Ann Reardon

Monkey Brain Cakes for an Indiana Jones Event

brain cakes recipe
They look disgusting, but they taste amazing.

 In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom chilled monkey brains are served as a dessert.

These ones are made of chocolate cake with chocolate ganache, cheesecake brains, white chocolate skull and fresh raspberry jelly for blood.

Paramount pictures held a public event to launch the release of the blu ray DVD set of Indiana Jones.  Copies were signed by John Rhys-Davies who acted as Sellah, a friend of Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Hover over the pictures below or watch the video for instructions on how to make these horrible looking monkey brain cakes.  Scroll down for recipes

Indiana Jones Event Photography By Andrew James Photography (photos used with permission)

Brain Cheesecakes Recipe: The Brains themselves are cheesecake tinted pinkish so they look flesh toned.  Reusable food grade casting gel can be purchased worldwide here.

Raspberry Blood Recipe: for the raspberry blood I used my raspberry sauce recipe that I make with frozen raspberries, I thickened it up using a little gelatin so that they would not spill during transit and would hold the brains in position.  Follow the directions of the packet of gelatin as to the amount to use per volume of ‘blood’.

Chocolate Cake Recipe I used my favourite chocolate cake recipe of course.

Chocolate Ganache Recipe Chocolate ganache was used between the layers of cake and to cover the whole head before applying the fondant

Fondant Recipe and Tips This post tells you everything you need to know about using fondant.

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

10 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi Ann..could you pleaee do a detailed video of this monkey brain cake…for peop6like me who have never done any cake carving before?

  2. wow you are a pro baker

  3. OMG, I can’t eat it even though it’s a cake. It looks so real. You are so creative and awesome Ann.

    • Hi jessica, if you want something simple this cake is cute: it uses toy figures on top which makes it easier, for the pictures on the sides print out what you want from the computer and use that as a template to cut out your fondant.

  4. Incredible!! How did You manage to take the potatoe brain out without damaging the jelly?

    • Hi Joanna the silicon gel sets firm but flexible so you can bend it without it breaking.

  5. You are a GENIUS Ann Reardon!!! absolutely gobsmacking!!!

  6. Wow Wow Wow 🙂

  7. WOW!!! That is amazing, Ann!! Thank you for sharing. :o)

  8. You never cease to amaze me with your skills! Absolutely brilliant!

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