Recipe for home-made fondant (sugar paste)
Fondant Recipe Ingredients
1/2 cup or 176g (6.21 ounces) glucose syrup
1 tablespoon or 15ml glycerin
1 tablespoon or 14g (0.49 ounces) gelatin
1 tablespoon or 15ml water
900g (31.75 ounces) or 7 cups plus 2 Tbsp pure icing sugar
Extra 1-2 teaspoons of water as needed
Fondant Recipe Directions
Place the glucose syrup and glycerin in a heatproof bowl.
Sprinkle the gelatin over the top and then add the water. Leave the mixture for 1 minute for the gelatin to swell and soften.
Microwave for 30 seconds, stir and repeat until mixture is clear.
Sieve icing sugar into large mixing bowl and pour in the glucose mixture.
Mix on low speed with electric mixer using a dough hook. If needed add the additional 1-2 teaspoons of water.
Once it forms a ball in the bowl tip onto the bench and continue to kneed until smooth.
If not using immediately wrap in plastic and then store in a ziplock bag.
Other Posts on fondant:
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.
Hello Ann! Thank you for all your videos. Especially now they are a welcome diversion. I am trying to prepare the above fondant recipe and have a troubleshooting question regarding the ingredient quantities. I’m in the US and the only commercially available gelatin thatI’ve been able to find so far is knox which comes in sachets of 1.8g. When measured, these 1.8g of gelatin amount to a tablespoon in volume, hence my consternation. I’m perfectly capable of weighing out 14g or measuring out 1T, unfortunately 14g of my raw material would be nearly 8T… Thank you in advance. All the best!
I’m silly. The packaging clearly says 1/4 serving per sachet. How embarrassing…
Hi i have a problem, my mixture is not sticking into a ball/solid it is left as it is and crumbles. What is wrong , is it maybe the icing sugar? How can i resolve it?
Hi Charlene, Can you post a phot so we can see what the problem is. Usually If the mix looks too dry then you may need to add a little water as per the recipe. If it is the finished product that is going dry, you can add a little shortening to make it more pliable.
Wow this is easy to make fondant
Hi Ann, I am a vegetarian . What can be substituted with gelatin ?
Hi Radha, try Halal Gelatin which is made from a bean product.
Hey, can one use agar agar instead?
hi ann reardon.. I like all your videos. I have a question for you ..
I’m preparing dummy fondant wedding cake. I use polystyrene and I wrap it with fondant. I’m waiting for my dummy to dry now .. but in a few days I see the fondant that I wrap the dummy it looks damp and sticky ..
what should i do …
what is the difference between fondant or sugar paste ..
which one is quick dry and durable when wrapped in cake ..? fondant or sugar paste?
Hi Delliema, Fondant will usually dry out over a week. if your fondant is going sticky then it may be that the environment is too humid. You can help your fondant dry out by adding a little Tylose powder and keeping the finished cake in an air-conditioned environment while it is drying out. Sugar paste and fondant are the same thing.
how can we make no sticky by your recommended receipi
Hi Ali, There are a couple of things you can do to reduce stickiness. First coat your hands in a little powdered sugar or crisco to reduce the amount sticking to them. Secondly you can add a little extra sugar in but becareful as to much will make the fondant dry and hard to work with when it is ready. Try wrapping your fondant in plastic wrap and chilling it in the fridge overnight, then working it a little again when it is firmer.
Dear Ann,
I like fondant best when it’s made by melting marshmallows and mixing them with icing sugar.
Marshmallows cost an exorbitant amount where I live.
I thought of making marshmallows from scratch and then, instead of letting it set, to mix it with icing sugar and make the fondant dough.
Do you think this wpuld work?
That is exactly what this recipe does!
I’m not able to make it .always spoiled making fondant. Please help me
Hi Shalvin, Commercial fondants are very easy to work with, so if you are having trouble then it may be worth buying some. They store easily and can be colored according to your needs.
Hi, I found pure icing sugar. I made it but the mixture became a bit too sticky because i mistakenly added more water than required. Will it help that if I add more icing sugar and knead it?
Yes it will help, but it may not completely solve the problem.
i live in china i cant find pure icing sugar. i can find icing sugar but it contains corn starch in it. Please do tell me what should I do
Hi Nimra, If you can’t find pure icing sugar without the cornflour added, you may need to try to get it online. The icing mix is not suitable for fondant.
If you have a good blender, you can put white sugar in on high speed and that will make your icing sugar. 🙂
Can I use Karo corn syrup instead of glucose to make my fondant
I will try to make it . I would like to learn more about cakesand all
Will love to receive cake making tips with fondant icing to my mail.
Hi Sowande Oluwayomi Esther, Ann has some great tips already on her blog. Here is one to get you started:
I have made a wedding cake of light fruit cake, marzipan/almond paste and have covered it in fondant icing. However, I have not read the recipe correctly as it says cover with fondant icing 3 days before. I am two and half weeks too early . My questions is: do I need to remove fondant and re-cover? Or can I leave the fondant on the cake and store the cake somehow?
Would appreciate some help
Many thanks.
Hi Andrea, Fondant will dry out, so leaving it for two and half weeks may give you a much drier and harder finish than you are looking for. Three days or less is what is usually recommended.
Oh nooooo! Please help me. I followed the recipe but as it always happens my fondant started to crumble at one point and instead of being smooth and nice it’s just ugly crumbling mass that is sticky. Can I fix it somehow? Please help me because I need it soon.
Hi Natasha, You may find it easier to buy a commercial fondant. These are designed to be more tolerant and easier to work with. You could try adding a little more glycerin to keep your fondant flexible.
Would you rather use the marshmallow recipe or this one
Hi Simin, Ann usually prefers to buy a commercial fondant and use that. If she is making one then she would likely choose the make the mashmallow fondant simply because it is a little easier to work with.
How many kgs of fondant does this make?
Hi Sharon, it will make at least a kilogram of fondant.
Hi Anuja, Glycerin is definitely going to help keep the sugar paste flexible.
Is glycerin must in making sugar paste?
I made sugar paste.. But it becomes dryand not flexible.. I used only gelatine ans he made powdered sugar… What should i do for making flexible sugar paste… Plz help me.
Hi Anuja, Use the ingredients Ann has listed for the best results. This includes the gelatin, glycerin and glucose syrup.