Chocolate Garden Recipe
If Willy Wonka had a chocolate garden, then these amazing chocolate mushrooms would have held pride of place. Your dinner guests will gasp in delight as you nonchalantly float to the table with a platter of lifelike mushrooms and toadstools for a truly memorable dessert.
Pass around the plates and spoons, then dig into the magical chocolate garden. And if you’re planning a kids party, theme it up with fairies, Smurfs, the Mad Hatter or even Mario.
Chocolate soil (makes 1.5 cups of soil):
160g (5.64 ounces) chocolate
8 Tbsp or 80g (2.82 ounces) maltodextrin powder
Alternatively you could use oreos ground up in a blender for soil.
500g (17.64 ounces) White, Milk or Dark Chocolate (or a combination). Check your ingredients if your chocolate contains cocoa butter you will need to temper it or it will not set at room temperature. If it contains vegetable oil then you can just melt it.
You will also need:
Muffin tin
Aluminium foil
Nonstick baking paper
sticky tape
oil based food colouring – optional
white icing circles – optional
fondant and a little oil – for making a mold
To make the magical chocolate garden watch the video at the top of this post. For Mario mushrooms see the video below.
by Ann Reardon How To Cook That
My Cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
Hi Ann , can you do videos on eggless cakes ? I really like your videos . No one can display their talents as you do . Remarkable ! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Radha, Here are a couple:
PPS. Sorry for the writing the translator is a nightmare 😉
Part 2
Hi Ann! I’m a 15 year old fan of yours from Finland and I just wanted to say keep up the good work!
You were the reason that I started to pursue chocolate and dessert cooking and art. I’ve been following you for the past year and copying your work and finally thought to give a shot at something original. The result was fantasy mine cake, complete with glow-in-the dark crystals, your mushrooms, chocolate rocks and for the cake a banana berry cream cake.
Thankyou one more and keep being you awesome!
Best recards: Harri
PS. I hope the 2 photoes are there.
Hi Harri Laine, We are so impressed with your photos. Great work and very original. Thanks for the fabulous feedback and for being a subscriber. Keep baking. We are keen to see what you create in the future.
Hi, I am 12 years old, I live in NZ and I had a go at making the Chocolate Mushrooms! I used a little-more-rounded-than-usual muffin tin (without tin-foil) as a mold for the big ones and egg cups for the little ones. I tried several times to get them how I liked them, re-tempering the chocolate again and again. I used the ‘seeding’ tempering method. I hope you like them!
That looks fantastic Alexandria, well done ?
Thank you! It was very fun and they tasted really good!!
Oi gostaria de saber a receita do chocolate que faz a capa do livro pois fica maleável muito obrigado
Oi, A receita capa do livro é encontrado aqui : . Ele é feito apenas do chocolate destemperado .
I am attaching a pic of a birthday cake I made for my wife’s birthday party. It was a garden theme, so the mushroom garden was a great idea. I made a three layer cake of dark chocolate beet cake, tomato soup cake on top and bottom. Cream cheese frosting all around. Thanks for the decorating tutorial!
Thanks Tobias Deutsch! I can’t actually see your pic but it sounds fabulous.
How long in total does it take ?
Love it