Ann Reardon

Frozen Elsa Cake

frozen elsa cake how to cook that video tutorial

Little girls everywhere have fallen in love with the Disney Frozen movie, watching it repeatedly.  Singing the ‘Let It Go’ song until parents don’t want to hear it anymore.  Come birthday time they are of course wanting an Elsa cake.  This one is as magical as the movie character herself with a flowing dress and beautiful see through glistening cape.

Frozen Elsa Cake

For the cake part you will need:

One and a half quantities of the rich chocolate cake recipe baked into two 20cm (7.87 inches) round cake tins and one 1L (0.26 gallons) greased bowl.

Two quantities of the chocolate buttercream recipe

Frozen Elsa Cake video tutorial Ann Reardon

For the decorations

1 Elsa Doll
1 x 30cm (11.81 inches) round cake board
1 piece of flexible clear plastic
2kg (4.41 pounds) white fondant note: I had 800g (28.22 ounces) left over but you need this amount so you can easily roll it out big enough to place over the doll
blue and green gel colour to make the dress colour
white luster dust
clean dry paintbrush
sharp knife, offset spatula
homemade cookie cutter (for instructions see the ipad cake video)

Frozen Elsa Cake fondant video Ann Reardon
For the cape:
216g (7.62 ounces) or 1 cup of caster (superfine) sugar
63ml or 1/4 cup water
tiny bit of blue gel food colouring
non-stick baking paper
paper towel

Optional – home made snow flakes and snow around the cake board

disney frozen elsa doll cake tutorial video


Also check out:

disney frozen snowflakes

Snowflakes Cups

frozen cake ideas movie reardon

Olaf Cake



by Ann Reardon How To Cook That

My Cookbook

ann reardon crazy sweet creations cookbook
Stores that sell my book listed by country:
All recipe quantities in the book are in grams, ounces and cups.

130 Comments View Comments

  1. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for the tutorial! If I make this recipe exactly as you posted do you have an idea of the amount of serving I could get out of it?

  2. Thanks so much for the tutorial my daughter loved this cake I also had trouble with the cape so just never made it I think it came out quite well in the end

    • What a fabulous cake Justine. Your Elsa looks amazing!

  3. I’m using an Elsa doll from a $2 shop and she is 23 cm tall. Do I need to cut down the quantities at all and if so to what amount? I’m going to do a practice this week for my granddaughters birthday. She really wants an Elsa doll cake! many thanks

    • Hi Anita, That height sounds fine. Just check it against your cake. It shouldn’t matter if it is a little on the small side, just don’t push the doll all the way down. She is tall and thin.

  4. I had terrible problems with the fondant – it fell apart. I added glycerine which helped a little. Any fondant tips would be appreciated. It went down very well though. I baked a separate cake as the base as it was a large party. Thanks for the video.

  5. For my daughter’s 3rd birthday she requested, of course Elsa cake. Of all the Elsa cake posted out there, yours is my favorite. But my daughter loves everything PINK so I made her cake pink. She absolutely loved the cake! Thank you for having made a lovely Elsa doll cake! My favorite part of the cake was the cape.

    • Hi Millie, Your Elsa Cake looks fabulous. Great presentation too!

    • You did a fantastic job! I love the idea of putting her name on a clear sheet of plastic, very cute.

  6. Hello Ann, thank’s for all your works, I’m going to make this cake for a birthday and I have some questions, I hope you could answer soon.
    Is it white chocolate ganache (painted blue) ideal as frosting? And could you please give me more specific instructions about baking? I’m so afraid! Ahahahahah
    Thank you so much, Mamichan

    • Hi Mamichan, If you wish to try a ganache, Ann suggests trying colouring a white choclate ganache rather than painting it.
      She has given great instructions on the baking on the video, plus check out the video for the chocolate cake via the link on the page. Give yourself plenty of time. Have a trial run baking the chocolate cake mix a few weeks before to get a feel for it. The Elsa cake frosting and decorations are probably the most challenging part of this cake.

  7. Hi Ann thankyou for sharing your knowledge. I enjoyed watching your how you made the Elsa frozen cake and made one for my granddaughter, but had some difficulty in making the cape.. However the cake turned out beautiful and everyone loved it. Thankyou once again for sharing your expertise.

    • Hi Rayma, wonderful I am glad the cake was enjoyed by everyone. If you have not used sugar before then a few practices and you’ll get the hang of it. 😀

  8. Hi Anne,
    Everyone loved the cake and it was so easy to follow your directions to make. However, I failed miserably with the cape. I made it four times before running out of time. I tried using the glucose syrup the last time and it made a big difference to the consistency of the mixture. However, every time I poured it onto the paper it would start separating and leaving holes. It took forever to dry enough to lift and then kept slipping off her shoulders. The mixture also continued to recoil from the paper. I was so disappointed as you made it look so simple on your video. I am not sure if it was the amount of mixture used (maybe too much) or if the non stick baking paper was to blame? Anyway, love your work! Thanks for the great tutorial for the rest of it. Will post a photo in a minute.

