Ann Reardon

Chocolate Glacage [glassage]/ Chocolate Mirror Glaze

chocolate entremet

Above is an entremet (recipe here)– covered in chocolate glacage – yes it was delicious!

The glacage needs to be made at least the day before you need it, but you can store it in the fridge for up to a couple of weeks.  The item you are covering should be frozen for glazing and then defrosted.


20g (0.71 ounces) or 1Tbsp powdered gelatin bloomed in 90g (3.17 ounces) or 1/3 cup cold water
200g (7.05 ounces) or 3/4 cup cream (35% fat)
300g (10.58 ounces) or 1 1/3 cup sugar
90g (3.17 ounces) or 1/3 cup additional water
100g (3.53 ounces) or 3/4 cup cocoa powder
250g (8.82 ounces) or 2/3 cup glucose syrup

chocolate glacage glaze glassage ingredients


Mix the gelatin with the cold water 90g (3.17 ounces) and set aside.

Heat the sugar, cream and remaining 90g (3.17 ounces) of water until it boils.

Remove from heat, add glucose and sifted cocoa powder.

Stir in the gelatin and mix well.

Strain through a metal sieve
chocolate glacage glaze glassage mirror glaze entremet recipe how to cook that ann reardon 3

Cover with plastic wrap and chill overnight

chocolate glacage glaze mirror glaze entremet recipe how to cook that ann reardon cover in cling wrap

To use the glaze follow video instructions below – melt in the microwave in 10sec bursts until reaches 28-33C (91.4 degrees Fahrenheit)

Cake or entremet to be glazed should be frozen.  Rub off any ice crystals.

Scoop and pour glaze over entremet allowing excess to drip onto a tray.

Once set transfer to serving plate and decorate.

chocolate glacage glaze mirror glaze entremet recipe how to cook that ann reardon 4a

glacage recipe credit to: patissierjourney

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
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All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

94 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi Ann,

    Could you come up with a vegan mirror glaze without using agar agar please? 🙂
    I was kind of thinking of just mixing water and glucose syrup, but not sure how that would turn out…

    • Hi Cassia, a glucose syrup would just run off. You could create a well or edged pool/river on the top of a decorated cake but it would need to be served straight away (as it would slowly sink in) and it isn’t likely to taste that great.

  2. hola Ann

    me gusta mucho tu pagina pero desearia q fuera traducida pues con el traductor no queda muy bien y aveces se confunde uno ya he hecho el rayo macqueen con una amiga no nos quedo muy bien pero seguimos tus tutoriales muchas gracias

    • Hola Martha, Gracias por tu comentario. Lamentablemente tenemos que depender de traductores también como español no se habla en Australia . Los videos van a más de 100 países y muchos idiomas diferentes y es imposible atender a todos ellos.

  3. Hi,I really love ur reciepes.could u pls tell me can I use agar-agar powder instead of gelatin ?if yes then how much? And how should I store my mousse cake before n after glazing?

    • Hi Tarika, Unfortunately Agar sets at room temperature. You would have to make it really hot to pour it and that would melt your dessert.

  4. Hey, Ann

    I was wondering if I could somehow substitute or even skip the glucose syrup because I haven’t been able to buy it anywhere where I live… I’m also thinking about making truffles and I need glucose syrup even there.

    BTW, I love your recipes! I’ve got so many compliments for the cakes and muffins I’ve made 🙂

    • Hi Lili, you could replace it with corn syrup.

  5. Hi, I was just wondering how long the glaze takes to set once on the cake? Thank you!

    • Hi Libby 🙂
      It sets very quickly!! Within minutes! 🙂

  6. Hi Ann,

    Can you use the glacage on a baked cheesecake? Or what would you recommend?


    • Hi Kelly, You could but ensure that the cheesecake has fully cooled.

  7. Hi Ann
    Can you tell me if I can use piped fondant on top of the chocolate glaze?
    Thanks 🙂

  8. Would you mind giving the measurements in cups and spoons?

  9. Hi!

    I’m actually very interested in trying this recipe out, but I’m not 100% as to what cream I am supposed to use for this? Like heavy cream, sour cream, or a specific kind of cream I am perhaps not familiar with?


    • Heavy cream…

  10. Also,

    Would you be able to make a tutorial about this? I mean fruit glaze.

    Thanks again!

    • I second Adida! 😀 Have been trying to find a tutorial about that and it’d be great if you made this Ann!

    • Hi Adida, There is a fruit glaze used on my Twitter Cake. Check it out!

  11. Hey Ann.
    I lOVE your youtube channel. just wondering how would you make a fruit glaze, like in this picture:
    This is by the way passion fruit glaze.
    Thank you so much for your help.

  12. Hi Ann ,
    I really love your cooking respies it’s my sisters birthday next week and I’m planing to make the birthday cake and I choose this one because it will look very nice with candles and I asked all my friend and they loved it but one of my best friend are allergic to gelatine and really I don’t know what to do ….

    Please reply soon
    Thank you


  13. Hi Ann, I’m a lil bit confused here. If I wanna make your sphere cheesecake, should I freeze it again after I cover it with the glaze? After I make the glaze, should it go to freezer overnight or just in the chiller? And after it being chilled can I melt it in double boiler instead of microwave? Many thanks, Ann.

  14. May I.know about glucose to make glucose syrup if not with out lucose syrup I can these recipes

    • Hi suneel, Glucose syrup is similar to corn syrup and both are bought at the store not home made. The glucose content int he helps stop the sugar in the candy from recrystalising hence keeping it smooth.

  15. Hi Ann,
    I wanted to try this glaze over my dark choc mud cake which I usually cover in dark choc ganache. Can a mud cake be frozen with the ganache already on it so it’s ready for the glaze straight out of the freezer?
    Love you website 🙂

    • Hi Alison, yes that is the right way to do it, smooth your ganache over the cake and freeze it and then glaze it.

      • Thanks so much Ann!

  16. hi, i know this might be a silly question, what is the difference in taste of the ganache and glaze. and if i pour it over a cake will it set as a jelly again or a soft ganche type chocolate?

    ps, love all your handy tips and advise :))

    • the glaze is shinier than a ganache and yes it sets kind of like a thin jelly

  17. Hi Ann,

    It was indeed interesting to try out your mirror glaze recipe,I have followed your instructions but for the glucose which Iwould like to clarify about as to how many tbsp I might need to add.I have added about one tbsp. I have kept the glaze in the fridg for 3 days but its alittle runny is that ok. I still have to pour it over the cake .Hope it will glaze the cake as pretty as yours
    Thank you!

    • hi you need about 2/3 cup of glucose syrup so 1 tablespoon will not be enough. Even without this it should have set int eh fridge, double check the amount of gelatin that you used.

  18. Hi Ann,

    I really enjoy all your video tutorials on youtube! I making an entremet for the first time this week for a friend’s birthday. I’m glazing it 32 hours before the time it will be eaten and I’m wondering if the cake will be ok to sit in the fridge for that length of time.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Stephanie I would glaze it and put in the freezer and take it out and put in the fridge 12 hours before you need it

  19. I want to make this for a friend’s birthday cake and bring it over for a braai. Maybe I missed this somewhere but how do you store the cake once it has been iced? Do you have to freeze it again afterwards, refrigerate, can you leave it out for a few hours before serving or? I would appreciate any advice you can give, thank you!

    • Hi Brittni once glazed store in the fridge to allow the cake or dessert to defrost, this will take several hours

  20. Hi
    Can you tell me how I can freeze the glacage and how long it can be frozen for. Thanks

    • Hi Jo, I freeze it in a ziplock bag and have kept it for months without a problem.

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