this is the chocolate cake recipe and here is my chocolate
buttercream recipe The picture is from the poster
hello i am making this cake but i have some problem with how to make the mouth can you please give me some hrlp thnaks