    • Hi Gillian, It sounds like this has caused you a lot of hassles. Ann suggests adding a teaspoon of glucose syrup to the sugar and water before heating but if it starts to separate like you describe that is most likely because it wasn’t set properly before pouring. Adding vinegar, as someone has suggested will change the flavour. Better luck next time.

  9. Thank You so much for sharing your expertise! It’s so creative and possible for a non-professional to make. Had a lot of fun, obviously it didn’t work out as I planned, I think I over-kneaded (is that a word?) the fondant to mix the color in, so it ripped and broke but I made the best of it. Plus, the cape came out only acceptable for the third try but still got a lot of compliments 😉

    • Hi Ronnie, You did a fabulous job!. Some kinds of fondant are easier to work with than others, but it looks like you did a fabulous job.

    • That’s such a cool cake! Now that you made it, I feel it’s not impossible!!!

      • Thanks. And I know, the point is, it is possible to make even if you didn’t spend the past 3 years baking cakes. That’s the thing about Anne’s tutorials that it’s so creative, it looks awesome without much professional equipment. I loved this one, even though i spent hours making it and my baby tore the doll out of it in seconds…(with daddy’s helping hand of course)

        • Thanks Ronnie, For the great feedback. I had to laugh when I read about how your daughter tore the doll out of the cake!

  10. coooool!

  11. Thank you for the great video, I really enjoyed making it and my princess was so impressed xxx

    • Elsa cake

      • Now that is fabulous Liane. Well done!

    • Great job on the snowflakes!

      • Haha, got some snowflake cutters which was just perfect!

  12. i’am having a hard time making the cape i used 1 cup of caster sugar and 1/4 cup of water it dose not dry or from in to the shape i want, any advice anyone?

  13. Her’s a picture of the elsa/princess cake that I made for a while ago..thanx for good help 😉

    • Mmm…my picture is shy for a reason..

  14. Hi, I made this for my daughter’s family birthday party. It turned out great – everyone raved! I couldn’t get the cape right though. The first time it didn’t set. I boiled the mixture a little longer, but when I poured it on the paper, it didn’t stay clear – it got grainy. I did that 2 more times & gave up. Could you tell me what I did wrong to make it recrystallize like that? I ended up using a piece of tulle for the cape & it looked really nice, but the sugar cape is the best part! I am making another one of these for her friends party & I would love to have the sugar cape! Thank so much! I love watching your tutorials 🙂

    • Hi Tracy, To stop the sugar crystalizing out you ned to make sure that you fully wash down the side of your pan (as demonstrated in the video) ensuring all the sugar crystals have melted into the syrup. You could also add a half a teaspoon of glucose syrup to the pan at the beginning to prevent this problem. Post a photo of your cake, so I can see how it went.

    • You need to add 1 tbsp of light corn syrup.

  15. Hi Ann,

    I made the cake and it was really hard to get the cape right. I think you forgot to mention an ingredient. I used 1 tbsp of corn syrup and cooked it, but it turned green like another person stated. Could you please give us the temperature on the sugar? Thanks.

  16. Hi Anna,
    Can you please tell me the exact names of the food colouring gel you used for Elsa’s dress? Because when you buy them online there are so many shades of blues and greens. Thanks!

  17. My last attempt at uploading a photo of my Elsa cake. Fingers crossed 🙂

  18. Hi Ann, thanks for your fab Etsa cake which i made last week for my daughters bday. i had a couple of problems the ?major one being the cape – i used a whole bag of sugar trying to get the cape like yours. if i cooked it too much it set but went green when i put blue colouring in or it just didnt set hard but stayed blue – do you have a temp which i need to reach? Also my fondant tore when i tried lifting – do you put anything on the board to roll it out with? i had read that some people use vegetable fat? any help would be great as my cape failure has been really bugging me. many thanks Ali

  19. Hi Anne,
    I made this beautiful cake for my seven year old niece this weekend. It was a huge hit with everyone. I struggled a bit with the cape (it took 4 attempts to get it right – or as right as it was ever going to get for me). I had so much fun making it and am thinking of trying your Converse Shoe cake next. I love all of your cakes and your step by step video’s make it so much easier for those of us that are not so confident in the kitchen. Thank you so much 🙂

    • Sorry, here is the photo of the cake 🙂

  20. Hi Ann
    I’m hoping to make your cake this weekend for my daughter. Could you tell me what temperature to set the oven for the cake and for how long as it only mentions to bake it in a slow oven.

    • Usually normal oven is around 180 degrees Celsius (around 355 degrees Fahrenheit), and a slow oven is around 150-160 degrees Celsius (around 300 – 320 degrees Fahrenheit) or about 10 degrees lower if the oven is fan-forced. My oven is quite hot compared to other ones I’ve used, and is fan-forced, so sometimes I cook on even 15-20 degrees lower than the recommended temperature.

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