Ann Reardon

Kitchen Tour, Macaron Pops & Comments

ann reardon how to cook that

So many of you asked for it so I finally filmed a kitchen tour.  Welcome to my home, this is where I film and edit all of my creations.  I’ll also show you how to make macaron pops and read through some of the comments, good and bad, thanks for all the lovely ones.

kitchen tour how to cook htat

For those of you who are regular viewers you’ll know that I made the castle cake a while ago, this is a new one of the same cake made for a TV film shoot.  If you’re in Australia then it will be on ‘The Living Room’ some time in the next few weeks.

To answer the many questions about my videos… the equipment that I currently use is:

For filming: This Canon Professional Camcorder and a rode microphone.

For editing: Adobe Premiere on my iMac

macaron pops how to cook that
by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

97 Comments View Comments

  1. 3candles

  2. Rating: 5

    Where do you get tiny cooking tools?😵‍💫

    • Rating: 5

      I love Australians and I love your channel. You are so fabulous and generous with your time and talents, thank you for sharing the love!

    • Rating: 4.5

      I think you find out on the tiniest egg video

  3. Rating: 4.5

    how old are your kids (btw i am watching one of your video right now)

  4. Rating: 4

    How rude that they said those things about you Ann
    We love you

  5. Rating: 5

    Hi anne, can you make a Bundt cake please? Me and my cousin made one a while ago and it was ok, but I’d really like to see an official recipe.

  6. Can a mini kitchen be purchased and where?

    • Hi Benita, The mini kitchen that appears in some of Ann’s videos is made from pieces she has collected for years. Some were gifts and some were found in online stores. Other pieces Ann has made herself.

  7. Hi. I was wondering can you make a fun colorful lalaloopsy cake. One with peanuts who love carnivals and with sparkles is all pink. I am trying to make a cake for my girls kid party. It is lalaloopsy carnival.

  8. Where did you get the tiny eggs?

  9. Ann I want to say Thank You for sharing all of your beautiful baking knowledge with everyone. I have been a baker for almost 50 years (yikes) and whenever I have a question about anything to do with baking I head right to your site.

    • Oh thanks so much Ginny Royal for the lovely feedback, Comments like this just make Ann’s day!

  10. Ann, you are a doll and so fun to watch thank you for the tiny kitchen videos. I stumbled upon them tonight and could not take my eyes off of them. I am baffled by how you configured everything. I must know what kind of eggs are you using.

  11. Hi I like all up video thanks a lot after cong if videos I started making chocolates and every one r liking it but I use artificial chocolate with different fillings and shape but my chocolate r little hard can I mix coco butter in artificial chocolate and make it little soft pls help me

    • Hi Nikhat, Fake chcolate doesn’t usually go very hard. I am wondering if it is the filling that is hard or the chocolate?

  12. Your creativity inspires me!

    • I love to watch you invent all the great things you do. I injoye all your recipes and I can never think of what one to pick out first ;I have cooked since I was seven I am now seventy one but to have you talent would be the greatest thing ever . Love to see your boy heling you he is so handsome.

      • Thanks for commenting Joyce! We so appreciate your encouragement.

  13. I love, which you make a cake .Different kinds of cakes , deserts , candy ,chocolate etc…., what i do know much to cook cakes , deserts ,candy, chocolate etc… But i am 13 years old . So i like your video . So much.
    Thank you

  14. wao your kitchen is so beautiful and clean but you shall shock to know about my kitchen there is bed in it because of small home and i could not make any thing easily

    • Hi Farwa, Many people live in a small space and do all their living in the same area that the cook. Ann feels very blessed to have a great kitchen to work in. Happy baking!

  15. I love that your kitchen is so clean

  16. Does adobe premiere pro cost?

  17. Hey it is Tiara my sister gianna watching your channel over and over again I watch for her and I like the chocolate stuff you make and the peanut butter and Nutella chocolate more chocolate and brownies so I was wondering if you can do an extra video like you did with the fudge brownies with cake scraps and you can make a tiara cake out of brownies and chocolate fudge cuz I would really appreciate that and I’ll tell all my friends and I have a lot of friends to subscribe to your Channel and even if you don’t do it I’ll still tell them because you have a great Channel

  18. Hi it’s Jen again I just want to say that you’re a creative person and you like people what to do what you do and I know a lot of people have made cakes from the videos of you and I want to say I’ve made your emoji cheesecakes and they were delicious so thank you again for everything you have done my family says I’m a weirdo because I watch videos everyday but I say you’re my role model because you’re the best and you’re my role model because I think a role model like that is my role model because my role model is my remodel so thank you for being my role model

    • I’m sorry for that I put Jen instead of Gianna

  19. I watch your videos over and over again and I think you’re the best I’m only 9 years old and if it wasn’t for you I would have never thought about baking I would have never thought about getting into the kitchen thank you for making me get into the kitchen because I love to bake them and now you’re showing people for a long time now that you can do anything that your heart desires so thank you again

    • Hi Gianna, It is great that you are enjoying the videos and having a go at baking. Keep up the great work!

  20. Can you make kinder bueno chocolate,and quality streets chocolate

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